Application of physiotherapeutic methods in therapy. Modern methods of physiotherapy


Physiotherapy is a method of influencing the human body using physical factors. Depending on the origin of the main acting mechanism, all types of this treatment are divided into two categories: natural and artificial. It is clear that the former are based on the use of natural factors, while in the latter case, man-made mechanisms and means are used.

Of course, physiotherapy treatment has a positive effect on the patient’s health. The reason for this lies in the fact that this technique is practically free of side effects, and besides, it is designed to significantly reduce rehabilitation time and duration drug treatment. What types of this influence are there, and what is their nature?

Perhaps this is the second most frequently used technique. More recently, its usefulness was questioned, but research by scientists in this area has dotted all the i’s. I note that it has some limitations related to the nature of the tissue being affected. The fact is that not all organs are able to respond to exposure to a magnetic field.

Under the influence of a magnetic field, the movement of lymphatic fluid is significantly enhanced, which leads to an acceleration of outflow from the affected tissues. Outwardly, this is expressed in a decrease in swelling, and as a result, normalization of the functioning of one or another organ. In addition, it also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Laser therapy

This type of physiotherapeutic intervention is quite young in comparison with those previously discussed, and at the same time its effectiveness has been proven by many clinical studies. Its essence, as you might already guess, is the effect of a laser beam on living tissue.

Under the influence of the laser, the condition of the affected organ significantly improves. The basis of this phenomenon is the expansion of the lumen of the capillaries, the normalization of regenerative processes, and the improvement of the functioning of the organ itself. The movement of lymphatic fluid also accelerates, which will manifest itself in the form of a decrease in swelling.

Ultraviolet irradiation

I believe this technique is known to many of you. The scope of its application is somewhat different from the previously discussed types of physiotherapy. Its essence lies in the effect of ultraviolet rays on the skin and mucous membranes in order to provide a sanitizing effect.

It is known that direct sunlight kills 99 percent of bacteria and viruses. The “culprit” of such destructiveness is ultraviolet radiation, and the intensity of the light beam is strictly dosed.

As I already mentioned, the only area of ​​application of ultraviolet irradiation is the treatment of inflammatory diseases. It is used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract and in gynecology.

Contraindications to physiotherapy

Of course, each specific technique has its own list of contraindications. But, nevertheless, it is possible to identify conditions in which the use of any type of this treatment becomes impossible. We are talking about the following conditions:

Purulent skin diseases;
Oncological pathology;
Inflammatory diseases in the acute period;
Severe bronchial asthma.


It is impossible to imagine modern medicine without physiotherapy. With its help, you can significantly shorten both the treatment and rehabilitation periods of the disease. True, like any method of influencing the body, it should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor. This is worth remembering, given the emergence of all kinds of portable devices sold by medical entrepreneurs.

Classification of physiotherapy methods.

Devices for home physiotherapy, according to the results medical research, make it possible to increase the effectiveness of drug and surgical treatment and achieve sustainable results. In addition, in many cases it is advisable to limit treatment to physical therapy alone. Physiotherapy devices can be used to rehabilitation after inflammatory diseases and injuries, for boost immunity And improve blood circulation.

By complementing other treatment methods, physical therapy speeds up full recovery and prevents side effects from taking medications.

It's becoming more and more popular home physiotherapy. Devices developed specifically for this purpose are sometimes the best way treatment.
Thanks to the use of such devices, a person significantly reduces spending on medicines and time spent going to the doctor. It's quite safe, enough use correctly, according to the instructions.
The question naturally arises: why spend money on home physiotherapy if you can go to a clinic and get qualified help there?
Firstly, in physiotherapy rooms you will only be offered academic procedures. Secondly, after most physiotherapeutic procedures you need to lie down quietly for two to three hours. In which clinic can you afford this?

Besides, you still need to get to the clinic. What if you have sciatica and lower back pain so bad that it’s difficult to move?
It seems appropriate to consider methods, which can be used in home physiotherapy.

