Bari Alibasov personal life. Provocateur Bari Alibasov and his “nays.” Further education and studies


Bari Karimovich (Boris Nikolaevich) Alibasov(Kaz. Bari Kərimuly Әlibasov ta. Bari Kərim uğlı Əlibasov, Bari Karim uly Әlibasov; born June 6, 1947, Charsk, Charsky district, Semipalatinsk region, Kazakh SSR) - Soviet and Russian musician, composer, music producer, Honored Artist of Russia (1999).

Bari Karimovich Alibasov was born on June 6, 1947 in a large family. Father - Karim (Nikolai) Kasymovich Alibasov, a Kazakh from the Argyn clan, managed the Selkhozbank in Charsk; mother - Iraida Ibragimovna Abrarova, Tatar, was an accountant in kindergarten and worked part-time at a locomotive depot.

He studied at school No. 232 in the city of Charsk. For his free character and frequent violations of discipline, he was expelled from the Komsomol and several times from school.

Already as a child, Bari showed a penchant for creativity. At school, he began to actively participate in amateur performances (sang in the choir, played drums, was an entertainer), created his own drama club (staged the play “The Rural Aesculapius” based on A. Chekhov). In the early 1960s, when Bari was in high school, he and several classmates organized his first musical ensemble, with which he toured nearby collective farms.

After graduating from school in 1965, he entered the Ust-Kamenogorsk Road Construction Institute (now the East Kazakhstan State Technical University) at the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

Passed conscript service in the ranks Soviet army from 1969 to 1971 in the air defense forces of the Central Asian Military District in the Alma-Ata region. After serving for six months, he was transferred to the SAVO Song and Dance Ensemble, where he created the Zador ensemble at the SAVO Air Defense Headquarters.

In 1973-1974 he studied at the Ust-Kamenogorsk Musical College in the percussion class, but due to the start of the touring activities of the Integral group, he did not complete his education.

Creation of the "Integral" group

In 1966, together with his classmate Mikhail Arapov, he organized music group“Integral”, playing jazz music (it was registered at the Ust-Kamenogorsk Road Construction Institute). At the same time he showed himself as a composer, writing his first song - twist “ Spring rain».

In 1971, after returning from the army, Bari revives Integral. Since 1973, the ensemble has been working in the East Kazakhstan region regional philharmonic society, having received the first certification certificates of VIA artists in Kazakhstan. The group becomes a laureate of the Friendship of Peoples festival in Almaty and many other competitions, in 1980 it became a laureate of the 1st All-Union Rock Festival Tbilisi-1980, and in 1985 it became a laureate of the 12th International Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow.

Under the leadership of Alibasov, the Integral group existed for 22 years, during which time it experimented with many musical styles: from rock and roll to the psychedelic underground, from fusion to country and blues.

Creation of the group "Na-Na"

In 1989, Alibasov disbanded the Integral group and announced a casting for the pop group Na-Na, of which he is the permanent leader to this day. In the same year, the first performance of the Na-Na group took place at the International Festival “Face to Face” (“Face to Face”).

Under the leadership of Alibasov, the Na-Na group became extremely popular and commercially successful in the 1990s. How artistic director“Na-Na”, Bari created and directed 9 show programs, and is the director of 21 concert films about the group. He is also the author of lyrics and composer of many songs from the group’s repertoire.

Bari Alibasov and “Na-Na” are also engaged charitable activities, give concerts for disabled children, participate in charity events (such as “Day of Good” at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, “Shield and Lyre” and many others).

Passion for photography

Has been involved in photography for twenty years. As part of the international festival “Fashion and Style in Photography”, the TXT gallery hosted personal exhibition photographs by Bari Alibasov.


Title holder:

Award Winner:

  • Ten-time winner national award"Ovation"
  • Prize of the Academy of Russian Language and Literature, named after. Pushkin
  • Person of the Year Award
  • People magazine award “Best Shocking Show of the Year”

Knight of the Orders:

  • Knight of the Order of the White Eagle
  • Knight of the Order of Elizabeth
  • Knight of the Order of Peter the Great
  • Knight of the Order of the New Elite of Russia

1998 - Medal “Astana” from the hands of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev

Personal life

Bari Alibasov has two older sisters, Zoya and Rosa, and a brother, Bulat.

Was officially married 5 times.

He was actually married to Elena Uronich, from this marriage there is a son - Bari Alibasov (born in 1985).

He was actually married to actress Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina.

On July 23, 2013, he secretly married actress Victoria Maksimova, his former assistant. This marriage was the sixth for the producer, and the first for his young wife.

