Angelina name description. Angelina: eccentricity with an angelic face



Independent Active Independent

Angelina Vovk, TV presenter

  • Name meaning
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Angelina mean?

When you mention this name, you first think of angels. True, the meaning of the name Angelina is not at all manifested in an angelic character. Very independent and stubborn, she can become both a reward and a punishment for those around her.

As a child, Gelya is an obedient and calm child; she is most affected by the injustice or “wrongness” of the world around her. She is eager to fix everything and everyone, to restore order and “peace in the whole world.” Having matured, Angelina begins to understand that it will not be possible to achieve harmony in the world, and therefore it is not worth trying.

So the story of what the name Angelina means begins precisely with the transformation of this pure and innocent girl into a tough woman resistant to life’s failures and difficulties.

Lina will bring all her unspent tenderness and softness to her family, and those around her will know her as an imperturbable and at times even harsh person.

Would you name your child this name?

The origin of the name Angelina is Greek and is associated with the ancient Greek word “angelo”, which means “to notify”. Thus, the name Angelina can be interpreted as “angel”, “angelic”, “messenger”. It appeared in Rus' along with other baptismal names and came to us from Byzantium.

Despite this, this name does not appear in documentation until the 19th century. And even now this sonorous and beautiful nickname is considered quite rare, although loved by many.

On the other hand, various variations of this name have become widespread throughout the world, especially in Europe: Angela, Angela, Angel, Angelika, Angelina. This is a church name, and its canonical form Angelina in Orthodoxy is included in the Christian calendar.

Name forms

Simple: Lina Full: AngelinaVintage: AngelinaAffectionate: Linochka

The main secret of the name Angelina lies in the duality of her nature. Outwardly, she may be a very tough, impulsive and self-sufficient woman, but inside she is very vulnerable, impressionable and trusting. It is sometimes very difficult for her to fit into the environment. Gele, who is precocious for her years, gets bored in class or just in the company of her peers.

She can be known as a quiet woman, or maybe even a robber, if she does not find the strength to control her temperament.

Angelina, who is always ready to help others, relies only on herself and copes with assigned tasks on her own.

The girl moves towards her goal measuredly and carefully, not taking risks, but also not allowing herself to be led astray.

The characteristic of the name Angelina is such that other people's opinions do not matter to her. Lina does not recognize authorities and rarely listens to anyone’s advice, preferring to accumulate her own life experience. Another character trait of Angelina can be called a developed imagination, and therefore it costs her nothing to invent some story, no matter what actually happened - just out of boredom.

Behind external coldness and even callousness there is often hidden an offended virtue, an unrealized desire to change the world for the better - this is what the name Angelina means and what she carefully hides from others.

Mature Lina does not forgive insults, and insults inflicted on members of her family are generally equated to betrayal: the offenders are erased from life once and for all.

Angelina is endowed with willpower, determination, and passion, which most often manifests itself in enthusiasm. However, in work, these qualities are manifested only if Lina has chosen “her” profession, which fascinates her and is truly interesting. Otherwise, she will turn out to be a mediocre worker: it is easier for her to come up with something interesting, generate an idea, rather than then methodically and boringly implement it.

The character of the owner of this name can also be influenced by the middle name. Angelina Evgenievna is very efficient, you can rely on her. But Gelya Alekseevna fits a different description: she is a born leader and easily becomes part of any company.

Character Traits




Self Confidence







Family is of paramount importance to Lina. It is here that such wonderful characteristics of Angelina are revealed as dedication, endurance, and the ability to accept her husband and children as they are. It is at home that Gelya feels at home.

A rare name, as well as an unusual character and often appearance, attracts the attention of men. But Angelina is in no hurry to get married; she takes a long look at the potential candidate and weighs the pros and cons.

But having made a choice, she happily builds a “family nest”, and a better housewife, wife and mother simply cannot be found.