Modern physiotherapy has a very wide and varied physical properties and physiological effects with an arsenal of therapeutic methods. In accordance with the type of energy introduced into the body (electrical, light, thermal, mechanical, etc.), physical therapy is divided into electrotherapy, phototherapy, heat therapy, hydrotherapy, mechanical therapy, etc.

However, more often in the literature a more detailed classification of therapeutic and physical factors is used.

TO first group include constant and pulsed electric currents low voltage. It is represented by the following methods: galvanization, medicinal electrophoresis, electrosleep, diadynamic therapy, amplipulse therapy, fluctuarization, electrodiagnostics, and electrical stimulation.

Co. second group include methods based on the use high voltage electrical currents: diathermy, ultratonotherapy, local darsonvalization.

Third group includes electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields various characteristics . This includes the following methods: magnetic therapy, inductothermy, ultra-high frequency therapy, microwave therapy.

Fourth groupelectromagnetic oscillations of the optical (light) range. It includes methods based on the use of infrared, visible and ultraviolet rays, as well as monochromatic coherent radiation (laser therapy).

Fifth groupmechanical vibrations of the medium. The group may include massage, ultrasound therapy, medicinal phonophoresis and vibration therapy.

Sixth group includes methods based on using modified or special air environment: aerosol therapy (inhalation therapy), electroaerosol therapy, barotherapy, aeroion therapy, climatotherapy, etc.

Seventh groupwater healing methods based on the use of fresh water, natural mineral waters and their artificial analogues.

IN eighth group unite thermotherapy methods based on the use of heat (heat therapy) and cold (cryotherapy, hypothermia). Therapeutic muds (peloids), paraffin, ozokerite, naphthalan, sand, clay, ice, etc. are used as thermotherapeutic media.

It is absolutely clear that not all from the named physical methods suitable for home use. Detailed characteristics physical factors that are used at home will be given below.

Along with the general mechanisms of action, the essence of which boils down to the activation of the regulatory and adaptive systems of the body, therapeutic physical factors, similar medicines, cause some directly medicinal effects. Therefore, some authors propose to classify physical factors not only according to generation methods and types of energy, but also according to their predominantly pharmacotherapeutic action. It is absolutely clear that there cannot be such a strict classification here as in pharmacology.

Let's look at some examples.

Physical factors manifest themselves clearly analgesic effect. Analgesic physiotherapeutic methods include electronarcosis, cryotherapy, electrophoresis of local anesthetics, fluctuarization, diadynamic therapy, etc.

Sedative (calming) The effect is inherent in electrosleep, bromine electrophoresis, general wrapping, fresh and pine baths, etc.

Pronounced antispasmodic and vasodilating properties have inductothermy, microwaves, electrophoresis of some drugs (magnesium sulfate, aminophylline, nicotinic acid, ganglerone), warm baths, ultrasound, etc.

Anti-inflammatory effect provide an ultra electric field high frequency, microwaves, ultraviolet rays, electrophoresis of antibiotics and sulfonamides, paraffin, ozokerite, etc.

As fibrolytic And anti-adhesive medicinal products Ultrasound, phonophoresis of a number of drugs (lidase, Trilon B, aminazine), electrophoresis of iodine preparations, amplipulse therapy, etc. can be used.

We can give examples of physiotherapeutic methods that exhibit anticonvulsant, hypotensive, antisclerotic, vitamin-forming, hyposensitizing, bactericidal, decongestant and resorption effects. This, along with the universal reflex mechanism of action of therapeutic physical factors, further increases their therapeutic capabilities and expands the indications for use in the treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of patients of various profiles.

At cardiovascular diseases, for example, physiotherapy is used to improve extracardiac nervous regulation of cardiac activity, normalize impaired functional state Central nervous system, metabolic processes in the myocardium, vascular tone, regional and peripheral circulation, as well as to unload the myocardium and provide a training effect on it.

