Battle of psychics who jumped out. “She had many enemies”: what is known about the deceased participant in the “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova . Personal life of Ilona Novoselova


Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova, a clairvoyant, finalist of the sixth season of the “Battle of Psychics” project, was the closest friend of Ilona Novoselova, who tragically died on June 13. IN exclusive interview she told why the black witch actually jumped out of the window.

“Ilona was a frequent guest in my house,” said Kazhetta. “And she came to me not alone, but with her mother.” Psychics always communicate differently with each other than with ordinary people, and in recent months I began to feel that something terrible was going to happen.”

“The fact is that Ilona practiced exclusively black magic. She could drive someone into a coffin, break up a family, cause damage, the evil eye. I told her many times: “Ilona, ​​stop with these dirty deeds, you will ruin your karma, they will not bring you any good. But my friend just waved it off,” sighs Akhmetzhanova.

“Today everyone says that Ilona threw herself out of the window because of a quarrel with her lover. This is wrong. The man she lived with left her four times, but then returned, so this was unlikely to be a serious reason, the clairvoyant continues. - The point here is different. Ilona told me that at the age of 13 she was possessed by an otherworldly force. This voice inside told her what to do, and he advised her to undergo sex reassignment surgery.”

But after everything male organs were cut off, the worst happened. “Ilona suffered from wild phantom pains, she simply went crazy,” says Kazhetta. “The depression became more and more severe, breakdowns became more frequent, and she could no longer work. She took hormonal drugs endlessly, but the pain was so intense that it drove her crazy.”

“Novoselova kept talking about how she regretted becoming a woman. In a man's guise, it seemed to her, she could easily meet the woman she loved and live happily. Now Ilona suffered from internal contradiction“, says the clairvoyant.

“Ilona threw herself out of the window precisely because she lost control of herself due to pain, did not understand what to do, she simply had a clouding of her mind,” Kazhetta is sure. “Her mother was in the next room, so she didn’t prevent the trouble when her daughter stood on the windowsill and opened the window...”


A participant in the “Battle of Psychics” project, Ilona Novoselova, died in Moscow after falling out of a window. This was reported by a source in law enforcement agencies.

A participant in the TV show “Battle of Psychics,” Ilona Novoselova, after a quarrel with her lover, jumped out of a sixth-floor window and fell to her death.

“Novoselova’s body was found under her window rented apartment on the sixth floor with injuries typical of a fall from a great height,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

The press service of the Moscow Department of Internal Affairs confirmed the discovery of the woman’s body, without specifying details.

The girl jumped from the sixth floor right before his eyes. Before that, she twice threatened to commit suicide if the “teacher and guru” left her.

the site found out the details tragic death participant of the “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova. It turns out that before her death she had a strong quarrel with her beloved man Artyom Besov. The scandal broke out right in the witch’s apartment.

According to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, when examining the scene of the emergency, no traces were found indicating a criminal nature of the woman’s death. Investigators are now interviewing Novoselova’s relatives.

He threatened her that he would go home to Chelyabinsk and leave her, but she was categorically against this, Ilona’s mother told law enforcement officers. - After the quarrel, he turned away literally for a moment and she, taking advantage of the moment, threw herself out the window.

Ilona Novoselova’s colleague in the “Battle of Psychics” project, Vlad Kadoni, said that he had been in conflict with the girl for a long time.

“The persecution that the media carried out some time ago regarding her past has all overlapped. She was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Few people know that close people did a lot to ensure that she somehow got out of this state. For about six months, the entire Internet was filled with the most terrible headlines. One channel on almost every broadcast talked about her being a charlatan. Naturally, this affected both his personal life and professional activities“Not every person can cope with such a fracture,” said Kadoni.

“We have had a very tough feud since the sixth and seventh seasons of the Battle of Psychics.” I'm very sorry that it ended this way. We didn't even have time to talk. Recent years her life was pure hell,” Kadoni said.

The psychic remembers his colleague as a gentle and vulnerable person, but rude and sharp-tongued.

“A person who, day after day, has been sorting out other people’s deaths and other people’s lives for more than one year must be prepared for the fact that sooner or later death will be near him. She was conflicted, and crossed the path of many psychics. She had a lot of enemies who wanted her dead,” he said.

