Alexander Nevsky origin. Alexander Nevsky: interesting facts


Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky is a prince who occupies a special place in Russian history. In ancient Russian history he is the most popular character. The description of Alexander Nevsky suggests that he was a defender of the Fatherland, a fearless knight who dedicated his life to his homeland.

Alexander was born on May 30, 1219 in Pereyaslavl. His father, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, was a fair and believing prince. Almost nothing is known about Princess Feodosia Mstislavna - his mother. According to some chronicles, we can say that she was a quiet and submissive woman. These chronicles give a description of Alexander Nevsky: he was dexterous, strong and resilient, and he mastered the sciences very early. His character traits are also described in the story “The Life of Alexander Nevsky.”

Borisov N.S.’s book “Russian Commanders” describes Alexander Nevsky from early childhood. The author used many quotes from ancient historical sources, which makes it possible to feel the spirit of that era.

In 1228, the first information about Alexander appeared. Then Yaroslav Vsevolodovich was a prince in Novgorod. He had a conflict with the residents of the city, and he was forced to move to his native Pereyaslavl. But in Novgorod he left two sons, Fyodor and Alexander, in the care of trusted boyars. Son Fedor died, Alexander became the Prince of Novgorod in 1236, and in 1239 he married Alexandra Bryachislavna, the Polotsk princess.

During the first years of his reign, Nevsky fortified Novgorod, because he was threatened by the Mongol-Tatars from the east. Several fortresses were built on the Sheloni River.

The victory at the mouth of the river on July 15, 1240 over the Swedish detachment brought great glory to Alexander. He personally participated in this battle. It is believed that it was because of this victory that the Grand Duke began to be called Nevsky.

When Alexander Nevsky returned from the banks of the Neva due to the conflict, he had to leave Novgorod and return to Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. At that time, Novgorod was under threat from the west. gathered German crusaders from the Baltic states, and Danish knights from Revel, and attacked the lands of Novgorod.

I received an embassy from Novgorod asking for help. He sent an armed detachment to Novgorod led by his son Andrei Yaroslavovich, who was later replaced by Alexander. He liberated Koporye and Vodskaya land, occupied by the knights, and then drove the German garrison out of Pskov. The Novgorodians, inspired by these successes, broke into the territory of the Livonian Order and ravaged the settlement of the Estonians and tributary crusaders. After this, knights left Riga, destroyed the Russian regiment of Doman Tverdoslavich and forced Alexander Nevsky to withdraw troops to the border of the Livonian Order. The two sides began to prepare for the decisive battle.

On April 5, 1242, the decisive battle began, which took place near the Crow Stone on the ice. This battle in history is called the Battle of the Ice. As a result of the battle, the German knights were defeated. The Livonian Order had to make peace: the crusaders renounced Russian land and transferred part of Latgale.

In 1246, Alexander and his brother Andrei visited the Horde at the insistence of Batu. Then they went to Mongolia, where the new Khansha Ogul Gamish declared Andrei the Grand Duke, and gave Alexander Southern Rus', but he refused and left for Novgorod.

In 1252, he visited Mongke Khan in Mongolia and received permission to reign as a great ruler. Over the next years, he fights to maintain conciliatory relations with the Horde.

In 1262, Alexander made his fourth trip to the Horde, during which he managed to “beg” the Russians so that they would not participate in the Mongol campaigns of conquest. But during the return journey he fell ill and died on November 14, 1268 in Gorodets.

In honor of Alexander Nevsky, Peter I founded a monastery in St. Petersburg in 1724 (today it is the Alexander Nevsky Lavra). And during the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Union established it and awarded it to brave commanders.

A brilliant commander, a talented diplomat and a skillful politician - all these are characteristics of Alexander Nevsky, who will forever remain immortal in the hearts of the Russian people.

Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.

This is what the Russian Land has stood for and will stand for.

There are many worthy personalities in Russian history of whom we can be proud, whom we should honor and remember. But there are also those in our history that we should treat with special trepidation. Alexander Nevsky, of course, belongs to such individuals.

Having secured North-Western Rus' from the intervention of the Teutonic Order and the Swedes, he accomplished a Great Deed. If not for these victories, there might not have been such a country as Russia today. Nevsky entered our history as a prince, a warrior who won many important victories; like a skillful politician, beautifully flirting with the horde, thinking primarily about Russian interests.

Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich was born in the city of Pereslavl Suzdal on May 30, 1220. His paternal grandfather is the famous Grand Duke of Vladimir Vsevolod the Big Nest. Yaroslav's father is Theodore. Nevsky was tall, his voice sounded like a trumpet among the people, his face was beautiful, like the biblical Joseph, his strength was part of Samson’s, and his courage was like the Roman Caesar Vespasian. This is what a contemporary and close person spoke about him.

From 1236 to 1240 he reigned in Novgorod, fulfilling the will of his father. A huge responsibility fell on his shoulders: the defense of the Novgorod borders from warlike neighbors who wanted to seize the northwestern regions of Rus'. Several years of fierce struggle for the inviolability of the Novgorod and Pskov borders brought the prince immortal glory. In 1237, the forces of the Order of the Sword united with the Teutonic Order. In 1239, the prince married Alexandra Bryachislavovna, daughter of the Polotsk prince. After the wedding, the Novgorodians began to strengthen their borders.

A city was built on the Shelon River. And already in 1240 the Swedes struck the first blow, entering the Neva. There was a battle, and the Swedes fled. And the prince wounded Birger himself in the head with a spear. The victory brought Alexander fame and the honorary “Nevsky”. That same summer, the Germans moved to the Pskov lands, took possession of Pskov, and then began to plunder Novgorod villages. The enemy did not receive any resistance, because The prince quarreled with the Novgorodians and went to his father in Suzdal. Sensing great trouble, they sent Bishop Spiridon to Prince Yaroslav with a request to return Alexander.

The father released his son and gave help to the Vladimir army, led by his youngest son, Andrei Yaroslavovich. The brothers returned Pskov. The main clash with the German knights took place on April 5, 1242, where the Russians won. Alexander Nevsky was known as a talented commander and competent politician and diplomat. He skillfully fought off his western neighbors with one hand, and skillfully appeased the Horde with the other. He managed to delay more than one raid by the Tatars - the Mongols.

Alexander Nevsky is canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church. The prince died in 1263, during a trip to the Horde. Whether he died a natural death or was poisoned is one of the mysteries of Russian history. On November 14, 1263, Alexander Nevsky accepted the schema (he became a monk) and ended his earthly journey. All Rus' mourned the prince. Metropolitan Kirill said in connection with his death: “The sun of the Russian land has set.” Alexander Nevsky will forever remain in the memory of the Russian people as a fearless warrior and skillful politician.

Nevsky Alexander Yaroslavovich (in monasticism - Alexy) - Grand Duke of Kiev and Vladimir, an outstanding Russian commander.



Nevsky's father, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, was the prince of Pereyaslavl, and later of Vladimir and Kyiv. Mother, Rostislava (Feodosia) Mstislavna, was a princess from the Toropetsky family, daughter of Mstislav Udatny, prince of Novgorod and Galicia.

In 1225, Saint Simon, Bishop of Suzdal, on the orders of Father Nevsky, performed the rite of initiation into warriors over little Alexander.

In 1234, when Alexander was 13 years old, his first campaign took place under the command of his father to Dorpat, against the Livonians.

Foreign policy

One of the main directions of Alexander Nevsky's foreign policy was the WEST.

In 1240, the Germans approached Pskov itself, and the Swedes moved to Novgorod. On July 15, 1240, Alexander unexpectedly attacked the Swedes at night, who were camped on the Neva. The prince defeated the Swedes in the battle, which was called Nevskaya and gave the nickname to the winner. Alexander himself fought fearlessly in the ranks of his warriors, and his battle tactics showed his talent as a commander.

In 1241, at the request of the Novgorodians, Alexander cleared the outskirts of Novgorod and Pskov from Livonian knights. On April 5, 1242, Nevsky defeated the Germans on Lake Peipsi. The battle was called the Battle of the Ice.

In 1245, Alexander defeated the Lithuanians at the Battle of Lake Žizza.

These victories strengthened the northern borders of Rus' and forced the Germans to abandon their previous conquests.

Several times Pope Innocent IV sent ambassadors to Alexander, inviting him to submit to the Catholic faith. Nevsky refused.

After Nevsky ascended the throne of Vladimir, the Lithuanians again besieged Pskov. Alexander made a successful campaign.