According to the controversial statement of the first school love Bari Alibasova (school No. 232 in the city of Charsk) Svetlana Bokhovchuk (called Bari in her autobiographical book Alena), now living in Italy, they have illegitimate daughter Vera (candidate of medical sciences).


In court, the showman's interests are represented by lawyer Sergei Zhorin.

In 2009, he filed a lawsuit for insulting him on the page of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on LiveJournal. For unknown reasons, the trial was suspended.

On March 23, 2010, Bari Alibasov achieved an unprecedented court decision against a blogger who called Alibasov a “Tatar-Kazakh guest worker.” He managed not only to bring the slanderer to court, but also to recover from him a record compensation for moral damage by Russian standards in the amount of 1,100,000 rubles. True, according to Stanislav Sadalsky and Nikolai Fandeev, this story is a typical PR stunt, the reason for which is the lack of demand for the Na-na group.

Interesting Facts

In 1996-1997, together with Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, he headed the magazine “Secret & Secret”.

In 2004, he produced the groups “DJ Big Bang” and “Pin C@de”


  • 1995 - “Old songs about the main thing” - mower foreman
  • 1997 - “Old songs about the main thing 3” - shaman
  • 2003 - “Games of Moths” - jury member
  • 2004-2009 - My Fair Nanny - cameo
  • 2005 - “Mow and Hammer” - Cartridge
  • 2005 - “Hello, we are your roof!”
  • 2005 - “Pops” - cameo
  • 2012 - “Deffchonki” - cameo

Bari Alibasov - photo

Bari Alibasov and the group “Na-Na”

In 2017, he turned 70, and the press still writes about his personal life, eccentric actions and achievements in show business. He once created a group whose lead singers were called “the new Beatles.” For Bari Karimovich himself, “Na-Na” was like a family, which he always put first.

Bari Alibasov is from Kazakhstan. From early childhood, he loved to perform in front of the public with songs and stage plays, and was not at all distinguished by discipline and obedience. Young Alibasov was expelled from school and from the cosmomol several times - but many years later a street in his honor would be named hometown Charske, and the school is organizing a museum dedicated to the producer.

First steps

Bari Alibasov, Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina

Almost immediately after studying, Alibasov first tried his hand as the leader of a musical group: he organized the group “Integral”. At first they played jazz, then switched to rock. Even then, the talent of the future producer was evident: despite the semi-underground status of rock music in the USSR, Integral tours cities, receives recognition from the Ministry of Culture and is generally doing well.

Everything changed after perestroika: having lost their usual way of life, the public stopped being drawn to “Western” music. When only 19 people came to one of the Integral concerts, Alibasov realized that something needed to be changed.

“Integral” was “registered” in Saratov. New project Bari decided to start in Moscow - and without hesitation he left the province, leaving there not only fellow musicians, but also his actual wife and son.

His relationship with Elena Uronich began unnoticed by him. Already divorced by that time, Alibasov had absolutely no intention of meeting a fan of the group who did not miss a single concert. But the girl turned out to be persistent and achieved her goal.

In 1985, a son was born, who was also named Bari. Until the age of 14, the boy will live with his mother and grandmother, periodically receiving from his father financial assistance. But after 14, Alibasov will take his son seriously: he will transport him to Moscow, place him in prestigious lyceum, and then send him to study abroad.

Elena turned out to be a wise mother and did not remember Bari’s past grievances: she easily let her son go to his father and did not interfere with their communication. “The only woman who managed to persuade Bari Alibasov to conceive and recognize a child,” Bari Jr. says about her.


“For me, the change of genre was not a tragedy at all. And I didn’t have to break myself. The main thing that I have always learned myself and what I tried to teach the “integralists” is complete emancipation and freedom,” the producer later explained his decision.

And the genre change took place radically. “Rock is dead,” Alibasov decided for himself and announced a big casting for a boy pop group.

It is generally accepted that “Na-Na” was “shot” in just a few months. In reality, everything was not so simple. For the first year and a half, the producer was unable to form a team; he tried and changed more and more new soloists until he found the “golden” line-up: Levkin, Politov, Zherebkin, Asimov.

They packed stadiums, their posters plastered the rooms of every second schoolgirl, and older ladies delighted in admiring handsome guys, forgiving them even for their provocative performances.

Alibasov recalls a case when, for the number “Eskimos and Papuans,” the costume designer brought an outfit for the Papuans: loincloths that barely covered their nakedness. The producer was afraid that the soloists would refuse to go on stage in this, but by that time they had become so relaxed that there were no problems.

Behind the scenes of the bright, shocking show there was a strict discipline: Bari understood that in order to pull a tight tour schedule, you cannot be distracted by entertainment and women.

