Unmarked graves. There are unmarked graves, no violations


Since many players have problems completing side quest related to the character Patty, I decided to write a walkthrough guide for the entire thread! To do this, I had to go through the game again, but that doesn't matter :) Well, let's get started!

Part 1. Who is Captain Steelbeard?

First of all, we approach Patty, she is in the tavern, near the central warehouse! She invites us to drink beer, which, by the way, we don’t refuse, and we start talking about her life! Through a short story, she says that she wants to leave the city and go in search of her sailor father, Gregorius! We agree to help her and go to Captain Romanov, who is in captivity.

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

But, alas, we can’t talk to him, the security guard interferes with us, we talk to him and understand that he really wants a woman’s affection. We run to Sonya's brothel, pay her 50 gold coins for the girl and run back, but on the way, near the warehouse we talk with a girl named Anika, about her work in this matter, she goes behind the camera, we run to the guard and say that Anika will pay her company, he also goes behind the camera, we follow him and take the key from him!

We run to the door, unlock it, go in and see Captain Romanov!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

We start a conversation with him about his life, and about relationships on the island, but we don’t need it! By the way, you can take a separate quest, in which you will need to find and bring him his box (in the warehouse, 2nd floor)! Let's move on to Patty. We tell Romanov that Patty is looking for her father and then we find out that her father’s name is Captain Gregorius Steelbeard, we ask where he can be found, but alas, he doesn’t know. We continue the dialogue until the lines run out, then we run to Sonya’s brothel, a drunken Erickson will be sitting there, we knock out or steal the key from him! Now let's run to Patty. She says that the key has her father's initials on it, which means his hut is somewhere in the port. We run in search of the hut, and his hut can be seen in the screenshot below.

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

We go into it and open the chest in which we find a note from Captain Steelbeard and some trash. We return to Patty, show her the note, she will give us 200 gold and hurry to get out of the city.

Part 2. Patty's escape from the city

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

Everything is simple here, no matter who you play for - the result is the same! In Sonya's brothel there is a secret passage to the storage room. The entrance is in the left room, you just need to click on the picture and a secret passage will open! But we can only tell Patty about this when we complete all the quests in the city for Don or the Order (it depends on who you are playing for). If you have already completed them, then we say Patty and wait for her where Skordo sits (or sat). When she arrives, she will ask you to check the secret exit from the city first. At the end of the tunnel there will be a door that needs to be opened with Skordo's key (if you play for Don, then Skordo himself will give the key, if for the Order, then you need to either steal the key or kill Skordo).

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

After checking the tunnel, we go back and tell Patty that the way is clear. Patty will thank you for your help and take refuge on the shore!

Part 3. Unmarked graves

This part will become available only in Chapter 2 of the game!

We approach Patty on the embankment and ask her to tell us everything, she will tell you that her father has not been on the island for a long time, but he left a cache that is buried in the grave. We tell Patty that we will help her and follow her.

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

Let's run after Patty west coast, namely in the cemetery, but if you fall behind Patty or lose sight of her, you can find her there! There will be two skeletons waiting in the cemetery, one of which is a skeleton warrior.

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

As soon as we run to the cemetery, deal with the skeletons and talk to Patty, she will give us a key and ask us to dig up one grave, which is to the right of her. We dig up the chest, take the box in it and give it to Patty, thereby learning that Captain Steelbeard buried his treasures on the island. Out of excitement, we ask how we can still help Patty, and then she will ask us to find 5 unmarked graves on the island and dig them up, they will contain clues! To make our life easier, Patty will mark the locations of the graves on our map.

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

Now it’s up to you, let’s go and dig up these five graves, feeling like Sam and Dean from the TV series Supernatural. In some places we will be met by Erickson and Vasily, they are Romanov’s thugs, who so badly wants to get the treasure of Captain Steelbeard.

Once you've dug up all five graves, return to Patty in the cemetery where she was. But, alas, when we run there, we see not Patty, but Erong.

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

He will tell us that Romanov wants to talk to us and if we want to see Patty we must go after Erong, well, we will have to go. Let's go after Erong.

Part 4. Make a choice

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

Erong will take us to ruins infested with skeletons, so I strongly recommend purchasing a couple of healing potions and better weapons. After shopping, we return and walk along the path, gradually descending lower to the embankment, until we reach the next ruins, where Romanov will stand next to them, with his thugs.