An exception may be Angelina Dmitrievna: her harsh temper will interfere with her even when communicating with children. But the bearer of the patronymic Andreevna will constantly pamper them and try to protect them from all life’s troubles.

The meaning of the name Angelina for a girl

Despite the “angelic” meaning of the name Angelina, little Lina is unlikely to be a calm and sweet child, except sometimes. But most of the time this girl will behave very smartly, impetuously and stubbornly.

Since childhood, Gelya has been very independent and does not tolerate other people's influence and pressure.

The main character trait for a girl named Angelina will be curiosity. This means that parents will have to watch her very carefully, because Lina can climb anywhere and for anything. This child has more than enough energy, as well as perseverance and the ability to insist on his own.

What will Angelina achieve success in?

Since childhood, Angelina has been intolerant of control and subordination, and therefore she is close to professions in which she will be the one in command (or, in extreme cases, work independently, without subordinating to anyone). Gelya can also realize herself in creativity.

The relationship between mom and dad is of great importance for Angelina’s upbringing. A child who grew up in a prosperous family, where parents loved each other, did not quarrel or argue, paid a lot of attention to her and often spent time together, will grow up much calmer, sociable and balanced. This way the girl will listen to other opinions.

What games will she like?

Angelina is very nimble as a child, and therefore prefers to play noisy games with the boys in order to spend her energy somewhere. It is possible that this child will be the ringleader among them. As he grows up, he may become interested in something more serious, for example, some strategies or even chess.

The very sound of the name Angelina is somehow sweet, charming, gentle, and it evokes extremely pleasant associations, doesn’t it? In addition, probably everyone who knows a girl with that name will agree that she is an unusual and very attractive person, and her destiny is bright and interesting.

Of course, the name Angelina influences the life and fate of its bearer. How exactly it affects, what kind of energy it has, what the name Angelina means and what its origin is, what kind of character this girl has - all this and many other useful and interesting things we will now learn.

The original origin of this beautiful name is Greek. It sounded like “Angelos” to the ancient Greeks, and this word is translated as “angel” or “messenger”. Later the word was transformed into the Late Latin name Angelus, and it was masculine, not feminine. And from it the name Angelina, familiar to us, appeared. This is such an unusual and complex origin!

This is the full name, its analogues in other countries are Angelina, Angelina, Angelina, Andelina. Abbreviated or affectionately they say Angela, Gela, Angelinka, Gela, Gelyusya, Elya, Yolka, Lina.

Characteristics and future

The girl, whose name is Angelina, shows a strong and difficult character from an early age. She is very independent and willful. Her own origins, family ties, and the authority of adults are of little importance to her, so Angelina always acts as she sees fit, and in general, she educates herself.

In childhood, a child has frequent conflicts with her parents; she cannot be called obedient and diligent; she often believes that her parents are wrong and do not understand anything at all. Already in childhood, the girl Angelina has her own opinion about many things, she is not guided by the views of others and is convinced that she has every right to independently decide her own destiny.

She gets along easily with her peers, but chooses as friends only those with whom she has something to talk about, who have similar tastes and interests. She is very active in games and communication, constantly coming up with something, very cheerful and “explosive”, and does not sit still. She likes to compose, find something new, her own, fantasize and dream about the future. He gets along well and is friends with boys; he prefers active war games to dolls.

He may even become a ringleader and leader in a male company. Her character is distinguished by many masculine traits, such as courage, belligerence, a sense of justice and some conflict. She loves when people take her seriously, often does not allow her to be called diminutively or affectionately, and is generally irritable. But at the same time, her friends appreciate, love and respect her.

Angelina chooses her profession exclusively herself - it does not happen that her parents sent her to study where they themselves decided. She often chooses creative professions, because this child has many different talents: she can sing, dance, and is inclined towards sports and acting. She loves animals and may choose to become a veterinarian.

At the same time, she can choose the profession of a surgeon, since she has enough composure and determination. When Angelina is passionate about something, it’s for a long time. She never quits what she starts, thinks for a long time before starting or choosing something, and is not mistaken.