At nervous diseases, physiotherapy is aimed at normalizing the functions of the central and peripheral nervous system, pain relief, improvement of blood circulation and trophism of nervous tissue. The analgesic effect of physical factors and their ability to influence the autonomic nervous system are used. Of particular importance is the use of physical factors in order to restore or compensate for impaired motor functions as a result of diseases or injuries of the nervous system.

At diseases of the digestive system physiotherapy improves the trophism and functional state of the gastrointestinal tract, and also restores or compensates for lost or sharply reduced functions of the digestive system as a result of surgical interventions.

At diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system the impact of physical factors helps to normalize blood circulation, trophism of bone, cartilage and muscle tissue, relieve pain and inflammation, stimulate regeneration processes in damaged tissues, increase mobility and amplitude, movements in joints, etc.

Even from those listed, it’s far from complete information it is clearly visible how great the possibilities are for using natural and preformed environmental factors for therapeutic and health purposes. This also justifies them home use.

Let's take a closer look at the methods most used in home physiotherapy:


Light therapy;

Laser therapy;


Local metal therapy;

Ultrasonic exposure;

Aerosol therapy.


“...Each new discovery in the field of electricity inevitably entailed an attempt to use it for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes...” A. P. PARFENOV

Electrotherapy - the use of direct or alternating electric current in continuous or pulsed mode.

The use of electricity for medicinal purposes began in ancient times, when people had not yet thought about the essence of the phenomena occurring and had not learned to artificially obtain electrical energy.

Electrotherapeutic methods, based on the use of electric currents, electric, magnetic or electromagnetic fields for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, are among the most common, effective and loved by patients. They account for up to 60% of all physiotherapeutic procedures in clinics and hospitals. Every person visiting medical and preventive institutions necessarily comes into contact with electrotherapy. Already today, portable domestic and foreign electrotherapeutic devices (for example, analgesic electrical stimulators) are on sale, and it is useful to know how to handle them in every family.

Electrotherapy is more effective than other methods for the most common pain in the spine, muscles, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, and arthritis. And if you have a device at home that you can easily learn to use, you will have much fewer problems with your spine and joints.

Among electrotherapeutic methods, the most widespread in recent years receive treatment methods based on the use pulse currents low voltage and low frequency -

pulsed electrotherapy.

Supplying the energy of a physical factor to the body in separate impulses (portions) makes it possible to reduce heat generation in tissues and the load on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. In this case, it becomes possible to carry out a more or less selective (selective) influence on organs and tissues by choosing the rhythm and other parameters of influence corresponding or adequate to the activity of various organs and systems.

Currently the impact pulse currents used for:

normalization of the functional state of the central nervous system and its most important regulatory centers; providing an analgesic effect;

stimulation of nerves, muscles and internal organs; improving the functional state of various organs and systems by stimulating blood circulation and microcirculation, enhancing metabolic processes and providing an anti-inflammatory effect.

From methods pulsed electrotherapy it is advisable to consider those

for which people have certain opportunities at home, since the corresponding equipment goes on sale.

Method transcutaneous (cutaneous) electrical stimulation(BSES) has become widespread in many countries primarily in connection with the study of the problem of pain and treatment pain syndromes. The therapeutic effect of the method is based on the principle of using weak electrical stimulation to selectively excite special nerve fibers (therefore, the method is often called transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) that take an active part in the formation and sensation of pain. Unlike classical electrotherapy, typical TENS achieves activation of nerve fibers without involving motor structures, and therefore, there is no muscle contraction. Various portable devices are produced for BSES. The technique of carrying out medical procedures on them is characterized by some features and differences, which are set out in the corresponding instructions for use.

Current is supplied to the patient from the device using current-carrying electrodes and hydrophilic pads wetted with tap water. During the procedure, the electrodes should be in tight contact with the skin and the pads should be moist.

The location of the electrodes is determined by the nature of the pathology, the localization of pain and the individual characteristics of the patient, which requires mandatory consultation with a doctor.