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

We start a conversation with Romanov, and the attempt to find out where Patty is ends in failure; during the conversation we will have 3 options to resolve the situation.

Regardless of the choice, we need to explore the cave. In the cave we will find a chest that cannot be opened and a corpse. You can also dig up 5 chests, all of them with traps, except one. The chest we need is called the “Dillinger Chest.”

Offer to share the treasure
If you offer Romanov to divide the treasure in half, he will answer that he does not need the gold, he only needs the “Steelbeard’s Sea Chart”. At the exit, you can say that you deceived him, then kill him and his team, while Patty will remain alive and all the treasures will remain with you.
Kill Romanov and his team
If we kill Romanov’s entire team and Romanov himself, then all the treasure will go to us, and then we can find Patty but killed.
Exchange treasure for Patty
After the exchange, Romanov will give us a key and tell us where Patty is locked. The screenshot shows the place where Patty is closed. This is the eastern side of the first ruins.

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

After we save Patty, she will scold us for giving the sea map to Romanov and Patty will offer to find Romanov in order to take the map back. We agree to this, not surprisingly. Patty will say that we must apprehend Romanov. We tell Patty to come with us and intercept Romanov on the way to Harbor Town, while killing him and his team. Having taken the map from Romanov’s corpse, we give it to Patty. She will thank us and return to the city. This ends the quest and adventure with pirates :)


In February 2011 in General Prosecutor's Office Vera Drobinskaya, who is raising disabled children taken into care from this institution, appealed. She, in particular, asked to check compliance with the law when burying children who died in a boarding school and to give a legal assessment to the departments in the region responsible for the treatment of disabled children.

Cemetery in Raznochinovka. Photo: Vera Drobinskaya, drobinskaja.livejournal.com

“I couldn’t resist and stopped by the rural cemetery, where children who died in this children’s home are also buried. “I was shocked by what I saw,” the appeal says. - Lots of small bumps, not even labeled. In some places, monuments appear to have been erected by relatives of deceased children, where the inscriptions have almost been erased. One monument attracts attention; it says: “From mom - forgive me.” The child’s name is Vasily F. He died, as follows from the entry on the monument, on November 6, 2007. However, the chief volunteer of this child from the “Invisible Children” community, Galina S., assures with full responsibility that in March 2008 this child was still alive At least that's what her teachers told her. Some graves give the impression of being “massive”. I could not find where the children whom I personally knew were buried, namely: Aliya, who died in January 2003 at the age of 14 from spina bifida, and Vanya P, who was diagnosed sm Down, celiac disease, died in the summer of 2002. The moral aspect of this picture is monstrous.”

“The inspection did not establish any violations of the law during the burial of pupils. Burials are carried out on the basis of a medical death certificate in a local public cemetery,” says a statement from the Astrakhan prosecutor’s office, published on March 22 on the department’s official website.

“At the same time, during the inspection of the cemetery, it was established that in the conditionally designated area there are unmarked graves with crosses, the records of the burials of which are not kept by local governments,” the inspectors admit. A proposal on this matter has been submitted to the local village council.

However, the inspection also found some violations in the boarding school. For example, failure to timely undergo periodic medical examinations by employees of the institution. Or - the lack of a medical education diploma from one of the nurses.

“Another check of compliance with legislation in Raznochinovsky orphanage The regional prosecutor's office took control. Since 2009, this is already the fifth inspection: scheduled and extraordinary, they are carried out with the participation of the district prosecutor’s office almost every six months, not counting inspections of other departments: Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Health, State Fire Supervision and others,” Assistant Regional Prosecutor Yulia Svitina told RIA Novosti.

In addition to the prosecutor's office, investigation and internal affairs bodies, representatives of the Commissioner for Human Rights in Astrakhan region, Rospotrebnadzor, Roszdravnadzor, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Development and Labor of the region. Each expert, upon completion of his examination, draws up reports and submits the collected material to the district prosecutor's office.

According to Svitina, violations in the organization of the boarding school’s activities were identified, but not the same, and not at all on the same scale as was presented by the media.

The charges are indeed much more serious: violence, exploitation, ill-treatment with disabled people. The investigation continues, the prosecutor's office says.