Nevsky's second problem in foreign policy was the EAST - relations with the Tatar-Mongols.

In September 1246, Nevsky's father was summoned to Karakorum to the khan, where he was treacherously poisoned. After the death of his father, Alexander himself went to the Horde. There he went through all the necessary rituals and became the adopted son of Khan Batu himself. Together with his brother Andrei, the prince visited the khan in Mongolia. The brothers returned to Rus' only in 1249.

In 1251, Alexander again traveled to the Horde, causing murmurs of discontent in Rus' with his frequent trips to the Tatars. Some are inclined to see this as a betrayal, but most historians believe that Nevsky was a wise diplomat who, with his travels, restrained the Horde from new raids on Rus'. However, soon after this trip, the Tatars defeated Nevsky's brother, Andrei, who was forced to flee abroad.

In 1258, Nevsky went to the Horde for the third time to settle the issue with the rebellious Novgorodians.

The last time Nevsky came to the Horde was in 1262 to appease the khan, who was angry at the murder of his tribute collectors in Rus'. Nevsky returned from the Horde seriously ill.

Domestic policy

Alexander Nevsky's internal policy was aimed at strengthening cities.

By 1240, the prince strengthened the southwestern border of Novgorod along the Sheloni River.

Relations with Novgorod became one of the most important areas of Alexander’s domestic policy. The Novgorodians were very jealous of their freedom, and after the Battle of the Neva the prince had a conflict with them. Nevsky retired to his father in Pereyaslavl, but soon the Novgorodians were forced to humble their own pride, since Pskov was captured by the Livonian knights: they asked to return to the princely throne of Alexander.

After the death of his father, Alexander became the Prince of Kyiv, but since Kyiv was already losing its importance by that time, the prince preferred to live and rule in Novgorod. After the defeat of his brother Andrei by the Tatars, Nevsky becomes the Prince of Vladimir.

In 1257, Novgorod refused to participate in the census, which was carried out by the Tatar-Mongols to impose tribute on everyone. Threatening a Tatar pogrom, in 1259 Nevsky forced the Novgorodians to agree to a census. In 1262, Tatar tribute collectors were killed in many Russian cities - and Nevsky had to once again go to the Horde and resolve the conflict that arose.

Personal life

In 1239, by the will of his father, Alexander married Alexandra (in the world - Paraskeva), daughter of Bryachislav, Prince of Polotsk. The girl was educated and well-read beyond her years and times. The wedding took place in Toropets, in the local church of St. George. In 1240, Alexandra gave birth to her first child in Novgorod, who was named Vasily. Then they had three more sons (Dmitry, Andrei and Daniel) and a daughter, Evdokia.

The name of Nevsky is mentioned by the name of another woman - a certain Vassa. In the Princess Monastery of Vladimir, where, according to legend, Nevsky’s wife rests, there is an inscription on the grave: “Vassa.” Some biographers claim that this is Alexandra’s middle name, others write about the second wife of the Grand Duke.


Alexander returned from the Horde seriously ill after his last trip. There is a version according to which Nevsky was poisoned by the Tatars. Having managed to accept the schema with the name Alexy, Nevsky died on November 14, 1263 in Gorodets. The prince was buried in the Vladimir Nativity Monastery, but by order of Peter I his relics were transferred to the Alexander Nevsky Monastery in St. Petersburg.

Nevsky's main achievements

  • Nevsky showed his talent as a commander in battles with the Swedes and Livonian knights. Having rejected the threat from the West, Nevsky freed the northern borders of Rus' from attacks for many years.
  • Nevsky was a wise diplomat, not appreciated by his contemporaries: realizing that Rus' was powerless before the Horde, he established diplomatic relations with the Tatar khans. Perhaps, by doing so, he prevented the final extermination of Rus' by the Tatar-Mongols.
  • Nevsky strengthened the foundations of the Orthodox faith, refusing Catholics cooperation and himself setting an example of an Orthodox warrior and prince.