Having become a soloist of “Na-Na”, everyone signed a detailed agreement on 38 sheets: they must not miss rehearsals, have affairs with employees of the “Bari Alibasov Show”, and all strangers must leave the artists’ rooms before two o’clock in the morning. Otherwise - a fine.

Bari himself tried to replace his ward own father:

“...if you want to achieve achievements on stage from an artist, save him from pressing problems. And I delivered: I “knocked out” apartments for the “Na-Nai”, booked the best rooms in hotels to feed me something special, and often stood at the stove myself.”

For 10 years he lived side by side with the guys, earned money, saved money and enjoyed the fruits of success. But ahead of Alibasov was another sharp turn: the default of 1998 put an end to successful tours. The public could no longer go to concerts; people had no money for it.

Alibasov did not dissolve Na-Na, as Integral once did. With them, on the contrary, he decided on a bold adventure - the conquest of America.

Space ambitions

“Na-Na” have been to the United States on tour before, successfully performing for migrants from Russia. Often Bari Karimovich was offered to try to repeat the group’s success here. The moment has come.

He collected all his accumulated savings, transported the children, paid for their English, vocal and dance lessons. The level of show business in the USA is completely different, and Bari did not want to hit the dirt in the face.

He almost succeeded in concluding a contract with a large recording studio— in the USA, this meant that the studio would cover further expenses for recording the album and promoting it. But the unexpected happened: in 2001, the first free file sharing service Napster appeared on the Internet.

Studios could no longer make money from album sales. Contracts were broken even with famous performers like Mariah Carey - and no one needed the Russian group at all.

It was the collapse of my first dream. He hid the second one for the time being.

Only a small circle of insiders knew that Alibasov was preparing a grandiose project with the Cosmonaut Training Center: one of the “Na-Nays” was supposed to go into space to perform the planet’s anthem there.

The project was financed by Freddie Heineken, owner of a large brewing company. But as soon as “Na-Na” returned to Moscow after failure in America, the second bad news came: Heineken died, the project was suspended.

He is one of those showmen who have subordinated almost their entire lives to the rhythm of this peculiar industry. True, once in his youth he planned to become an engineer and after graduating from school he entered a technical university. But his studies did not work out, Alibasov ended up in the army and ended up there variety ensemble. So, at first glance, a random gift of fate turned into a profession. Alibasov worked as a musician in the Integral group for ten years and only after that accepted final decision become a producer.

Judging by the words of Alibasov himself, his youth was quite stormy. He was born into a large family, so early on he had to rely only on himself. He does not hide the fact that fights and quarrels were a completely natural content of his childhood.

He also considers himself a hippie who could move in almost any direction. But if earlier he smoked marijuana and injected himself, now he prefers social gatherings or relaxing with the “Na-Nai” in his favorite vacation spots. True, in Lately he's everything free time spends with family. Although Alibasov carefully hides his past, journalists learned that he was married three times and has an adult son. But Bari Karimovich himself never tires of admitting that he adores his current wife.

For the last ten years, Alibasov has been busy with only one thing - organizing and promoting the Na-Na group. Although he himself believes that he has no ill-wishers, he is called a producer-puppeteer. How bad or good is what he does? The ensemble "Na-Na" has several performers, each of whom is an individual, with his own inner world, psychological reaction to the environment. One of the producer’s tasks is to eliminate negative factors from their lives, which is what Alibasov did by building a group for each musician own apartments next to a personal separate residence. Thus, everyday problems are excluded, since almost everything is provided in Alibasov’s house: a studio, a laundry room, a dining room, and even a bath with hydromassage. Alibasov builds his relationships with everyone who participates in the work of the ensemble on two basic principles - no intimate relationships within the group and mandatory information about what each of the “Na-Nai” is doing outside the group.

Recently, Alibasov has also acted as the group’s text writer. He believes that the songs his students sing are social parodies of modern reality. And it is in this spirit that they should be perceived. Perhaps it is for this reason that the Na-Na group has such a wide audience and an army of thousands of fans. True, this most likely applies to the provinces, but in the capital “Na-Na” is considered an idol primarily of the youth crowd.