The working current strength varies depending on the type of device and the individual sensitivity of the patient, but it should be several times higher than the threshold of perception and lower than the threshold of motor reaction. Typically, the current reaches 30-50 mA and causes the patient to feel vibration (unpleasant at first), stroking or light pressure.

Transcutaneous electrical stimulation is most indicated for patients with pathologies of the nervous system - radiculitis, traumatic neuritis, neuralgia, phantom and causal pain, as well as for diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Contraindications for transcutaneous electrical stimulation: acute, purulent inflammatory process, thrombophlebitis, acute dermatoses, bleeding or suspicion of it, early postoperative period after suturing a vessel, nerve or tendon, the presence of metal fragments in the affected area, active tuberculosis, infectious diseases, malignant neoplasms, fever, cardiovascular diseases in the stage of decompensation.

Galvanization and medicinal electrophoresis are used for therapeutic purposes in the form of a constant continuous current of low voltage (up to 80 V) and low power (up to 50 mA). This current is called galvanic in honor of L. Galvani. Drug electrophoresis is a combined (simultaneous) effect on the patient’s body of direct current and medicinal substances administered with its help.

At home You can use the so-called prolonged medicinal electrophoresis (reduced current value with increased exposure time). It is especially effective in the treatment of diseases accompanied by pain (sciatica, trauma, hypertension, etc.

Of the medicinal substances for prolonged electrophoresis, the most suitable are novocaine and other painkillers, antibiotics, vasoregulatory drugs, as well as drugs that regulate the metabolism of substances.

Main contraindications for galvanization and medicinal electrophoresis are neoplasms and suspicions of them, acute inflammatory and purulent processes, systemic blood diseases, cardiac decompensation, extensive violations of the integrity of the skin, individual intolerance to current or medicinal substances.

Light therapy.

“... Above all stands light, undoubtedly the closest friend and constant companion of life, and, of course, from this point of view it has a much more significant significance than is usually believed...”

K. Gufeland

The use of light from natural or artificial sources for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes is called light therapy or phototherapy (from the Greek phos, photos - light, therapeia - treatment).

Modern medicine uses not only visible part spectrum of radiant energy (light in the narrow sense of the word), but also rays not perceived by our eyes - infrared and ultraviolet. All of them are present in a certain ratio in sunlight, the use of which for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes is called heliotherapy(Greek helios - sun). Light is one of the most accessible and widespread therapeutic physical factors that can be used at home. It is quite effective for many common diseases. In addition, light is a good tempering and healing agent. The therapeutic potential of light can only be realized if it is used correctly. The founder of scientific heliotherapy, A. Rollier, had every reason to write: “Heliotherapy can give maximum success only if a strictly defined methodology is followed, and nothing should be left to chance.”

Laser therapy.

Particularly worthwhile in phototherapy laser therapy— use of coherent monochromatic light radiation for therapeutic purposes.

During laser therapy, a low-energy laser beam penetrates to great depths into tissue:

Stimulates metabolic processes;

Promotes tissue restoration;

Regulates metabolism, microcirculatory system;

Stimulates immunity;

Increases the body's nonspecific resistance.

The use of laser radiation effectively improves wound healing, prevents complications from developing, stops inflammation and relieves pain. But it should be remembered that exposure to a laser beam on the eye can result in retinal detachment— be careful and do not shine the laser in your eyes!


Under magnetotherapy understand the use of a constant or low-frequency alternating magnetic field for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Magnets have been used for medicinal purposes for a long time. Interest

to magnetic fields in general and magnetotherapy in particular, not only has not weakened over time, but even in recent years has noticeably increased. One of the reasons for the current increased attention to magnetic fields is evidence magnetic fields have pronounced biological activity, preventive and therapeutic effects.

