Anatoly Pashinin was killed in Donbass. Throwing information? Who needs the death of actor Pashinin: he is being killed for the second time Which actor died in the DPR


According to unconfirmed information, the famous Russian actor Anatoly Pashinin, who fought in Donbass as part of punitive troops, died during shelling. Writer and DPR militia fighter Zakhar Prilepin spoke about this.

The cultural figure announced the death of Pashinin on Twitter. “They write that actor Pashinin was killed as a result of shelling. Anyone who starts gloating will be banned. Don’t be like cattle,” Prilepin said, addressing his subscribers.


The writer added that he can’t even imagine where and in what battle the actor could have been killed. According to Prilepin, on the day of Pashinin’s death, the militia did not fight at all, since “the authorities did not order it.” “I don’t even know where his subsection is,” he wrote.

At the same time, the DPR fighter expressed hope that, after all, the actor’s death was just a rumor. “Let him live. Just let him live at home. If he dies, there is no joy,” Prilepin concluded.

The announcement of the actor’s death was commented on by his director Yulia Pavlova. According to her, she does not know whether Pashinin really died, REN TV reports.

Let us remind you that Anatoly Pashinin became popular in Russia thanks to the films “Storm Gates”, “Admiral” and “We are from the Future”. At the end of August this year, it became known that the 38-year-old actor volunteered for the Ukrainian army and is fighting in the Donbass.

Having learned about this, Pashinin’s colleague in the acting workshop, Mikhail Porechenkov, warned him: “Maybe we will meet again, it’s just that, as I said, we will be on different sides of the barricades. But we have a good memory and a lot of health. He will learn something in their ranks - let's unlearn!" In turn, writer Zakhar Prilepin strongly recommended Pashinin to avoid meeting with him, especially in battle. “I don’t know Pashinin, but this is his personal choice. I would sincerely recommend that he not meet my unit in battle,” he said.

War correspondent Anna Dolgareva confirmed the death of actor Anatoly Pashinin, who fought in Donbass against militias on the side of Ukrainian security forces.

Dolgareva, who works in the Donbass as a military correspondent for the Russian Channel Five, said on Friday that Pashinin “looks like they were killed the third time.” According to her, the death of the actor was confirmed by the militia, but the information is not yet official.

The girl admitted that she was “unintentionally happy” about the news of Pashinin’s death, but then humanity took over and caused embarrassment for her first reaction. Dolgareva’s subscribers also talk in the comments about the contradictory reaction to the murder of the “punisher actor.” “If it’s true, I won’t be happy, but there will be a feeling of satisfaction,” writes user Victor P.

The death of Pashinin in Donbass as a result of shelling was reported on Friday by a writer and DPR major with reference to social networks. He ruled out the involvement of the DPR in the possible death of the actor, saying that the militia “didn’t shoot anywhere” because the authorities didn’t order it.” Prilepin also stressed that the data has not yet been confirmed, and called on “not to gloat” and “not to be like cattle.”

The writer’s position is shared by actor Mikhail Porechenkov, who starred with Pashinin in “Storm Gates” and also visited the DPR, where he supported the militias. Porechenkov expressed regret over the possible death of his former colleague, noting: “It’s always a pity when people die.” The actor also said that Pashinin himself chose his own path.

Anatoly Pashinin became famous thanks to the films “Admiral”, “We are from the Future”, as well as the serial film “Storm Gates”. After Maidan, he went to Ukraine and began to actively support the new regime in Kyiv. In August 2017, Pashinin joined the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Donbass as a volunteer, saying that he “gets a thrill” from the war, reports

The behavior of Russian actor Anatoly Pashinin, who spent a month fighting in Donbass on the side of Ukraine, is being discussed on the Internet.

A video has appeared on the Internet, footage of which shows Russian actor Anatoly Pashinin, who fought for the ATO in Donbass, sobbing on the streets in Odessa. The author of the video was video blogger Stas Dombrovsky. Despite the fact that he later deleted the video, the recording managed to spread across the Internet.

It is worth noting that Pashinin’s reaction was caused by a street musician’s song. As can be seen in the recording, at some point he begins to sob and first bites his hand, and then takes off his hat and bites it.

“Bravo!” Pashinin shouted at the end.

Under the publication, Internet users left many comments, the majority of which were negative.

“Drunk, I suppose. And, as always, I saw the camera, and let’s play the actor,” “Is he killed?” - users write.

Let us remind you that actor Pashinin recently spoke about making money in the Donbass.

Anatoly Pashinin, a once successful actor and star of Russian TV series, who has now fled to Ukraine in the Donbass, gave an interview to the “Rendezvous” program, where he talked about how he makes a living, about politics, and the upcoming elections “from the rot,” and also criticized the current film industry .

First of all, the presenter asked whether it was true that he was making money from one job to another. Pashinin confirmed that this is indeed the case and now, in order to “earn extra 500 hryvnia,” he is raking yards.

“Sometimes guys call: “Do you need money?” There is an opportunity to earn extra 500 hryvnia (1200 rubles), go out, clear things out, but now this is the heating season. People are stocking up on firewood, so they unload, unload, bring, chop. Fir-trees, sticks, there is always some kind of thing around the house: to clear the rubble in front of the house,” said Pashinin.

Then the conversation turned abruptly to the Ukrainian film industry, which, according to Pashinin, has been destroyed. According to the actor, the Minister of Culture should be actor Alexei Gorbunov, who also worked successfully in Russia until 2014, and then left for Ukraine and now says that he misses new roles. He also admitted that he missed new roles, but now there is a war going on.

“I hope that one day Alexey Gorbunov will become minister of culture,” says Pashinin.

He also explained why he is not trying to obtain Ukrainian citizenship: a “Russian” passport “protects” him, while Ukrainian citizenship “smacks of a sect” - it can be given or taken away, but in this situation there is nothing to take away from him, which “gives strength.”

“Anatoly Pashinin may have been killed in the Donbass,” Zakhar Prilepin said today, September 8, 2017, on his social network page. While this information is not reliable, it is reported that this is most likely the case. “The actor has been asking for a bullet for a long time,” political experts say.

Anatoly Pashinin killed or alive: where is he now 2017

This morning information appeared on the Internet that the fairly famous Russian actor Anatoly Pashinin was killed in Donbass. Moreover, according to the information of the writer Zakhar Prilepin, who is fighting on the side of the militias, they are not involved in this. They didn't even shoot in that direction. Prilepin claims that most likely Pashinin was killed by his own people - he simply came under fire from the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The writer also asked not to particularly gloat about this, “there is no happiness or joy in this, it’s all sad,” he noted.

Let us remind you that Anatoly is a fairly famous actor who began his career in Moscow in 2001, he himself is from Ukraine. He gained particular popularity after he supported Euromaidan in 2014 and went to live in his homeland, in Transcarpathia. From there, he repeatedly “threw mud” all over Russia and spoke about the need for war in Donbass. He went there to fight for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The actor’s mother responded to the fake news on the networks.

A few hours ago, information appeared that the star of many domestic TV series, actor Anatoly Pashinin, died in Donbass.

“They write that actor Pashinin was killed as a result of shelling. Anyone who starts gloating will be banned. Don’t be like cattle,” wrote writer Prilepin. By the way, many users doubted the veracity of the information and called the news about the actor’s death a “stuffing”. Pashinin’s mother was taciturn, she only answered: “Everything is fine with us.”