Her fate develops interestingly and is never ordinary. She can become rich, or she can live modestly - it all depends on her personal goals and priorities. Angelina is tenacious, stubborn and brave, so there are no obstacles in her way - she can achieve anything. Moreover, laziness, doubts and fears are unknown to her.

As for her personal life, the character and soul of this girl is a mystery shrouded in darkness for men. In her youth, she is more passionate about her personal interests, herself, her goals, and dating often seems like a waste of time to her. And by the time she begins to need a chosen one, many of her peers are already busy with someone else.

Another difficulty in her personal life is that she is picky and very demanding. But a lonely fate is still not scary for her: Angelina’s bright personality and extraordinary character attract men, so that one day she finds herself not just a partner, but a real comrade in spirit. This woman does not like to talk about her personal life; for many it is a mystery what is happening in her destiny.

She starts a family and a child (or children) already at a mature, conscious age, so Angelina rarely gets divorced. Constancy and a serious attitude towards everything are of great importance for this woman, so Angelina does not rush to conclusions, makes serious and balanced decisions, and therefore rarely regrets anything.

Compatibility with men

Although the meaning of the name Angelina is “angel,” her character is not angelic at all. It is quite difficult for her to get along with the opposite sex, she often shows her conflict and dissatisfaction with something, and she needs a strong, wise chosen one who can turn her into a gentle princess.

And yet, friendship and partnerships are of great importance to her, so Angelina would marry her best, faithful friend rather than out of love. Let's see which male names she matches best with.

3. Low probability of relationships: Leonid, Gennady, Stepan, Anatoly, Stanislav. Everything will be complicated here, compatibility is quite low. But with a strong desire, anything is possible!

So, the origin of the name is Greek, and the meaning of the name Angelina is “messenger” or “angel”, but her character is very passionate and complex. According to the church calendar, her name day is September 12, this is the day of remembrance of the Holy Venerable Angelina of Serbia.

By learning what the name Angelina means, you can better know her soul and understand her as a person. And this, you see, is very important and useful for any relationship! Author: Vasilina Serova

Angelina is an unusual and rare name. Although it resembles the word "angel", it is actually just a coincidence. The name has ancient Greek roots and means, translated from Greek, “bringer of good news, messenger.” What is Angelina's short name?

For owners of this name there are many interesting abbreviations: Gelya, Angela, Angela, Angel, Lina, Elya, Anzh (from English), Angelika. Angelina and Angelica are different names, but they have the same nature and come from the same ancient Greek word “messenger”.

The name is ecclesiastical and has its own patron saint, Angelina.

Blessed Angelina of Serbia (Brankovic)

The name Angelina is patronized by Saint Angelina of Serbia. During her lifetime, Saint Angelina of Serbia was the wife of a Serbian king and the daughter of an Albanian duke. For a long time, fleeing Turkish persecution, she lived with her husband in exile. After which, around 1510, she took monastic vows as a nun. With the assistance and support of Grand Duke Vasily the Third, she founded a church, where she served as abbess until the end of her days.

Angelina's birthday

Angelina has several angel days. Most names have several names. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the church name refers to several saints. For example, Helena can celebrate as many as six name days a year, in honor of the Martyr Helena and the Martyr Helena, daughter of the Apostle Alpheus, Righteous Helena, Queen of Serbia, also in memory of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helena and Olga, the Great Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess (after the baptism of Helena), and the Venerable Helena Diveevskaya.

However, with Angelina everything is different. Angelina has angel days four times a year, but they honor one saint - the Venerable Angelina of Serbia (Brankovic), Queen of Serbia. As a rule, in order to determine when to celebrate a particular Angelina’s name day, you need to select the closest date to her birthday. This will be the day of the angel Angelina. According to the Orthodox calendar, or name book, Angel Day should be celebrated 4 times a year:

  • July 14;
  • December 23;
  • September 12;
  • August 12.