Although today questions about the mechanisms of the biological and therapeutic effects of magnetic fields, indications and contraindications for magnetic therapy remain the subject of controversy and scientific research, much has become clearer about this problem. Magnetic fields in small (therapeutic) dosages have a diverse effect, albeit not as pronounced as other physical methods. In particular, they have anti-inflammatory, decongestant, analgesic and trophic-stimulating effects. Magnetotherapy reduces blood clotting (hypocoagulation and disaggregation effect), improves microcirculation and regional blood circulation, and has a beneficial effect on the immune system.

The following diseases are considered indications for magnetic therapy: diseases of the peripheral nervous system, wounds and trophic ulcers, post-traumatic and postoperative edema, some skin diseases, atherosclerotic damage to peripheral vessels, hypertension, diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, etc.

Areas of application are: orthopedics and traumatology, diseases of the vascular system, rheumatology, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and peripheral nervous system. The method has almost no contraindications and has minimal thermal effects.

Contraindications: hypotension, systemic blood diseases, malignant neoplasms, tendency to bleeding, decompensation of cardiovascular activity, early post-infarction period.

Local metal therapy.

The essence of the method is to apply it to certain areas (zones) of the skin. metal disks or plates. It is, of course, indirectly related to electrotherapy, but the mechanism of action is based on the emergence of an electrical potential between the skin and the metal (and, when using two different plates, a current). The most convenient form for medicinal purposes are discs made of various metals: copper, zinc, brass, bronze, silver, nickel, aluminum, iron, molybdenum, etc. Discs with a diameter of 0.5 to 5 cm and a thickness of 1 cm are more often used.

The use of copper disks and plates for metal therapy has received the greatest recognition. Many researchers point to their analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects. Honey therapy helps improve trophism (nutrition) and vascularization (blood supply) of tissues at the site of application.

Copper discs (plates) are applied to the skin of painful joints, reflexogenic zones or acupuncture points for 6-8 hours, less often up to 2 days. For radiculitis, the plates are not removed from the skin for 3-7 days, and then after a 2-3 day break the procedure is repeated. The discs are secured with bandages or adhesive tape. During treatment, the discs are periodically removed for several hours, and the skin under them is washed with warm water and soap. The course of treatment lasts from single procedures to 20 days. The appearance of a greenish skin color under the plate (disc) is a good prognostic sign.

Metal therapy, in particular medical therapy, can be recommended in complex treatment radiculitis, plexitis, polyarthritis, gastritis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcer, infiltrates, etc.

Application microcurrent therapy provides a good therapeutic effect for pain syndromes.

Copper bracelets have gained noticeable popularity.

The healing properties of copper were known back in ancient india. They tried to treat diseases of the skin and eyes with the help of copper. In Egypt and Syria, it is still a widespread custom to place copper rings on the feet and hands of children until their teeth erupt. The important role of copper ions in the life of the body has been scientifically proven.

This method, of course, is inferior to modern electrotherapeutic methods, but in the absence of devices at home, metal therapy can also be used.

Ultrasound therapy.

The therapeutic use of ultra-high frequency sound vibrations has been used for quite some time. Main influencing factors:

mechanical - vibration micromassage of body tissues, stimulating metabolic processes in tissues;

thermal - the formation of “deep” heat in the tissues, which enhances metabolic processes, improves blood circulation, promotes the resorption of scars and reduces swelling;

physico-chemical - biochemical reactions in tissues are accelerated.

In total, all factors of ultrasonic influence contribute to the normalization of metabolism in tissues, the removal of toxins, the burning of fat deposits, and the improvement of the structure and elastic properties of the skin. Depending on the selected impact parameters, ultrasound therapy can be used in the treatment of scars, cellulite, excess weight (obesity), in figure correction programs, in the treatment of various pain syndromes (radiculitis, neuralgia, consequences of injuries, arthritis), ENT pathologies, inflammatory diseases .

Aerosol therapy.

Aerosoltherapy– this is the introduction into the body for medicinal purposes by inhaling tiny particles of solid powder or liquid medicinal substances sprayed into the air.