The high-profile death of Ilona Novoselova occurred on June 13, 2017. The finalist of the seventh season of the “Battle of Psychics” was found under the windows of her house. According to some psychics, Ilona was overtaken by a boomerang of curses.

The most scandalous and shocking participant in the seventh season of the “Battle of Psychics” called herself a black witch. Ilona Novoselova took pleasure in causing damage to people, sowing curses, performing various rituals at graves and broadcasting the filmed videos on social media. Her high-profile death shocked not only her close people, but her work colleagues. Now everyone who knew the clairvoyant is wondering whether this was retribution for her connection with other world, intentional murder, accident or suicide.

Tragic death

On Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at 17.00 Moscow time, twenty-nine-year-old Ilona Novoselova fell from the window of her apartment on the 6th floor, where she lived with her boyfriend Artem Besov and her mother Elena Novoselova.

The circumstances under which the girl died remain unknown. Investigators from the city of Moscow are working on the mystery of her death. There are several versions of the reasons tragic death clairvoyant. According to one of them, Ilona deliberately committed suicide because of a major quarrel with her boyfriend. Another claims that it was just a terrible accident - an attempt to play a “game with death” on her fans, which turned into a terrible disaster. The medical examination report states that the fall from the 6th floor was provoked - the witch was deliberately pushed from the balcony. Friends and colleagues of the deceased see the influence of otherworldly forces in what happened.

Life of Ilona Novoselova

According to those close to the deceased, there was a real black streak in her life. In 2013, the witch was kidnapped from her own entrance, and Ilona’s personal life was overshadowed by constant scandals with the sorcerer Artem Besov. The young man encouraged the practice of black magic and helped Ilona carry out terrible rituals. But this lifestyle had a negative impact on the lovers. According to neighbors, they often quarreled, which happened on the day of the psychic’s death. It was noisy outside their door: the couple had a big fight, Artem was about to leave Moscow.

Not long ago, Ilona admitted in an interview that she attempted suicide at the age of 19, but dark spirits prevented her from committing suicide. The girl was very upset because of her unhappy love, which provoked the desire to commit suicide. But the calling to be a psychic took over.

Fans and participants of the show who were personally acquainted with Ilona claim that at heart the witch was a sensitive and vulnerable person. It is possible that her misfortunes are the effect of karma. Any curse cast by a person who has psychic power has uncontrollable power.

Boomerang of Curses

At the “Battle of Psychics,” Ilona Novoselova gained popularity thanks to her shocking behavior. The young witch got used to the role of the most scandalous participant. She showered curses on the people taking part in the show, disrupted the filming of the program several times, allowed herself to show violent emotions and was not shy about vulgar behavior. However, people did not doubt her strength: Ilona practically passed the tests better than anyone, as if she saw right through people.

Psychics and clairvoyants claim that in the case of Ilona, ​​a “boomerang” could have worked - payback for magical actions. Sending curses everywhere, the clairvoyant was unable to protect her subtle spiritual organization and fell under the influence of black power.

One way or another, the girl predicted her own death long before her death. She knew that she was destined to die at the age of 30. Friends of the deceased claim that it was just an absurd but terrible accident. It was difficult to call Ilona Novoselova a suicidal person: she loved and wanted to live.

It is possible that the girl simply fell under bad influence. Everyone chooses for themselves own life and occupation, but ultimately karmic retribution will overtake everyone. Take care of yourselfand don't forget to press the buttons and

25.06.2017 03:37

Nobody knows what the test of fate will be for each of us. Also no one can...

June 13 and died. Before committing suicide, the clairvoyant quarreled with her boyfriend; many believe that this is what pushed the witch to commit suicide. Colleagues of 29-year-old Ilona remember her as a rather rude person who made many enemies for herself, and compare her to a vulnerable child. "360" talks about work and relationships deceased Ilona Novoselova.

Ilona Novoselova about childhood and abilities

On her website, Ilona wrote that she felt psychic abilities as a child and thinks that she got them from past life, when she was a woman named Eleanor.

I lived somewhere in Germany in the 1800s, my name was Eleanor. For some reason I didn't have parents, so I was adopted by one family

Ilona Novoselova.

Ilona’s superpowers manifested themselves from childhood: she predicted the weather and late mother’s salaries. The girl talked about people who died long before she was born.