These are the days of memory of the Venerable Angelina.

How to celebrate name days

Since name days are celebrated according to the church calendar, Angelina should start her angel’s day with a trip to church. In order to honor the righteous Angelina, the ruler of Serbia, you need to light a candle and pray. The magnification looks like this: “We bless you, Reverend Mother Angelina, and honor your holy memory, for you pray for all of us, Christ our God.”

Famous Angelinas and Angel Days

  • Angelina Vovk (September 12) - Soviet television and radio presenter, film actress, deputy.
  • Angelina Jolie (July 14) is a famous film actress, screenwriter and director.
  • Angelina Guskova (December 23) - UN expert, Soviet radiologist, doctor of medicine. sciences, professor.
  • Angelina Zolotsevskaya (July 14) - holder of the Order of the BKZ, participant of the Second World War.


How to congratulate Angelina on Angel Day? What to give?

Many note that, having such an angelic name, Angelinas are by no means distinguished by their angelic character. Bearers of the name often have a temperamental nature, are stubborn and very willful. Despite this, Angelinas are capable of loving strongly and sensitively. They seem to live in their own unique world with their own ideas about everything. Therefore, the gift must be chosen with care, corresponding to the expectations and ideas of the birthday girl.

Give something related to Geli's hobby, something for the soul. You can also try giving something for your home. After all, love and home are very important to these girls. Like any girl, Angelina loves attention. Therefore, the celebration may be modest, but the gifts should be very personal, and all attention should go only to Angelina.

Be that as it may, give a gift from the heart - and you won’t go wrong.

Angelina - abbreviated Gelya, Lina. This beautiful name originated in Greece. Its sound in ancient Greek is “Angelos”, and it means “messenger”. Then the word underwent a transformation and in Late Latin began to sound like Angelus, and this was the name for men, not women. And out of it emerged - Angelina.

Meaning of the name Angelina

The meaning according to church order is deciphered as - "angel", "angelic". Its reduction does not end with two options. The short form is also used as: Gelina, Gela, Elya, Ela, Alina.​

The meaning of the ancient Greek free translation of the name Angelina is “angelic, good news.” Mysterious, very energetic and passionate, this is what distinguishes most of the female population who bear this name. Her character is completely dependent on her age; among other names there is no such changeable character.

The name sounds charming and gentle. Probably, everyone who knows a friend with this name will confirm that this person is unusual, quite attractive, with a bright and interesting destiny.

The name has a great influence on the life and destiny of the individual.

Characteristics and fate

The girl shows a strong and difficult character from an early age. She loves independence and is headstrong, sticks to her own opinions and educates herself.

Since childhood, the girl often conflicts with her parents, she is disobedient and not very diligent, she thinks that they are wrong in everything and do not understand anything. She has a personal opinion on many things and believes that she can control her own destiny. Inducing Lina to do physical labor by force will lead to nothing.

The girl easily establishes relationships with peers, making friends only with those who have the same tastes and interests as her. Sociable, active, with a cheerful, explosive character, always has a lot of ideas, and does not sit still. Dreams and fantasizes about the future. Likes to be friends with boys and actively plays war.

Very often she is a leader in a company of the opposite sex, her character is dominated by masculine traits, she is brave and warlike. She can be irritable and does not like being called by her diminutive name. But, nevertheless, her friends treat her with respect, value her and love her.

She participates in choosing a profession herself, she will not go to study where her parents decided. He prefers creative professions, as he has various talents: singing, dancing, sports, acting. Because of her love for animals, she is capable of becoming a veterinarian.

It is possible that she will become a surgeon, as she is cold-blooded and purposeful. Hobbies are always serious and long-lasting. Whatever she starts, she finishes, and before starting, she chooses for a long time, and, as a rule, she is not mistaken in her choice.

