Analysis of the lyrical work of A. Blok “Stranger. Poem “Stranger” by A.A. Blok. Perception, interpretation, evaluation


Analysis lyrical work A. Blok “Stranger”

poet Zabolotsky block stranger lyrical

In the evenings above the restaurants

The hot air is wild and deaf,

And rules with drunken shouts

Spring and pernicious spirit.

Far above the dust of the alley,

Above the boredom of country dachas,

The bakery's pretzel is slightly golden,

And a child's cry is heard.

And every evening, behind the barriers,

Breaking the pots,

Walking with the ladies among the ditches

Tested wits.

Oarlocks creak over the lake

And a woman's squeal is heard,

And in the sky, accustomed to everything

The disk is bent senselessly.

And every evening my only friend

Reflected in my glass

And tart and mysterious moisture

Like me, humbled and stunned.

And next to the neighboring tables

Sleepy lackeys hang around,

And drunkards with rabbit eyes

“In vino veritas!” they scream.

And every evening, at the appointed hour

(Or am I just dreaming?),

The girl's figure, captured by silks,

A window moves through a foggy window.

And slowly, walking between the drunks,

Always without companions, alone

Breathing spirits and mists,

She sits by the window.

And they breathe ancient beliefs

Her elastic silks

And a hat with mourning feathers,

And in the rings there is a narrow hand.

And chained by a strange intimacy,

I'm looking for dark veil,

And I see the enchanted shore

And the enchanted distance.

Silent secrets have been entrusted to me,

Someone's sun was handed to me,

And all the souls of my bend

Tart wine pierced.

And ostrich feathers bowed

My brain is swinging,

And blue bottomless eyes

They bloom on the far shore.

There's a treasure in my soul

And the key is entrusted only to me!

You're right, drunken monster!

I know: the truth is in the wine.

“The Stranger” was written on April 24, 1906 in Ozerki. This poem is not only one of best poet, but also one of the most perfect creations of all Russian lyrics.

“The Stranger” by Alexander Blok belongs to the period of writing “A Scary World”, when the main things in the poet’s perception of the world were feelings of melancholy, despair and disbelief.

Having created in his youth “Poems about a Beautiful Lady”, delightful in their ideological integrity, where everything is surrounded by atmosphere mystical secret and the miracle taking place, Blok captivated readers with the depth and sincerity of the feeling that he told about lyrical hero. The world of the Beautiful Lady will be for the poet the highest standard to which, in his opinion, a person should strive. But in his desire to feel the fullness of life, A. Blok’s lyrical hero will descend from the heights of lonely happiness and beauty. He will find himself in the real, earthly world, which he will call the “terrible world.” The lyrical hero will live in this world, subordinating his fate to the laws of his life.

The gloomy motives of many poems of this period expressed Blok’s protest against cruelty scary world, turning all the highest and most valuable things into bargaining items. It is not beauty that reigns here, but cruelty, lies and suffering, and there is no way out of this impasse. The lyrical hero surrenders to the poison of hops and riotous revelry:

And every evening my only friend

Reflected in my glass

And tart and mysterious moisture,

Like me, humbled and stunned.

During this period, the poet breaks with his Symbolist friends. His first love left him - Lyubov Dmitrievna, the granddaughter of the famous chemist Mendeleev, went to his close friend - the poet Andrei Bely. It seemed that Blok was drowning his despair in wine. But despite this, main theme poems from the “Terrible World” period, love still remains. But the one about whom the poet writes his magnificent poems is no longer the same Beautiful lady, but fatal passion, temptress, destroyer. She tortures and burns the poet, but he cannot escape from her power.

Even about the vulgarity and rudeness of the terrible world, Blok writes spiritually and beautifully. Although he no longer believes in love, does not believe in anything, the image of the stranger in the poems of this period still remains beautiful. The poet hated cynicism and vulgarity; they are not in his poems.

“The Stranger” is one of the most characteristic and beautiful poems of this period. Blok describes the real world in it - a dirty street with gutters, prostitutes, a kingdom of deceit and vulgarity, where “tested wits” walk with the ladies among the pouring slops.

In the evenings above the restaurants

The hot air is wild and deaf,

And rules with drunken shouts

Spring and pernicious spirit.

The lyrical hero is alone, surrounded by drunkards, he rejects this world that horrifies his soul, like a booth, in which there is no place for anything beautiful and holy. The world poisons him, but amid this drunken stupor a stranger appears, and her image awakens him. bright feelings She seems to believe in beauty. Her image is surprisingly romantic and alluring, and it is clear that the poet’s faith in goodness is still alive.