Of course, there is a lot of superficial and even deliberately vulgar in Alibasov’s behavior. But perhaps it is with this assertiveness and partly even swagger that he attracts attention mass audience. Well, who else would so openly demonstrate their physical shortcomings, announcing that they are ready to participate in a fat competition? Or publicly demonstrate your feelings not only to your beloved woman, L. Fedoseeva-Shukshina, but also to her children? However, deliberate shocking can also work on the image that Alibasov deliberately builds, and serve as a source of additional attention to the producer’s favorite brainchild - the Na-Na group.

looking for a producer
singer Mikhail Orlov 2010-02-21 02:09:36

Dear Bari Karrimovich, I, Mikhail, am a young, talented, aspiring author and performer..., in your face I see a competent, talented and professional producer. I would like to talk to you and show you my demo materials. Sincerely, Mikhail +7 920 923 92 27

    Producer; born June 6, 1947 at Charskaya station, Semipalatinsk region Kazakh SSR; in 1973-1974 he studied at the Ust-Kamenogorsk Music School, percussion class; graduated from Ust-Kamenogorsk construction institute; in the mid 60s... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    Alibasov, Bari Karimovich Bari Alibasov Full name Bari Karimovich Alibasov Date of birth June 6, 1947 (1947 06 06) (62 years old) Place of birth in the village of Charskoye, Abaevsky district in the Semipalatinsk region ... Wikipedia

    Bari: Bari is a port city in Italy, the capital of the Apulia region. Castle of Bari is a castle in the city of Bari (province), a province in Italy, in the region of Apulia. Bari ( football club) Italian football club from the city of Bari. Bari (people) ... ... Wikipedia

    Producer, composer, Prince Bari Alibasov - Music producer, composer, arranger Bari Karimovich Alibasov was born on June 6, 1947 in the station village of Charskoye, Abaevsky district, Semipalatinsk region. His father Karim Kasymovich (half Khakass, half Kazakh) was... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    The creative path of Bari Alibasov- Bari Karimovich Alibasov was born on June 6, 1947 in the city of Charsk, Semipalatinsk region (Kazakhstan) in a large family. His father was the manager of an agricultural bank, his mother worked as an accountant in a kindergarten. At the Bari school, Alibasov organized his... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

Name: Bari Alibasov

Zodiac sign: Twins

Age: 71 years old

Place of Birth: Charsk, Kazakhstan

Height: 175

Activity: music producer

Tags: producer

Family status: married to Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina

Alibasov Bari Karimovich was born on June 6, 1947 near the city of Charsk on the territory of the Kazakh SSR. The boy was brought up in a large family. Karim Kasymovich, Bari's father, served as a bank manager, his mother Iraida Ibragimovna was an accountant at a local kindergarten.

The Alibasov family was considered exemplary among its neighbors; no one had ever seen quarrels between husband and wife. All conflict situations, of which there were very few, were decided in a close family circle.

Almost all of his childhood, young Bari was engaged in housework. He was forced to get up early in the morning and drive the cows to pasture, do the gardening and other useful things, like all children at that time. However, the boy's dream of a carefree and have a fun life began to be implemented already in adolescence. Bari would not show up at home for 2-3 days, and his parents would not even look for him. Not without frequent absenteeism from school, because of which the future producer was expelled many times.

Bari Alibasov began to show his artistic talents in early childhood. When the boy was 4 years old, the mother dressed her son in national clothes and learned songs with him. At school, the guy also continued to study singing and began to play drums. In addition, his organizational skills awakened, and the aspiring artist organized his first project - a children's drama club, where he staged a play based on the work of Anton Chekhov. In high school, Alibasov initiated the creation of a local musical ensemble, who went on tour to nearby villages and towns.

Alibasov graduated from school in 1965. Then Bari entered the Ust-Kamenogorsk Institute of Road Construction, dreaming of a career as an architect. After graduating from higher education educational institution the young man voluntarily went to serve in the army, where he again took part in the creation of the musical ensemble “Zador”, with which he performed at concerts.

In 1973, the guy finally decided to connect his life with music and get a specialized education. He entered School of Music in drums, however, due to his busy touring schedule, he studied there for only a year, without receiving the coveted diploma.

How many years has Bari Alibasov been in show business? Despite the fact that his name is associated with the famous Na-Na group, even in his youth he began to think about personal projects, organizing his first group in the sixties of the twentieth century.

Bari Alibasov's first project was Music band“Integral”, which the young man created together with classmate Mikhail Arapov in 1966. The young man showed himself not only talented musician, but also showed his skills as a composer, coming up with his first song “Spring Rain”. The group played at local discos and dances, choosing jazz as their main direction. The team temporarily stopped working when Alibasov went to serve in the army.

After demobilization, the artist reorganized Integral into a rock band. Despite the ban on such music in the territory Soviet Union, Alibasov’s group was approved and approved by the Ministry of Culture. “Integral” toured the territory of the Soviet republics, collecting full houses and constantly changing philharmonic societies. Having played the required forty-eight concerts per quarter, the musicians moved to another city. The concerts, first of all, brought good income to officials, and then to the musicians themselves.