Angelina's girlhood

During this period, girls are quite restless and emotional.. Depending on what your goals and priorities are in life, you can be self-sufficient or live in modesty. The fate of Geli during this period is interesting and extraordinary:

Angelina does not like to make hasty conclusions; she always makes decisions seriously and carefully.

Growing up stage

Adult Angelina has a hard time communicating with people, she remains committed to her rules of conduct. She is convinced that she must fight for justice. Gradually, this fervor passes, and she comes to understand that she is not able to change the world.

Imperfect herself, Angelina demands a lot from others. In this regard, her professional destiny does not always turn out well, given her natural laziness. Family happiness depends on the understanding that you and your husband will have to curb your temper. If she gives up ambitions and leadership in the family, she will be a wonderful wife and a good mother.

The influence of time of birth on character

Girls with this name are active. They are stubborn, but warm and hospitable. If we consider the character of Angelina born at different times of the year, then it turns out that there is nothing in common between them:

Name days according to the church calendar

For a long time, Angel Day has been an important celebration. Previously, this holiday was celebrated at the table with pies and personalized loaves, and they visited church for communion. Angelina is an old, beautiful and well-known name for a woman. It belongs to the church, since the most significant in history was Angelina, canonized. She did the work to restore churches after the Turkish invasion of Serbia. This name is popular in our country.

Lina's patroness. Angel Day is celebrated four times a year. When choosing a name for a child, find out which saint you are naming him after; it has a strong influence on the character and fate of the baby.

The Venerable Angelina of Serbia grew up in the Orthodox family of the Albanian prince Ariyanit. Her husband was Stefan, the blind king of Serbia. From this marriage two children appeared. Reverend Angelina lived her life in sorrows and disappointments. Her husband died early, and two children subsequently died. She spent the rest of her life in a women's monastery.

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The name Angelina evokes associations with the appearance and character of an angel. You should beware of such comparisons, as they have nothing to do with reality. The characterization of the name Angelina speaks of the weaknesses inherent in many representatives of the fair sex - stubbornness, irritability, reluctance to let strangers into their inner world. Surprisingly, her soul is filled with love and harmony.

The meaning of the name Angelina in short form

Origin of the name Angelina

The appearance of this name in Rus' is associated with baptism. Origin of the name Angelina- Ancient Greek. It came to us from Byzantium and has undergone many changes over many centuries.

The version according to which meaning of the name Angelina- this is a messenger, messenger, angel - is considered the main one. According to another version, it comes from the male name Angelus, which was used to name the ancient Greek gods, giving them their praise.

The patron saint of this name is Angelina of Serbia. According to the church calendar, all Angelines celebrate their name days several times a year:

In daily communication, other forms of this name are often used: Angelinka, Angelya, Lina, Gelya, Angela, Gelina, Ela, Elya, Gela, Alina, Gelyusya.

Declension by case

Angelina is a feminine noun, 1st declension. The changes by case are as follows:

Letter decoding of the name Angelina

Perhaps the secret will be revealed if you try to spell out the meaning of the name Angelina:

A – aspirations for new beginnings and spiritual comfort

N – ability to analyze a situation, unwillingness to take everything for granted, work only for results

G – conscientiousness, knowledge of the secret meaning

E – need for self-expression, talkativeness, insightful mind

L – love of beauty, desire for spiritual intimacy with a partner, search for one’s true purpose

And - high spiritual qualities, romanticism under the guise of practicality

N – repeat (increase value)

A – repeat (increasing meaning)

Based on this decoding, we can say that girls with this name are characterized by tenderness and care for their neighbors, but they can be reckless and irrepressible in their desires. Finding your true purpose is the path of every Angelina.

Character of a girl named Angelina

When choosing a name for a newborn daughter, parents should at least ask what the name Angelina means. This choice must be carefully thought out, because girls wearing it are capricious, capricious, and irritable. Each little Gelya strives for complete independence. Her reactions to adults' requests are always unpredictable. It is difficult for parents to raise such a wayward child. And if there is a divorce in the family, then it will certainly be complicated by the unpredictable behavior of the baby. Gelya will blame both herself and her parents for the discord that has occurred.