May, morning, the sun rises higher and higher, quickly warming the earth, still cool after the night, there is indescribable grace all around: the trees are lush green, light, airy, as if ready to soar majestically slowly into the blue bottomless depths of the sky, the air is crystal - but transparent and pure, inhale, drink it like a magic elixir - with every sip the joyful power of life will flow into you. And the silence around is such that it rings in your ears, only the grasshoppers are busily chirping and the birds are raising their voices, crazy with spring happiness, without disturbing this silence at all, but on the contrary, giving it a special melodic charm.

The three of us: grandmother, Sergei and I are walking along a brown-clay country road with bushes of mighty plantain to a nearby forest standing ahead. The forest is getting closer, and now the domes of the temple begin to rise from the green foamy waves, as if the miracle of the resurrection of the city of Kitezh is now beginning before your eyes. The temple, visible from afar, is completely ruined, the walls are peeling, the crosses are askew, the domes have bare lathing, only covered here and there with rusty pieces of iron. But still he is calm and proud, like a wounded warrior who has decided, no matter what, not to surrender to the enemy. Our Church of the Ascension on Gorodnya, a small river flowing not far from it. There near the temple there is an ancienta cemetery where many generations of our ancestors are buried, and we are now going to them.

We have bouquets of carnations in our hands: grandmother, Sergei, and me. We will place carnations on our family graves.

Today is Big Parents' Saturday...

In the garrisons, I heard something from my mother about parental Saturdays: on the days set aside by the Church, you need to go to your dead in the cemetery, clean up their graves and remember not only your mother and father, but also all your deceased relatives. Yes, on such days we sometimes remembered “ours” at the table, but we didn’t go to the cemetery: there was no one to go to. And here, at my grandmother’s, I soon learned what real Parents’ Saturday was.

Here we come... The church is located not far from the forest. Behind it is a huge field. At the beginning of the field, the quietest, crystal-transparent river Gorodnya flows. The church is surrounded by an ancient fence of skillful brickwork with protruding, large, also brick crosses. On the tops of some pillars there are also crosses preserved, massive, cast iron, fairly rusty, lopsided in some places, but still monumental, cast for centuries. The fence was broken in many places, so you can enter the church territory from anywhere, as you please. But the gates survived, and they were, as I already knew, almost three hundred years old; in the 17th century, churches erected them a little later.

On the side of the church that looks at the forest, from the fence itself, a cemetery begins, several dozen graves - in the area of ​​​​the field to the forest, and the entire cemetery is in the forest. In ancient times, the cemetery began from here, when there was no trace of our current church, and not even a wooden church stood here, but a small chapel made of logs. Then, five centuries ago, as the long and knowledgeable memory of the people preserved, they began to bury the dead from nearby villages here. So some of the graves under the tall, spreading birches and mighty spruce trees are five hundred years old.

We go into the church gates. We cross ourselves three times and bow to the desecrated temple. And we move on to the graves of those buried here near the church. The darkness of desolation is everywhere: dry grass, broken branches, rotten boards, empty bottles. There is only one spot - clean and tidy, where there are several old graves. These are the gravesrectors of the church since the 18th century (rectors, as my grandmother told me, according to a long-standing tradition, it was customary to bury them inside the church fence).

Gray mossy stones... A series of inscriptions: servant of God... last name, first name, patronymic, years of birth and death of the person lying here, a short appeal through the insurmountable abyss of times and dimensions dividing the earthly world and the heavenly world, to him, the living and living with God, with unshakable faith that he will definitely hear this appeal - from here on earth, living and living here on earth: rest in peace...

This patch, where the graves of the abbots are, is cleaned up by the people who come to the cemetery to see “theirs.” And my grandmother and I tidy up here from time to time. And now we are picking up and putting in a bag several empty vodka bottles, crumpled pieces of paper, and cigarette butts thrown at the tombstones: sometimes all sorts of club-headed drunks wander here “into the bosom of nature” and walk around with all their might. We don’t throw this garbage somewhere along the way on the way back, but we take it home and there, as it should be, we put it in the trash can. “Every person lives like this: one person increases order in everything, and the other creates disorder,” says the grandmother, “and it depends on each person what will be more around, order or disorder.” Sergei and I, of course, are for order.

We approach the first tombstone, it is the oldest here, still early XVIII centuries... Abbot Kirill... We cross ourselves, bow, put a carnation on the tombstone: peace be with your ashes, father. Next grave: we cross ourselves again, bow, put a carnation on the tombstone... We walked around the graves of the abbots, now the path is to our graves...