Important dates in Nevsky's biography

  • 1221 - birth
  • 1225 - initiation into warriors
  • 1234 - first participation in the battle on the Omovzha River
  • 1239 - marriage to Alexandra
  • 1240 - birth of son Vasily, victory over the Swedes in the Battle of the Neva
  • 1242 - victory over the Livonian knights at Lake Peipsi
  • 1245 - victory over the Lithuanians in the Battle of Lake Žitsa
  • 1246 - death of father
  • 1247 - trip to the Horde
  • 1248 - trip to Mongolia
  • 1249 - return to Rus'
  • 1251 - second trip to the Horde
  • 1258 - third trip to the Horde
  • 1262 - last trip to the Horde
  • 1263 - death

Interesting facts from the life of Nevsky

  • Alexandra, Nevsky's wife, was 16 years old and already tonsured a nun when Grand Duke Yaroslav ordered them to get married.
  • Tatar women frightened their spoiled children with the name of Alexander Nevsky.
  • Nevsky did not lose a single battle in his life.

Born on May 13, 1221 in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. He was the son of the Pereyaslavl prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. In 1225, according to the decision of his father, initiation into warriors took place in Nevsky’s biography.

In 1228, together with his older brother, he was transported to Novgorod, where they became princes of the Novgorod lands. In 1236, after the departure of Yaroslav, he began to independently defend the lands from the Swedes, Livonians, and Lithuanians.

Personal life

In 1239, Alexander married the daughter of Bryachislav of Polotsk, Alexandra. They had five children - sons: Vasily (1245 - 1271, Prince of Novgorod), Dmitry (1250 - 1294, Prince of Novgorod, Pereyaslavl, Vladimir), Andrey (1255 - 1304, Prince of Kostroma, Vladimir, Novgorod, Gorodets), Daniil ( 1261 – 1303, Moscow prince), as well as daughter Evdokia.

Military activities

The biography of Alexander Nevsky is significant for its many victories. So, in July 1240, the famous Battle of the Neva took place, when Alexander attacked the Swedes on the Neva and won. It was after this battle that the prince received the honorary nickname “Nevsky”.

When the Livonians took Pskov, Tesov, and approached Novgorod, Alexander again defeated the enemies. After this, he attacked the Livonians (German knights) on April 5, 1242 and also won a victory (the famous Battle of the Ice on Lake Peipsi).

After the death of his father in 1247, Alexander took over Kyiv and “The Whole Russian Land.” Kyiv at that time was devastated by the Tatars, and Nevsky decided to stay and live in Novgorod.

The prince repelled enemy attacks for 6 years. Then he left Novgorod for Vladimir and began to reign there. At the same time, wars with our western neighbors continued. The prince was assisted in his military campaigns by his sons, Vasily and Dmitry.

Death and legacy

Alexander Nevsky died on November 14, 1263 in Gorodets and was buried in the Nativity Monastery in the city of Vladimir. By order of Peter I, his relics were transferred to the Alexander Nevsky Monastery (St. Petersburg) in 1724.

Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky plays an exceptional role in the history of Rus'. Throughout his entire life, Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky did not lose a single battle. He was considered the favorite prince of the clergy, the patron of the Orthodox Church. He can be briefly described as a talented diplomat, a commander who was able to protect Rus' from many enemies, as well as prevent the campaigns of the Mongol-Tatars.

Nowadays, streets and squares are named after him, monuments have been erected in his honor, and Orthodox churches have been erected in many cities of Russia.

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Yaroslav Vsevolodovich gave his sons a “princely tonsure”, after which the experienced governor, boyar Fyodor Danilovich began to teach them military affairs.

Battle of Neva

Confident of victory, the royal son-in-law Birger sent Alexander a declaration of war, proud and arrogant: “ If you can, resist, know that I am already here and will take your land captive" Novgorod was left to its own devices. Rus', defeated by the Tatars, could not provide him with any support. The prince then prayed on his knees in the cathedral church of Sophia of the Wisdom of God, and turning to the soldiers, he said the words that are still popular today: “God is not in power, but in truth.”

With a relatively small squad of Novgorodians and Ladoga residents, Alexander surprised the Swedes on the night of July 15, when they stopped at a rest camp at the mouth of Izhora, on the Neva, and inflicted complete defeat on them. Himself fighting in the front ranks, Alexander " the unfaithful thief (Birger) placed a seal on his forehead with the tip of a sword"The victory in this battle gave him the nickname Nevsky and immediately put him on a pedestal of great glory in the eyes of his contemporaries. The impression of the victory was all the stronger because it happened during a difficult period of adversity in the rest of Rus'. In the eyes of the people in Alexander and the Novgorod land, special grace was manifested The author of the chronicle about the life and exploits of Alexander notes that during this battle “ having received a great many slain (enemies) from the angel of the Lord" A legend appeared about the appearance of the prince-martyrs Boris and Gleb to Pelgusius, who were going to the aid of their “relative Alexander.” Historians called the battle itself the Battle of the Neva.

