Tickets required for a liar. Ticket to the play “Liar Wanted!” from the Moscow Drama Theater “Event A Liar Wanted”


Premiere performance at the Russian Drama Theater.

The main idea is that all deputies are liars and do not fulfill their election promises.

And voters, oddly enough, come to demand what was promised...

And here the would-be deputy Ferekis (Viktor Aldoshin) realizes that he needs a special assistant who can so cleverly come up with “excuses” for the petitioners so that they believe in everything and do not realize that they are being masterfully screwed over...

And there is such an assistant. Tudoros (Maxim Nikitin) is a type of rogue, a sort of Bender. The director emphasizes precisely this analogy, illustrating this character with Bender’s song “My sail is turning white, so lonely.”

It all ends with our Bender himself becoming a deputy. Logical and natural.

This is the plot in a nutshell.

As for the production, it’s excellent!

Director Oleg Nikitin - bravo!

Music, choreography, scenery, acting - excellent!

The plot of the relationship between Jenny (the wife of a deputy) and Tudoros (a liar) is a bit reminiscent of the plot of “Tartuffe,” when this same Tartuffe tries to seduce the owner’s wife.

In this case, both characters (Jenny and Tudoros) are trying to defeat each other using the method of seduction, presenting incriminating evidence to Jenny’s husband, Deputy Ferekis. Both of these characters are worth each other, they are worthy opponents. Both are liars of the highest category and masters of made-up stories.

As it turns out, the deputy’s family has long had a liar - his own wife. In this regard, Tudoros is perplexed why the deputy needed an outside liar when he has his own wife...

The performance is very dynamic and watches in one go.

True, there are several shortcomings, in my opinion.

If Bender's song can still be considered acceptable (although we're not watching "12 Chairs"),
It’s completely incomprehensible why the girls from the cabaret sing “Island of Bad Luck.”

In the plot of the play, they look quite well, they don’t seem to complain about their work in the cabaret and in their cute robes they look quite seductive. So what is their bad luck remains a mystery :)
They might as well have sung “The Song of the Hares.” It would be even funnier :)

The second drawback is the scene at the beginning of Act 2 with a lady named Papaioannou (Nina Nizheradze).
I don’t know whether the text was written by the author not entirely successfully, or whether it is necessary to take another actress,
but the dynamics were lost instantly. This scene did not look funny at all and did not look very witty, so it seemed that Act 2 was worse than Act 1. But, thank God, after this scene the dynamics were restored.


I would like to note the performance of Maxim Nikitin and Natalya Doli (she plays Jenny, the wife of a deputy). In fact, they carry the entire performance.

Natalya Dolya plays beautifully, she is undoubtedly the highlight of the performance. All her costumes are very exquisite (costume designer - bravo!).

What else? Generally - the performance is light, comedy, so good mood guaranteed!

Once again, bravo to director Oleg Nikitin for an excellent production. Now I will definitely look for his performances.

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The great ancient playwrights created tragedies that became famous throughout the world and became the basis for the entire world theater. Can their contemporaries present worthy dramatic examples? The play A Liar Wanted presents the audience with a wonderful comedy by the modern Greek playwright Dimitris Psafas. The author created his creation in the mid-twentieth century, but even today it seems incredibly relevant and close to the realities of today. At the center is an adventurous story with exciting plot twists and an unpredictable ending. The main character is a young deceiver who can masterfully charm anyone, promise mountains of gold, and easily gain the trust of anyone.

Such a gift cannot go unnoticed - the young man becomes a real find for one deputy. The people's representative traditionally vows to serve his constituents, but ends up breaking all his promises. It is now that the deputy needs a person who would help him avoid a scandal. And everything goes well - until the young deceiver falls in love with the wife of his “employer”. To enjoy the comedy story, you should definitely buy tickets to the play A Liar Required.

The eternal theme of lies, touched upon by many classics of the world, could not be more relevant to theater stage any era. The scenery changes, but the people remain the same, and specialists “professionally composing the truth” are still needed. The comedy “Liar Wanted!”, which is performed on the stage of the Lesya Ukrainka Russian Drama Theater, perfectly describes the current situation in Ukraine, and throughout the world.