The entire cemetery is in the dense shadow of huge birches and fir trees. Under the trees there are countless hills with crosses and monuments: burials began in this place from time immemorial, so many generations of residents of nearby villages and our Voskresenki also lie here (Voskresenki is less than a kilometer from here). And the silence here is special. Not ominous, frightening, but, on the contrary, reconciling and pacifying.

Before coming to my grandmother, I had never gone to the cemetery: there was no one to see. And the first time we came here, I was scared. Here in the ground lie those who once lived as I do now: rejoiced, grieved, loved, worried. And now they are gone! And everything they felt died with them. And someday I will die and will lie in the ground the same way. Everything I lived with will also go away with me. And I will never exist again! Never! And I wanted to get away from here as quickly as possible, from these silent graves, which with their silence persistently reminded me of what would happen to me sooner or later.

But gradually this chilling feeling began to pass. Thanks to grandma. She never had “educational” conversations with meany serious problems. And of course, we never specifically talked about death and immortality. Grandmother’s view of this main issue for a person was manifested through some of her short judgments on this or that matter. “There is no death, our soul is immortal. Let's leave the earth and come to God or his enemy. Who will be rewarded according to our earthly deeds.” “God has a paradise for everyone kind person at least there will be a small room. It will be light and joyful, and - no sorrows. And the most great joy in paradise is that you can always see God and always be with him.”

And she spoke amazingly about our deceased loved ones. How about alive! “They look at us from there, worry, and are sad: just like we are here, they ask God not to leave their neighbors on earth with his mercy. And we must remember and commemorate them. It makes them happy."

And my grandmother had her own special attitude towards tears for the dead. Two or three times I had to watch a grandmother approach some inconsolably sobbing young woman and say to her softly and kindly: “Don’t, honey, your tears make him feel bad, you’re drowning him in your tears. Cry a little and it will be fine. Go to church and pray for the repose of his soul. Your prayer will immediately make the deceased feel better. The Lord especially listens to such prayers of neighbors for neighbors.”

After listening to my grandmother, I began to think, looking at the graves that no longer frightened me at all, that our Lord had arranged everything wisely: he had prepared eternal life for us. But in order to receive this priceless gift, we must work hard: earthly life was given to us for this purpose, so that we would learn the price of good and evil and live our lives in goodness. It is for this that God takes a person to himself and gives him a “little room” in paradise. Many of those whose mortal remains lie in these graves are now there with God. They look at us: they are happy, sad and help us live. And we will remember them. These thoughts calm and calm your soul.

Yes, it is here, in the cemetery, where life comes into direct contact with death, eternity with the daylight, that a radiant truth, higher than which there is no one, reveals itself: the Lord is ready to give you an endless, blissful life next to Him. Don't be lazy, earn it.

The first “our grave” that we approach is the grave of my grandmother’s mother, my and Sergei’s great-grandmother. On the hill there is a simple cross carved from stone and many flowers (we plant them every year in the spring). Next to the hill there is a bench, Sergei once made it instead of an old one that had fallen apart. The bench is well made, durable, neat, freshly painted (every year, also in the spring, we paint it).

As expected, we cross ourselves, bow, put a few carnations at the foot of the cross and sit on a bench: there is no need to clean up the grave,Last time we did a thorough cleaning here. We never light candles on graves: “Candles are supposed to be placed in a church, not in a cemetery, this has been the custom since ancient times.” We are silent...

Grandma now probably remembers her mother and life with her. And we, Sergei, are trying to imagine our great-grandmother alive (her photograph hangs on the wall in the upper room in our “family” row). And then the grandmother speaks: “Mother was a great worker, she raised five children, she kept the house as it should be. She sewed skillfully, sewed up everyone in the house...”

We rise, bow again, cross ourselves; Sergei and I leave, and grandmother stands at the grave for some time.

Our graves... Grandmother's father, grandfather, grandmother, great-grandfather, great-grandmother, older brother, uncle Vova's father; parents of Sergei and my grandfather, grandmother’s husband Ivan, who died in 1944 in Poland. One grave at the far end of the cemetery was actually from the 18th century: great, great, great (I don’t know how many times “great”) grandmother’s grandmother.

At each grave we bow, cross ourselves, place flowers at the foot of the cross, and then sit on a bench by the mound and remember the person lying here.