Due to difficulties with her peers, Ilona studied at home and at the age of 17 decided that she would help people. According to the psychic, her relatives also had unusual abilities - on her mother’s side there was a healer in the family, and on her father’s side there was a witch.

Ilona Novoselova in the “Battle of Psychics”

Novoselova took part in the sixth season of the popular TNT program “Battle of Psychics,” but left it, saying that she was “forbidden to participate by spirits.” In 2009, Ilona returned to the project and became a finalist. Many predicted her victory; active fans of Ilona claim that it was she who should have received the cup, and not Alexey Pokhabov.

Battle of psychics: Ilona Novoselova - All the way from Battle of psychics on Rutube.

Project participants remember Ilona as a rather conflicted person. She did not hide her hostility towards others and had a sharp tongue.

But the project brought Ilona great popularity, that’s all more people began to turn to her for help. The girl also took part in the project “Battle of Psychics. Investigation,” where clairvoyants unravel complex stories of murders and disappearances.

Psychics are investigating: Ilona Novoselova - The death of four teenagers from Psychics are investigating on Rutube.

But popularity brought Ilona many difficulties. The yellow press wrote that in the past she was a man named Andrei and had sex reassignment surgery. And in 2013, a woman was kidnapped from her apartment in Moscow and a ransom of seven million rubles was demanded from her relatives.

The kidnappers were caught and tried, each of the four received sentences ranging from 7 to 15 years. The grandmother of one of the criminals told NTV that Ilona read curses in the courtroom and allegedly because of them the pensioner began to have heart problems.

Personal life of Ilona Novoselova

Ilona’s mother told “360” that before her death the girl had a serious quarrel with her boyfriend, magician Artem Besov. The couple lived together in an apartment on the Entuziastov Highway and, according to her mother, Ilona jumped out of the window when Artem turned away.

The couple’s neighbors told Channel Five that they heard screams, and then Artem left the apartment and slammed the door. After this, Ilona jumped from the sixth floor.

Artem’s Instagram has many photos with Ilona while walking around Moscow. The subscribers of the 26-year-old psychic wished them happiness and said that the couple would live together all their lives.

According to Ilona's mother, Alexey threatened to leave her and leave Moscow for Chelyabinsk. In the past, Ilona already tried to commit suicide because of unhappy love, but then the girl changed her mind.

How colleagues remember Ilona Novoselova

Colleagues on the show “Battle of Psychics” agree that Ilona Novoselova supported the daring image of a black sorceress, because in fact she was very vulnerable. Psychic Vlad Kadoni told Channel Five that she was very unrestrained in her language and often came into conflict with people, including her colleagues.

She was verbally very rude, very harsh, very aggressive. In life, she was a very gentle, vulnerable teenager. And all these aggressive turns - it was just a defensive reaction

Vlad Kadoni.

According to Kadoni, the girl was on the verge of a nervous breakdown for a long time due to increased media attention and accusations of incompetence after the kidnapping story.

According to one of the residents of the house, she often argued with a young man, Artem Besov, and her mother.

“Ilona and her boyfriend moved here two years ago. They regularly had scandals and often drank alcohol. She could have thrown dishes at him on the staircase. Overall, she was a good person. Mom didn’t live with them, she only came occasionally and checked on them. I was at home at that moment, I heard screams. It all happened at about three o’clock in the afternoon,” said Ilona’s neighbor on the landing.

Before her death, she had a strong quarrel with her loved one. The scandal broke out right in the witch’s apartment.

“He threatened her that he would go home to Chelyabinsk and leave her, but she was categorically against this. After the quarrel, he turned away literally for a moment and she, taking advantage of the moment, threw herself out the window, Ilona’s mother told law enforcement officers.

Psychic Novoselova was widely known in the media not only as a finalist of the popular show, but also due to the sex change scandal, as well as the fact that she regularly found herself in crime news. In 2013, Novoselova and her friend, who is also transsexual, were kidnapped and demanded a ransom of 20 million rubles.

According to media reports, Novoselova was a hereditary witch and “began seeing spirits at the age of 10.” At school, Ilona’s peers made fun of her, and the teachers also disliked the hereditary witch. At the age of 12, Ilona Novoselova’s mother took her from school, after which Ilona never opened a single textbook.

In the sixth season of the show, she came in second place and was very popular among the fans of the show.