Aerosol therapy in the form of inhalation of medicinal aerosols is one of the oldest methods of treatment. Aerosols in the form of steam generated by heating balsamic substances and infusions of aromatic plants, or smoke when burning these substances and plants (fumigation), have long been used in folk medicine in many countries.

Aerosoltherapy using aerosols for therapeutic, preventive, diagnostic and narcotic purposes is based on the possibility of quickly and painlessly applying medicinal substances to wound surfaces, mucous membranes and the respiratory tract of the lungs, from where these substances enter the blood. like this

the procedure is called inhalation.

Inhalation therapy- one of the main types of treatment for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. Substances administered in the form of a fine aerosol through the respiratory tract penetrate into the most inaccessible areas of the lungs, are absorbed by the mucous membrane, more quickly and efficiently, more than ten times, and exert their effect on the body

For the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases, as well as for residual catarrhal effects, it is safer not to load the liver by taking tablets, but to carry out inhalations. Inhalations are effective in the treatment of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract at all stages and are sometimes the only method for treating children under 5 years of age, elderly and debilitated patients. Thanks to these advantages, as well as convenience and relative ease of use, today inhalers are widely used in clinics and at home.
Inhalation (nebulizer) therapy - effective method physiotherapy, which involves inhaling aerosols of medicinal substances. To conduct a session of such therapy, today it is not necessary to visit a medical facility; you can purchase an inhaler (nebulizer) and carry out the procedures at home.


Currently, three main types of inhalers are used in medical practice: steam, ultrasonic and compressor (jet). The last two are united by the term "nebulizers" from Latin word"nebula" - fog, cloud. They do not generate vapor, but an aerosol cloud consisting of microparticles of the inhaled solution.

Action steam inhalers based on the effect of evaporation of the drug substance. The biggest disadvantage of steam inhalers is the low concentration of the inhaled substance. As a rule, it is less than the threshold for therapeutic effect.

Compressor nebulizers They form an aerosol cloud by forcing a powerful air stream pumped by a compressor through a narrow hole in a chamber containing a medicinal solution. The size of the particles formed in this case is on average 5 microns, which allows them to penetrate into all parts of the bronchial apparatus, including the smallest bronchi, and deposit on the mucous membranes, creating high therapeutic concentrations there. The disadvantage of the pneumatic spraying method is that uniform aerosol density in the air is not achieved, there is a significant variation in the dispersity of aerosols, the volume of consumed medicinal solution increases, and the depth of penetration of the aerosol decreases.

Ultrasonic Nebulizers spray the solution using the energy of ultrasonic vibrations. This method of spraying liquids ensures monodispersity of the aerosol, high density and uniformity of aerosol particles with a size of 1 - 5 microns, ensuring the stability of deep inspiration with a smaller volume of consumed medicinal solution.

Ultrasonic inhalers are compact, silent and reliable, but a number of drugs (such as antibiotics and sputum thinners) are destroyed in the ultrasonic environment and cannot be used in this type of inhaler.

Aerosol therapy is compatible on the same day with methods of electrolight therapy, ultrasound, and water-therapeutic procedures.

Physiotherapy is the safest method of treating diseases of various etiologies. Today there is no branch of medicine in which physiotherapy would not be used. Physiotherapy practices soft, gentle and non-invasive treatment methods that have virtually no contraindications.

Benefits of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy at the Vosstmed clinic

Physiotherapy methods are, first of all, natural factors:

  • Movement;
  • Sound waves;
  • Thermal impact;
  • Light;
  • Water;
  • Magnetic fields.

Physiotherapy does not cause pain, does not cause allergic reactions and is used regardless of the age and condition of the patient. Some techniques are used even for newborn babies and very old patients.

Physiotherapeutic techniques

Physiotherapy methods are divided into hardware and non-hardware. The first group includes treatment methods using special devices or artificially created physical factors. The second includes techniques that involve movement and manual influence.