I approach one grave with trepidation every time. She is in the far corner of the cemetery. A green mound, some flowers, a simple wooden cross, and on the cross there is no sign saying who is here. Unmarked grave. But I knew her secret from my grandmother. The severed hand of the last priest of the All Saints Church, Father Eugene, was buried in the grave.

This is what my grandmother told me: “Before Japanese War They sent a young priest, Father Eugene, to us. He was handsome: tall, portly, his shoulders were fathoms, he could effortlessly lift weights that weighed pounds. He had a light face, a thick beard, and sang in a bass voice, so that his voice rumbled under the domes. His character was kind, sympathetic, but firm. The people immediately fell in love with him: he will console everyone in times of trouble, if you sin only slightly, he will scold you, but the sin will be forgiven, and if the sin is big, he will excommunicate you from communion, and strictly, for a long time, and also impose a difficult penance, To atone for your sin with the opposite of that sin pleasing to God. And he was an exemplary family man: he and his mother gave birth to three children.

In the fall of 1818, the Chonovites came to us to take away bread. They go into one yard, clean out all the grain, and don’t even leave anything for seeds. They go to another yard, and here everything is cleaned up. Women are crying, children are screaming. The men stand gloomily, with their heads bowed: what can you do, they have power. And those who still resisted were beaten mercilessly in front of their loved ones. The commissar in a leather jacket and glasses, a long-nosed, black as a raven, was in charge of everything. His name was Yakov, and we privately christened him Yashka-Judas. He himself beat our men and women with the handle of a revolver. He hits and laughs, pleased. He was always happy when people suffered in front of his eyes. Several times Father Evgeniy tried to stop him: “What are you doing, you non-human!” And he was beaten mercilessly, so that it happened that Father Evgeniy lay unconscious in his blood, like in a lake. But Father Evgeniy still did not back down: he told him the truth to his face.

He got Yashka-Judas with his persistence. One day during a service, Yashka came to church with a dozen of his vakhlaks. He ordered: “Stop the service, everyone disperse!” The Vakhla-ki began to harass people with rifle butts so that they would run away quickly (I was at that service then and saw everything myself, remembered everything). Judas loudly announces: “There will be no more services, the church is closing. The people’s power does not intend to tolerate the people being intoxicated by the opium of religion!” Screams, tears... Yashka wants to go into the altar, but Father Evgeniy blocks his way: “I won’t let him in!” "Take him!" - Yashka commands his vakhlaks. Everyone piles on Father Evgeniy and twists him around. Yashka enters the altar, takes out the cup of communion and throws it on the floor. The people freeze in horror, and Father Evgeniy shouts: “What are you doing?Inhumans? He snatches his right hand from the bonds of the Vakhlaks and baptizes the people and everything around.

And then something terrible happened. Father Eugene was dragged out of the church and nailed to the gate (the people were dispersed, but I hid in the bushes nearby and saw everything). Crucified as our Lord Jesus Christ. Blood gushes from the hands nailed to the gate, and Father Eugene shouts: “Your demonic power will not exist on Russian soil! And the Russian people will never stop believing in our Lord Jesus Christ!” I see his fingers right hand shrink into three fingers. “Shut your vile throat!” - Yashka shouts. The Vakhlaks beat Father Evgeniy in the face with rifle butts, there is a sea of ​​blood. Father Evgeniy continues to scream, but the words can no longer be understood. And the fingers, I saw, were still clenched into three fingers. “Unclench your fingers!” - Yashka squeals. But the fingers are three-toed! “Nothing, now we’ll unclench them!” - Yashka gets even more excited, snatches a saber from its sheath and with a flourish cuts off the hand of Father Evgeniy below the driven nail. The body slides to the right, and a hand with three fingers remains nailed to the gate.

I ran home, didn’t sleep all night, shaking as if I had a fever. And in the morning the people gathered and went to the church (the Chonovites left us early in the morning). But the body of Father Evgeniy was not found, only his nailed hand hung on the gate. They searched everything around: holes, ditches, piles of brushwood, raked them out. Our father's body was nowhere to be found. All that remained was to bury the hand. They buried him like this, with three fingers folded. They put up a cross and wrote the name of the murdered man on a sign. But soon the news reached us: Soviet power I was very angry with Father Eugene, because this enemy will continue to torment the people even after death. Therefore, our Voznesensky Chekists were given an order: if the body was buried by the people, dig it up and take it away in an unknown direction. So that they do not go to worship the inveterate enemy of the people. That’s when we removed the plaque from the cross on Father Evgeniy’s grave. So that Judas would not dig up his hand. So the grave became nameless.”