The comedy begins with the appointment of deputy Theophilos Ferekis, who “earned” his place with all sorts of promises, which, as is often the case, he immediately forgot about after the elections. But bad luck, the voters themselves did not forget about the benefits they were promised. Since Theophilos himself does not intend to deal with his direct duties, and his secretary, Pipitsa, is an honest person by nature and cannot lie to voters, they need a special assistant for the truth. This is where it appears main character, Thodoros, who is able to fulfill any promise, or rather make people believe that their affairs are very important to Deputy Ferekis.

Thodoros is a professional in the political and media sphere. He had been working in the media for many years and wrote about the sea in the Sahara and the drought in Antarctica. All his performances follow the same note - he flies in and out of the hall like a whirlwind, leaving behind only praising reviews from those who fell for his deception. “I, Thodoros, a liar with talent, believe that I am lying,” and this is major success his lies. The fact is that throughout the entire performance, the truth comes from Todoros himself only twice, and that is because it itself is so absurd that it is simply a sin to lie there. And the viewer learns about the fate of Todoros only from his lips, “the purest, unembellished truth.”

The main character is rather a symbol that combines the lies of the political system: the promise of deputies, false materials in the media, depletion of the state treasury for the purpose of personal gain, and much more. Even promises in the spirit: “the blind will see, the deaf will hear, the old will be rejuvenated and will live forever” - for Thodoros to fulfill. or rather, pretending that it has been done is not a problem. But, as the old parable says, if you lie for a long time, no one will believe you. Likewise, those only two true facts uttered by Thodoros cause distrust on all sides of the action, since everyone knows that he is a liar. The same can be said about politicians, and not only in our country. This profession has long become synonymous with lies.

But, main director Ukrainian national theater Russian drama named after Lesya Ukrainka, Mikhail Reznikovich still wanted less politicization of this work and before the start of rehearsals he said this in his interview: “This is a comedy, we will work. Then you know, there is a play that is currently being performed in Moscow, we will do it a little differently. The play was written in the middle of the last century, but has not lost its crazy relevance today; this is Psaphas’s play “A Liar Wanted.” This is the comedy of modern Ostap Bender.”

There is no need to bypass “A Liar Wanted!” in the play. and a supporting liar who does his job much more cunning and sophisticated - the deputy’s young wife Jenny. She is the first to meet Thodoros and instantly understands what he is like. But, in her deceitful career, Jenny only wants material gain from her husband, and understands that the new assistant will only keep the deputy afloat with his false tales for a short time. Therefore, the deputy’s wife declares war on him, but, like all her actions, unspoken. So the line of conflict between Thodoros and Jenny, built on complete lies, even adds some intrigue to the play.

Some of the spectators accused the production of being more reminiscent of performances on the school or college stage. This remark was caused by a certain buffoonery of the performance. But, taking into account, firstly, the plot of the play, we can say that the grotesque and caricaturing of the situation here serve as tools of satire, on which the entire action is actually based. And, secondly, the author wrote modern play in the style of ancient Greek comedy, which is also characterized by these techniques.

We cannot fail to mention musical accompaniment performance. Almost all the audience were simply delighted with the main theme of the comedy, which kept the mood of the audience at the maximum. Besides this main topic instantly set all the characters in motion, adding even more dynamism to the performance. But the inserts with Andrei Mironov’s songs are not entirely clear. If the soundtrack from “12 Chairs” can somehow be understood by drawing parallels with Ostap Bender, then “Island of Bad Luck” performed by cabaret girls does not fit into the overall plot of the play at all.

A little historical background:

The play by Dimitris Psafas, a Greek playwright, was written in 1953 and even then enjoyed success all over the world, like his other works (“Von Dimitrakis”, “Bewitched”, “The Stuffed Fool” and others). It is very noteworthy that the author wrote his first works as a journalist-feuilletonist, therefore characteristics This journalistic style is very clearly visible in the play “A Liar Wanted!” It was the satirical sharpness of the reflection of reality that brought the author such love among the people.

For the first time on the Kyiv stage, the play “Liar Wanted!” appeared on December 2, 1963 and was very much loved by Soviet viewers. In independent Ukraine, the play premiered on October 10, 2014 on the stage of the National academic theater Russian drama named after Lesya Ukrainka. By the way, at the moment the same performance is also being performed on the stage of the Young Theater.

“This story happened a long time ago, in another time and in another country,” these are the words that begin the play, which has been relevant anywhere for more than half a century globe and, perhaps, will remain so for a long time.

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