Hardware methods include:

  • Magnetotherapy (inductometry);
  • Electrophoresis;
  • Phototherapy (UHF therapy, laser therapy);
  • Thermotherapy;
  • Ultrasound treatment.

Non-hardware techniques: this physical therapy(physical therapy), manual massage, (acupuncture and acupuncture). Typically, methods of this group are used at the stage of rehabilitation of patients after the main treatment.

Let's look at the basic techniques in more detail.


This technique is based on treatment by influencing the body magnetic fields– constant and variable. The therapeutic mechanism of this technique is multi-level. The therapeutic effect is achieved through orientational rearrangement and deformation of the liquid crystal structures of cell membranes.

Magnetic waves stimulate ionic activity in tissues, which has a general stimulating effect on the entire body. The hardware effect changes the physical activity and functional properties of muscle fibers and activates nerve trunks.

There are several types of magnetic therapy - high-frequency, low-frequency, SMT or amplipulse therapy.

High-frequency magnetic therapy is the use of a high-frequency electromagnetic field. Under the influence of vibrations, tissues with good electrical conductivity warm up to 12 cm, which determines the overall therapeutic effect. High-frequency exposure is accompanied by a vasodilator, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Low-frequency magnetic therapy is treatment with low-purity magnetic fields. The method is based on magnetomechanical and induction effects. Low frequency fields stimulate metabolic processes, activate blood circulation and tissue nutrition.

What is CMT physical therapy? This is the use of magnetic vibrations that correspond to the biocurrents of our body. This method relieves pain and has a stimulating effect on the nervous system.


A method that combines electricity and medicinal effects. Thanks to the action of direct current, medications penetrate the body in ionic form, which increases their therapeutic activity. The so-called “deposition” of drugs in the skin occurs, which provides a prolonged (long-lasting) effect on the body.

The concentration of drugs can be very high, but at the same time side effects active substances decrease as they bypass the stomach, intestines and partly the liver.

Drug electrophoresis provides:

  • Anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Absorbable;
  • Pain reliever;
  • Trophic (improves nutrition and blood supply to tissues).

In addition, the nervous system is stimulated and normalized general condition body.


Phototherapy in physiotherapy is a whole group of methods based on the effect of light on the body. Various types Light radiation, differentiated by wavelength, has very specific therapeutic properties, which are used in the treatment of diseases.

Phototherapy methods include:

  • Laser exposure;
  • UV-physiotherapy (including CUV-physiotherapy - exposure to short-wave radiation);
  • Chromotherapy (visible radiation treatment).

Laser physiotherapy uses low-intensity radiation that is generated by quantum generators. Radiation exposure produces a metabolic, analgesic and immunomodulatory effect.

Medicinal properties ultraviolet radiation– this is a bactericidal effect (rays provoke mutations of bacteria and prevent their reproduction). Waves medium length and short waves have an immunomodulatory, vitamin-forming (in case of vitamin D deficiency), analgesic effect.


This method involves the use of various heated media - clay, sand, paraffin. During therapy, the body is affected by several factors at once - temperature, mechanical and chemical. This group also includes exposure to cold - cryotherapy.

Rehabilitation physiotherapy

Traumatic lesions of bones and muscles, degenerative and dystrophic diseases of the spine often require long-term rehabilitation treatment. After getting rid of pain and stabilizing the condition, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease and restore the functionality of the affected organs and tissues.

One of the most effective physiotherapeutic methods in this group is massage. Massage is done either with your hands or with the help of special devices. Hardware massage is also practiced.

Another restorative method is physical therapy (physical therapy). This technique is used in cardiology, orthopedics, traumatology, rheumatology and neurology. With the help of special exercises, which the patient performs under the guidance of an experienced instructor, it is possible to restore activity after the most severe injuries and illnesses.

The greatest therapeutic effect is achieved when exercise therapy is combined with magnetotherapy, ultrasound treatment, and laser treatment.