The contrast between the Stranger and the situation at the restaurant counter is so striking that the poet doubts the reality of what is happening: “Or am I just dreaming?”

It seems that the signs of the Stranger are real, but we do not see her face, the woman’s figure is beautiful, but mysterious and enigmatic. Her silhouette is only outlined, symbolically conditional. With light strokes (with the help of epithets), the poet draws a woman-vision: her “girlish figure”, “elastic silks”, “mourning feathers” of the hat, “dark veil”, “narrow hand in rings”.

One cannot help but pay attention to the beautiful assonance: “Breathing with perfume and mists, she sits at the window” (y-a-u-a-i-i-u-a-a-i...), “and her elastic silk" (ee-u-e-i-a-a-a-i....), he conveys the element of femininity that has overshadowed this country restaurant, making the lines musical, light, weightless. The poet minimizes unpronounceable consonants, turning to sonorous consonants, which he emphasizes with hissing and whistling sounds, reminiscent of the rustling of silk.

Vulgarity and dirt cannot tarnish the image of a stranger, reflecting Blok’s dreams of pure, selfless love. And although the poem ends with the words “In vino veritas” (“Truth is in wine”), the image of a beautiful stranger inspires faith in a bright beginning of life.

The poem has two parts, and the main literary device is an antithesis, opposition. In the first part there is the dirt and vulgarity of the surrounding world, and in the second there is a beautiful stranger; this composition allows you to convey main idea Blok. The image of a stranger transforms the poet, his poems and thoughts change. In place of the everyday vocabulary of the first part are inspired lines that are striking in their musicality. Art forms subordinated to the content of the poem, allowing you to penetrate it more deeply. Alliterations in the description of a dirty street, heaps of coarse consonant sounds are further replaced by assonances and alliterations of sonorant sounds - [r], [l], [n]. Thanks to this, the most beautiful melody of the sounding verse is created.

This poem does not leave anyone indifferent, it cannot be forgotten once read, and beautiful image excites us. These poems touch to the depths of the soul with their melody; they are like pure, magnificent music flowing from the very heart.

“The Stranger” was written during a difficult period for the poet - when he himself was going through a difficult personal drama. His beloved, Lyubov Mendeleeva, left him for his friend and fellow poet Andrei Bely. Blok had a hard time with this separation, which is perhaps partly why the poem is permeated with such sadness.

According to many researchers, the poet conveys the atmosphere of the St. Petersburg outskirts; in addition, here one can find his impressions of trips to the dacha, where the poet visited more than once during this period, dull rural entertainment and local inhabitants.


So, the scene of action is a certain place in which all the dirt and vulgarity seem to be deliberately concentrated big city. Here the air itself is heavy, it’s hard to breathe, the eyes of those around you are empty, all around are not people, but grotesque creatures “with the eyes of rabbits.” This world is disharmonious, viscous and dreary, and existence in it is devoid of any meaning.

And every evening in this place, terrifying in its everyday vulgarity, she appears - no longer the Beautiful Lady of Blok’s early lyrics, but a woman in whose heart there obviously lurks some secret, some kind of bitterness that makes her come here. This woman, wrapped in silk and exuding the scent of perfume, is obviously a stranger to this gray world.

The stranger walks through the mud without getting dirty with it, and remains a kind of sublime ideal.

It is significant that the lyrical hero does not at all seek to dispel the mystery surrounding her, to approach her and ask her name, to find out what brought her here. Indeed, in this case, the romantic aura surrounding the mysterious stranger will disappear; from a stranger, she will turn into just an earthly woman, in whose life, perhaps, something happened. It is important for him precisely as an image showing that even in the most pitchless darkness there is light and beauty, as a sign of a mystical miracle that brings meaning and fills life with content.

Literary analysis

The poem is written in iambic pentameter with classic cross-alternation and feminine rhyme.
The entire work can be roughly divided into two parts: in the first, an atmosphere of hopelessness reigns, while the second is illuminated by the presence of the mysterious Stranger. At the same time, the antithesis of images is constantly