Since then, from that black May day choking in a sea of ​​human blood in the year 18 to the days of today, almost a century has passed. Mighty, terrible waves of time swept over the Russian expanses and carried away so many blissful and painful moments of the people’s existence, which, fortunately and unfortunately, will never be repeated.

It’s a fine summer morning, quiet, blissful and not yet hot. I’m sitting on a bench not far from the gates of our temple and enjoying this day and everything that I see around me now. I am already over six to ten, and I have not been to Voznesensk for more than twenty years.

The temple, completely restored, shines with a new young beauty, copper domes and gilded crosses float in the vast blue sky, the gates are also like new - they have been cleaned, the rust has been removed from the forged patterns. On the bell tower there is a huge “blagovest” and a dozen smaller bells, among which are ancient bells that were here in the 17th and 17th centuries. XVIII centuries, who in “those” difficult times were sheltered and saved by grandmother and other desperately brave God-loving ascensionists. And I, looking at the bells, remember with quiet blissful joy how many years ago, on the bright feast of the Ascension of Christ, on the same clear, fine day, we installed these kind, sympathetic people here in the bell tower with Uncle Fedya, Nikolai and Sergei for all our human needs of green-bearded old men.

Yes, what grace there is all around! Everywhere everything is tidy and well-groomed: paths, graves of abbots. The cemetery, as it was then, during my youth, is buried in green, cool waves of birch and spruce trees. It’s sad, but there has been a noticeable increase in the number of relatives here: grandmother, aunt Klava, uncle Zhenya, uncle Vova, Boriska. All of them are now, I hope, with God.

I look at the gate: the gate is still the same, from the 17th century, which saw the terrible century of the 20th century, yellow-waxy oak boards, not at all touched by the bony hand of time, bizarre forged patterns, intertwining, unraveling - wreaths of iron flowers.

At the top of the gate, if you look closely, you can see two darkened depressions: I know these are traces of large nails, about a hundred and fifty. The same ones that were used to crucify Father Eugene (when the gate was being repaired, people asked the craftsmen to preserve traces of those terrible events).

And I am especially happy today because the relics of Father Eugene were discovered several years ago; Father Eugene was recently canonized as a locally revered saint, and now in our church there is a shrine with his relics. But they couldn’t find the body of Father Evgeniy for so many years, because the Chonovites buried it masterfully, worthy of their KGB qualifications. A few meters from the gate, where the cemetery forest began, they dug a hole under one of the fir trees and threw the body there, and covered the hole with turf on top, so you can imagine what’s here fresh grave, it was simply impossible. We came across it by accident.

I look at the gate, at the black indentations from the nails, and imagine how it happened then, in 1918. And I hear: “Your demonic power will not exist on Russian soil! And the Russian people will never stop believing in our Lord Jesus Christ!”

So everything turned out as Father Eugene predicted. That's right!

Oleg Morzhavin

I am writing this article about love spells for those who find themselves in a situation of unrequited love and want to change something. But he does not strive to forget and get rid of his feelings, but tries to change the situation differently, that is, to evoke a feeling of love in his chosen one (or chosen one). Cemetery love spell on an unmarked grave it is very suitable for this, but remember that it simply evokes a feeling of love and will in no way be able to develop a relationship for you; you will have to make these efforts yourself.

I also note that a love spell is best used on free man, not burdened with responsibility or feelings for anyone else. After all, what happens if the person you are bewitching already loves someone else? Or is he so dependent on circumstances that he cannot allow you into his life? In such conditions, a loving feeling towards you can cause suffering and become damage. So in difficult situations It’s better to look for magical help and turn to a good specialist for magical services in order to take into account all the difficult points in advance and change the situation without negative consequences. I provide this kind of help, and so do some other magicians. Personally, you can write to me at email [email protected] and about magical help, and if you have any questions about this love spell, something will not be clear. Now I’ll tell you how work is carried out in the cemetery on an unmarked grave.

How to perform a cemetery love spell ritual

For this strong love spell you need to go to the cemetery, find a burial place that no one has looked after for a long time, and all the identifying marks have been worn away by time. It could even be a grave with a lopsided cross or just a gravestone. Such graves are found in abandoned cemeteries or very large and old burial grounds.