Girls with this name always reject all support from loved ones. Gelya shapes her own character and chooses her destiny. Despite her outward toughness and inaccessibility, there is always a place in her heart for love and warmth, but only for those closest to her.

Thanks to her leadership qualities, Gelya can always convince her peers of anything. The baby is characterized by sociability and the ability to manipulate feelings.

Among her friends there are many boys. This is due to the fact that the girl is characterized by curiosity associated with activity and the search for adventure. Gelya will never forgive her offender and will always give a worthy rebuff, which is rather inherent in the boy’s character. But quiet girlish games with dolls are alien to her.

Developed intelligence and natural intelligence do not always contribute to Geli’s good studies. Good grades will be obtained only in those subjects that arouse keen interest.

How do Angelina's teenage years develop?

With age, the young lady outwardly becomes calmer. But the secret of her character can manifest itself at any moment in a violent outburst of anger.

The girl has few friends. Not everyone will tolerate her despotism and extreme rigidity in relationships. Gelya prefers to command, but any submission is abhorrent to her temperament. The lack of friends, however, does not bother her at all. She even loves loneliness.

Despite her tough character, those around her respect her for the fact that she will never intrigue, gossip or “six” in front of her elders. The girl never compromises. Gelya resolves all issues without any diplomacy, only with pure force of character. She hides her gullibility and vulnerability under the mask of a fighting character.

The girl always tries to act according to her conscience. Although there are situations when she is capable of serious deception in order to achieve her goal. Gelya will not feel any remorse about this.

Such a determined young lady expects the same assertiveness of character from her companion. But she will never tolerate falsehood or betrayal, so she can spend a long time searching for a suitable life partner.

Destiny of a woman

Having matured, Gelya rushes between the need to be tolerant, practical, sweet in communication and the unwillingness to put up with the oppression of her violent temperament. She is afraid to open up to the world, to show all her best qualities to others, because she believes that this can cost her dearly. She finds it difficult to communicate with others while remaining true to her principles of behavior.

The woman believes that her destiny is the fight for justice. True, this fervor goes away with age. She just begins to understand that she cannot change the whole world. Gelya strives to find harmony in her soul in order to feel happier.

A woman with this name always demands a lot from others, although she herself cannot be called ideal. Therefore, professional fate does not always work out well, given the natural laziness of a woman.

The secret of her family happiness lies solely in the understanding that with her husband she will have to curb her character. If she can give up her ambitions and leadership positions in the family, then she may well become a good wife and a wonderful mother.

The influence of the time of birth on a woman’s character

All Angelinas born in winter are distinguished by a stubborn and intractable character. In any situation they have their own opinion. “Winter” bearers of this name are not distinguished by morality. They are able to deceive without feeling any remorse about it. The best character traits are always hidden from prying eyes, and only the closest people know about their manifestations.

A “spring” woman always achieves her goal because she has healthy ambition and the ability to set realistic goals for herself. At the same time, she can surround loved ones with warmth and care. Gelya, born in spring, may not get married for a long time. But with the advent of a family, she becomes the standard of an exemplary wife. But it is important for her that her life partner is not only a husband and father of her children, but also a true friend for her.

Anyone can offend “Summer” Gelya, because she is especially vulnerable and trusting. In relationships with men, a woman is guided solely by her feelings, which is why she usually fails in marriage. She should be more selective about her surroundings and learn to be more firm in her decisions.

A woman born in autumn is sensible and practical. She always achieves success in her professional field, but in relationships with men she is catastrophically unlucky. Angelina literally attracts those who want to make money at someone else’s expense.

Famous people

History knows many names of women who bear the name Angelina:

Varganova, Stepanova, Chernova - famous actresses