In 1989, Bari created his own creative center and decided to engage in production activities. Its first and most successful project there was a pop group “Na-Na”, whose members were recruited according to the principle of free casting. The group recorded music in a promising and new at that time “pop” style, primarily aimed at a youth audience. Soon the band's songs become more and more popular. The creation of this pop group was a real success in creative biography Alibasova.

Alibasov turned out to be an excellent producer; his group’s first performance took place at international festival"Face to face." The group's popularity grew rapidly, and after several concerts it was recognized as the “discovery of the year.” Bari Alibasov needed only 2 months for the guys from his project to start being recognized on the streets, and for journalists to line up to interview young celebrities.

The producer maintained strict discipline in the group, fining musicians for violations. He settled the Na-Na participants in one house, where there was a studio, a laundry room, and a bathroom with hydromassage.

The Na-Na group continues its activities to this day, consistently releasing an album every few years. And although the band is no longer as popular as at the beginning of its existence, the producer primarily focuses on the older generation of listeners who have created their own business and have the opportunity to invite their favorite band to corporate events.

TV viewers also remembered Bari Alibasov’s participation in the popular program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” The producer answered the host’s questions together with singer Alexander Fadeev, whom many know under the pseudonym Danko.

Bari Alibasov visited and famous project"The fight of extrasensories". Experts tried to find out about the causes of the fire in his apartment, where the composer’s cat, Arnie, died.

Last year, information appeared on the Internet that Bari Alibasov took part in the filming of the “Let Them Talk” program. Next issue The popular television program was dedicated to businesswoman Lyudmila Bratash, who was found dead in 2016.

In December 2009, an article entitled “Alibasov has gone crazy!” appeared on one of the Internet portals. The blogger, who was the author of the material, called the famous producer “an elderly schizophrenic.” In addition, the author of the article accused the showman of fraud.

Alibasov did not ignore these accusations and insults against him, filing a lawsuit in the Savelovsky District Court. He claimed moral damages amounting to one hundred million rubles. The court decided to partially satisfy the producer's claims. As a result, the showman sued record amount— 1 million 100 thousand rubles.

At the trial, Bari Alibasov said that his nationality actually turned out to be the reason for insults from the blogger, since he considers the article precisely “an insult based on nationality.”

Bari Alibasov never hid his personal life, and sometimes even used it as PR for himself and his musical projects. The producer got married for the first time almost after school, but the marriage did not last too long. According to Bari himself, he quickly lost interest in his young wife, and he wanted variety. However, according to Alibasov himself, from this marriage he has a son, who was born in 1967, after the divorce.

The producer was not alone for long and soon married a girl twelve years younger than him. However, this marriage was short-lived.

The producer's wife is a separate chapter in his biography. After the divorce, Alibasov started an affair again - this time with a fan of the Integral group, Elena Uronich. At the time of meeting Bari, Elena was engaged to another man, but fell in love with the artist and broke off the engagement. In this civil marriage, a son, Bari Jr., was born in 1985, but this did not keep the popular musician in the family. The son stayed to live with his mother, and after receiving a passport at the age of fourteen, he moved to his father in Moscow.

In the early nineties, Bari Alibasov married for the 4th time, but this marriage was not the last in his life. The producer divorced his wife in 1994.

In 1995, Alibasov met actress Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina. They were introduced by actor Stanislav Sadalsky. The romance between Alibasov and Shukshina lasted for 3 whole years, which was a real record for the loving Alibasov. After the separation, the artists remained in a warm and trusting relationship; the producer always communicated with his once beloved.

In 2013, Bari secretly legitimized his relationship with his assistant and theater actress Liliana-Victoria Maksimova. The future husband and wife met at a painting exhibition, where Alibasov offered the girl a job. After the wedding, the couple settled in the producer’s studio, since his apartment at that time was being renovated after a fire that occurred in 2011. The spouses were separated by approximately forty years of age difference, perhaps this was precisely the obstacle for family happiness. The couple divorced.

In means mass media Information has appeared many times about Alibasov’s relationship with model Alla Berger, who took part in the show “The Bachelor.” The celebrities did not confirm such data, but still some social network users believe that their joint photographs were published on the Internet.

In November of this year, the producer turned out to be the hero of the media's front pages. It turned out that Bari Alibasov and Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina got married. The wedding ceremony took place at the Kutuzovsky registry office on November 20.

Only the closest relatives and friends of the newlyweds were present at the wedding. It turned out that after numerous attempts to build their happiness separately, Alibasov and Fedoseeva-Shukshina again became close and decided to get married.