Arriving at the grave, you need to discreetly place a photograph of your lover on it so that later it will be convenient to set it on fire. That is, it would be better to place it and then set it on fire from below.

Now focus your thoughts on your loved one and, at the same time, reach out to the Spirit of the cemetery. Unmarked graves provide an opportunity, like a portal, to penetrate into the world of living energies of the dead world.

Ask the Spirit of the Cemetery for a love spell, that is, to make your chosen one (or chosen one) love you.

Let me note that in this love spell you do not specify how exactly the bewitched person’s love will manifest itself. Therefore, the results of the love spell will come naturally, as it is typical for your chosen one to show a feeling of love. By the way, his love may not manifest itself in the way you expect it and as you want, because all people are different and the reactions and characteristics of how they feel are individual for everyone.

After you ask and express your desire, you need to complete the ritual. To do this, set the photo on fire and let it burn completely to ash. Sprinkle the ashes with soil or place a stone on top. After this, the cemetery love spell on an unmarked grave, that is, made with the help of the Spirit of the Cemetery, comes into force and begins to work.

What to do when you get the result

1-2 weeks will pass, and you will notice that your lover, whom you bewitched, began to show interest in you, began to understand his feelings for you, his love affection. This means that the love spell worked, and then you need naturally develop relationships. But just don't forget to do farm-out To the spirit of the cemetery for helping you.

For payoff for love spell you need to come to the same unmarked grave and bring this ransom. The sacrifice for a love spell may be something important to you personally that you are willing to give for the love of your chosen one. Think about what it could be. But it is necessary to pay off, it is mandatory.
With respect to you, practicing magician Andrey Viktorovich (http://astarta.info/)

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Today it became known that signs with names and dates of life have been removed from the grave crosses of paratroopers who died on the territory of Ukraine and were buried in Pskov cemeteries.
Photographs and wreaths with inscriptions from colleagues were also removed from the graves - any evidence of the military affiliation of the deceased.
It is clear to everyone that this is the response of “commanders and superiors” to attempts to compile a folk martyrology of Russian military personnel who died during the fighting in Ukraine.
Perhaps this is happening in other regions of Russia.
This is not an attempt to spare the names of the victims from excessive attention.
This is an attempt to hide evidence of the crime, its scale, to hide the very number of irretrievable losses, which, judging by such acts, is large.
The unmarked soldiers' graves that have appeared throughout the country will be silent witnesses.
Let's hope that Judgment Day will come.

Visitor to my magazine Alexander Efremov, who learned about this, sent a poem today.
Judging by the structure of the poem, this is a song.

+ + +
No, there will be no apology speeches,
There will be no repentance, don’t wait.
They will never ask for forgiveness
The soldiers have leaders in front of them.

We're rushing towards the limit
To that invisible line, fatal,
Where is the land of the naked body
Waiting for blood like rainwater.

Where are the mischievous dawns of spring
They will not awaken the poetry of birds,
Where there will be no summer for boys,
And nights of New Year's eyelashes...

It happened so, in submission, well-fed
We have forgotten how we live
We called the COUNTRY “unfinished”
We are drunk in ecstasy with lies,

Very necessary, came in handy,
Like someone else's bed for a whore...
AND, last strength having spent,
Even the homeless man wanted to fight!..

And the landing is ready,
the best in the world.
And the shaman rages -
reporter on air.
Battalions without banners
and in the end everything is simple:
Just signs without names
fresh graveyard.

I will ask without succumbing to ecstasy,
Maybe someone passed a law
So that the landing on someone else's orders
I was waiting for a training ground in a neighboring country -

Out of habit, stable - strange,
In an undeclared, new war?..
Out of habit, countries are afraid,
Threatening you or me...

So, should the commanders remain silent again?
Mothers will cry again for their children.
So here we are in our eternal apartment
We learned to conquer ourselves.

Sending soldiers to the slaughter,
That commander is as clean as a priest in a cassock.
All that can: supplement the task:
If you are captured, then you are a deserter.

That's all. Without shoulder straps and without titles,
Without a fatherland, and without destiny.
Russia returns from “missions” -
For mothers - instead of life - coffins.

And the landing is ready again,
the best in the world.
And the shaman rages -
reporter on air.
Battalions without banners
and in the end: everything is simple:
Just signs without names
fresh graveyard.