Conflicting data about the losses of the Order in ancient Russian (Novgorod I Chronicle) and German (Livonian Rhymed Chronicle) sources make it difficult to assess the scale of the battle, but the political significance of this victory of Alexander Nevsky remains beyond doubt: it ensured the status quo on the Livonian-Novgorod border until the 15th century, Therefore, attempts to reduce the battle to the level of an ordinary border skirmish are unlawful.

However, the Novgorodians, always jealous of their liberties, managed to quarrel with Alexander that same year, and he retired to his father, who gave him the principality of Pereslavl-Zalessky. Meanwhile, the Livonian Germans, Chud and Lithuania were advancing on Novgorod. They fought and imposed tribute on the leaders, built a fortress in Koporye, took the city of Tesov, plundered the lands along the Luga River and began to rob Novgorod merchants 30 versts from Novgorod. The Novgorodians turned to Yaroslav for a prince; he gave them his second son, Andrei. This did not satisfy them. They sent a second embassy to ask Alexander.

Domestic politics and relations with the Horde

Alexander pursued a completely different policy towards the Tatars. According to one point of view, given the small number and fragmentation of the Russian population in the eastern lands at that time, it was impossible to even think about liberation from their power and it remained to rely on the generosity of the victors. Other historians believe that the fight against the Tatars could have been successful, but Alexander wanted to use their help to establish his strict power over the free cities. In any case, Alexander decided to get along with the Tatars at all costs. At the same time, knowing what was to come and who was to be met, Prince Alexander said before leaving for the Horde: “Even though I shed my blood for Christ’s sake from a godless king, just as my relatives did, I will not worship bush and fire and idols.”. This was a refusal to perform obligatory rites in the Horde. The prince kept his word, and the Lord saved him.

Having learned about the death of the intercessor for Rus', Metropolitan Kirill said in the Assumption Cathedral of the capital city of Vladimir: “My dear children, understand that the sun of the Russian land has set,” and everyone cried out with tears: “We are already perishing.” The deceased was transported to Vladimir and laid in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God Monastery on November 23 of the year. Numerous healings were noted during the burial.

The people were sad. Contemporaries perceived the deceased as a special prayer book and intercessor for Russia and Orthodoxy. Victorious everywhere, he was not defeated by anyone. The knight, who came from the west to see Alexander Nevsky, said that he had passed through many countries and peoples, but nowhere had he seen such a thing “neither in the kings of the king, nor in the princes of the prince.” The Tatar Khan himself allegedly gave the same review about him, and Tatar women frightened children with his name.

When the blessed Grand Duke Dimitri Donskoy prayed in the cathedral of the Nativity Monastery at his tomb before the campaign of the year on the Kulikovo field, two elders unexpectedly appeared at the tomb and exclaimed: “O Mr. Alexander, arise and hasten to the aid of your great-grandson, Grand Duke Dimitri, who is overcome by the from foreigners." After this vision, in the name of the Metropolitan of Moscow, the tomb was opened and local veneration of the holy prince was established. They prepared a special service for him. During the fire of the year, the cathedral burned, but even the shroud on the tomb survived. Church-wide glorification of the blessed Prince Alexander by the Russian Church followed at the Moscow Council in the year when they ordered him to compile a lengthy life, service and speech of praise.

By decree of Emperor Peter I, the holy relics were solemnly sent to St. Petersburg on July 14 of the year and placed on August 30 of the year in the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Since one year, the holy relics have rested in a silver shrine. The day of August 30 is revered as the day of the transfer of holy relics. This event secured St. Petersburg the title of the new capital of Russia.

The view of historians of the 18th-19th centuries

A number of historians do not attach so much importance to the personality of Alexander Nevsky. The largest Russian historians Sergei Solovyov and Vasily Klyuchevsky devoted a minimum of lines to the activities of the prince, but at the same time paid due respect to his activities.

In publications of the 1980s and later, the words “to the power of your relatives” are replaced by: “to the Russian power” or “to our country.”