There is a treasure in my soul, And the key is entrusted only to me! A.A. Block The poem “Stranger” appeared important stage in the emerging system of images of Blok the symbolist. Before this, there were half-hints and vague fantastic shadows in his poetry. In the same poem, the poet created an image of his ideal, through which the specific features of the beautiful stranger are visible. This poem is, as it were, woven from contradictions and oppositions. The composition of the work is built on antithesis. The aesthetic poet describes with almost disgust the environment against which his heroine will later appear. In the evenings above the restaurants the hot air is wild and deaf, and the spring and pernicious spirit rules over the drunken cries. And every evening, behind the barriers, wringing their bowlers, proven wits walk among the ditches with the ladies. The poet seems to be creating an unpleasant impression from the surrounding vulgar and mundane environment. He prepares the “platform” on which his heroine will appear, in clear contrast with those around her. ...The girl's figure, captured by silks, moves through the foggy window. And slowly, walking among the drunken, Always without companions, alone. Breathing perfume and mists, She sits by the window. And her elastic silks waft with ancient beliefs, And her hat with mourning feathers, And her narrow hand in rings. The poet not only admires the lady, he admires her outfit, her “blue bottomless eyes.” Sublime vocabulary emphasizes the author's reverence for the heroine. He only watches her from afar with delight, not daring to get closer and disturb her peace and loneliness. And then an enthusiastic ode to one’s own imagination sounds, which gave birth to this sublime unearthly image, capable of raising the poet above reality, taking him into the magical world of illusions, mysticism and divination. Blok is proud that this world, hidden from the eyes of the average person, was revealed to him. Silent secrets were entrusted to me, Someone’s sun was handed to me, And all the souls of my bend were pierced by tart wine. There is a treasure in my soul, And the key is entrusted only to me! The poem “Stranger” was a kind of business card Blok the symbolist and the time we call “ silver age" The author managed to capaciously and figuratively open the world of his soul to the reader, show the treasures hidden in his imagination, poetic world lyric poet.

Symbolist poetry was a philosophy of intuitive creativity, the expression of unclear feelings and subtle ideas through incoherent, unsystematic symbols. The so-called secret writing of the unspoken. The second most important symbolist category was the obligatory musicality of the verse.

The reader must independently decipher the poetry of Alexander Blok’s allusions and take part in creativity, complementing the picture of fantasy or conventional reality of the poetic landscape, worldview or ineffable experience of the creator.

One of Blok’s hobbies was the philosophy of Vladimir Solovyov, from the ideal of unity of which the symbol of the eternal came into his work feminine, or femininity. The surrounding world of the beginning of the century, with its tragic contradictions and social catastrophes, seemed terrible to the poet, and this was even the name of the central poetic cycle of this period.

Block. "Stranger" (analysis)

As a result of leaving the “terrible” existence, the lyrical hero of the poem forms his own, beautiful and poetic world. If we take the poem that Blok wrote during this period - “Stranger” - analysis will show that it can be conditionally divided into two parts. Moreover, in the first, consisting of six quatrains, for some reason there will be everything that he did not like: wild and dull hot air; dust and boredom, children's crying; noisy couples walking between ditches; creaking, squealing; lackeys and drunkards with red eyes.

A. Blok “Stranger” (analysis of the 1st part)

The poem was created in 1906. This period of life was difficult for Blok, starting with family troubles and ending with a break with the Symbolist poets. The time was also turbulent in terms of social upheaval. The poet was haunted by the feeling of trouble, the contradictory tragedy of life, which gave rise to “deaf darkness.”

It was born as a result of aimless wanderings around the St. Petersburg environs and trips to Ozerki to the dacha. Sublimely solemn quatrains, where the heroine is beautiful in her mystery, are interspersed with quatrains-statements of a hero disappointed with life, who has unconscious anxiety in his soul. He believes that the world is dying, is sliding into darkness, into the abyss, and needs to be saved. Lawlessness and unbelief reign in it.

The lyrical hero of the poem, in search of a way out, goes into revelry and drunkenness. Now he is his own friend and drinking companion. The wine “humbles” and “stuns” him. Real world, where ditches, dust, wits and their screeching ladies, the senselessly twisting disk of the moon recedes into the background when She enters the room at the “appointed” hour.

Block. “Stranger” (analysis of part 2)

The hero doubts the reality of what is happening. There are symbols of ambiguity: sleep and fog (“dreaming”, the window is foggy). The hero is not able to capture the whole image of her; details appear in his mind (the girl’s figure covered in silks, a hat with a veil and feathers, a hand in rings. The second part also consists of six quatrains. The last is the result, the conclusion.

The secret of this poem is that it is impossible to say for sure whether the Stranger is real or imaginary. Block analysis of your creation, decomposition into components of your wonderful magical world, probably would not approve. Yes, this will not give anything! Each reader must decide for himself.

Do more detailed analysis? “The Stranger”, Blok, as well as his other poems are unlikely to need it. It is better to read, feel, follow the poet’s imagination and receive unspeakable pleasure from the beauty and musicality of his fantasies!