Acromegaly, gigantism and growth hormone. Properties and functions of human growth hormone With an excess of somatotropin, adults develop


What is growth hormone, where is it formed and why is its synthesis in the body so important for the proper development of a child?

Growth hormone is a somatotropic hormone (somatotropin), produced in the pituitary gland - the endocrine gland of the human body. This hormone is most actively synthesized during adolescence, thereby stimulating the intensive growth of the child. Beginning at the age of 21, the pituitary gland's production of growth hormone gradually decreases. And by the age of 60, its level does not exceed 50% of the previous hormone synthesis.

Growth hormone for children

Growth hormone is synthesized throughout life and has a powerful effect on all body systems. For children, growth hormone is, first of all, the growth of organs and tissues of the whole body. Let's look at the most important functions of growth hormone.

  1. Cardiovascular system. Growth hormone takes part in the process of regulating cholesterol levels. A lack of growth hormone can lead to vascular atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke and other diseases.
  2. Skin. Growth hormone is an essential component in the process of collagen synthesis, which is responsible for the condition and tone of the skin. Growth hormone deficiency leads to insufficient collagen production, which accelerates the aging process of the skin.
  3. Weight. During sleep, growth hormone is involved in the process of fat breakdown. Failure of this mechanism can lead to gradual obesity.
  4. Bone tissue. If for adolescents growth hormone is primarily the elongation of bones, then for an adult it is their strength. This is due to the fact that growth hormone helps synthesize vitamin D3 in the body, which is responsible for the strength and stability of bones. This factor helps to resist severe bruises and various diseases.
  5. Muscle tissue– elasticity and strength.
  6. Body tone. Growth hormone helps maintain a good mood, energy and good sleep.
  7. Fatty fiber. Growth hormone stimulates the breakdown of fat, which helps reduce fat deposits, especially in the abdominal area. For this reason, growth hormone is so attractive to girls.

Growth hormone deficiency and excess

Somatotropic insufficiency or deficiency of growth hormone in children is a serious disorder that can lead not only to, but also to a delay in puberty and general physical development of the child, and in some cases to dwarfism. Excess growth hormone provokes the development of gigantism in a child.

The causes of such disorders can be different - pregnancy pathology, genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalances.

Today you can easily find many dietary supplements and injections with growth hormone. As a rule, young patients are prescribed injections of hormonal drugs. The course of treatment can last several years.

But you should start taking such drugs strictly after consulting a doctor, if there are certain reasons. Otherwise, instead of the expected positive result, you can get many problems and side effects.

In addition, it is possible to increase the synthesis of growth hormone in the body naturally.

How to stimulate the production of growth hormone?

Factors that reduce the production of growth hormone include smoking, diabetes mellitus, increased blood cholesterol levels, and pituitary gland injuries.

Growth hormone is an important element of a healthy body. The growth of a child depends on how its synthesis occurs in the body. As well as the successful functioning of many organs and systems of the body that influence the overall well-being of a person.

Somatotropin is a hormone that is actively involved in protein metabolism and is synthesized by the anterior lobes of the pituitary gland. Somatotropin is necessary for growth, normal functioning of internal organs, secretion of various substances, as well as for improving metabolic metabolism.

How is somatotropin produced?

The production of somatotropin does not occur constantly. Several peaks of its synthesis appear during the day. It is at these moments (approximately every 4-5 hours) that it is generated. One of the highest and most active peaks occurs at night - sleep stimulates its production.

If we try to explain the mechanism of growth hormone synthesis as clearly as possible, the whole process will look like this: the pituitary gland produces somatotropin, receiving a command from the hypothalamus, then it enters the blood and is delivered through it to the liver. It is here that it is processed into somatomedin, a working substance that is absorbed directly by muscles, bone tissue and fat cells.

In women during pregnancy, somatotropin, as a result of the expression of a variant gene, can be produced in the placenta, but this type of substance is slightly different in molecular composition (15 links of the polypeptide chain are missing). With age, the frequency of secretion peaks decreases.

The structure of growth hormone is a polypeptide chain, which includes 190-191 amino acids. In general, its structure is similar to prolactin. There are several types of somatotropin; they differ in the sequence of amino acids, but the homology remains unchanged. The degree of ordering of each molecule is very high.

Role in somatotropin in the body

Growth hormone (HGH) plays an important role in the body as it affects various areas. The most important impact for a person can be included in a list of three components:

  1. Stimulating effect on the synthesis of growth factors
  2. Participation in the production of a number of substances and acids
  3. Impact on tissues containing somatotropin

This list is general, but research that has been actively carried out on this hormone has significantly expanded it. So, in the body it is also responsible for the following important factors:

  • Changes oxidative metabolism, as a result of which fatty acids begin to be consumed to a greater extent and protein and glycogen are saved.
  • Somatotropin helps increase growth. Along with the acceleration of metabolism, the growth of soft tissues and skeleton occurs.
  • Improving protein biosynthesis by increasing insulin production and increasing sensitivity levels.
  • Accelerates the healing process for fractures and other injuries. It is also effective against catabolic changes caused by debilitating diseases and age-related changes.
  • Increases sexual activity.
  • Affects collagen synthesis.
  • Helps lower “bad” cholesterol.
  • Stimulates the development and growth of cartilage, therefore effective against osteoporosis.

Interaction with other hormones

The main property of the HGH hormone is its metabolic effect, which is why it is widely used in sports. But as a side effect after its use, you can notice a decrease in the secretion of thyroid hormones, which may require additional treatment in the form of replacement therapy.

In order for this hormone to work as an anabolic steroid, the presence of insulin is required.. Moreover, these substances in combination synthesize protein synergistically, whereas in the case of carbohydrate metabolism they act as antagonists. It is the lack of insulin that explains the lag in growth and development in children with type 1 diabetes.

The hormones produced by the thyroid gland are also important for obtaining anabolic as well as fat burning effects. Cortisol and other glucocorticoids can reduce the effectiveness of somatotropin, since they act as antagonists towards it. Estrogens and somatostatin also have a similar effect.

The average concentration of the hormone in the body is 1-5 ng/ml, but during peak periods of development its level increases significantly, sometimes reaching 45 ng/ml. The concentration remains high in humans up to 25 years of age, that is, until the growth zones close.

The use of somatotropin requires caution, since both excess and deficiency of the hormone can provoke negative consequences for humans. Exceeding the normal level, including due to long-term administration of large doses of the substance, can lead to changes in facial features (coarsening), thickening of bones, and macroglossia.

Additionally, other complications develop: muscle strength decreases, tissues become more resistant to insulin, and nerve endings are compressed. There is also a risk of the appearance of an adenoma, and in childhood, the associated pituitary gigantism.

Lack of somatotropin is provoked, as a rule, by genetic characteristics, therefore, from childhood, the appearance of various diseases and pathologies that develop against this background is possible.

Growth retardation occurs, sometimes supplemented by delays in puberty and even mental development. The last change is observed with a lack of several types of hormones. Low levels of somatotropin in an adult provoke increased deposition of fat on the body.

If a mutation in the receptor gene for this hormone occurs, the risk of Laron syndrome increases. Its signs are a decrease in facial size, slow growth and other associated changes.

Use of somatotropin

The drug somatotropin is used in medicine in several areas. The most important of them is the treatment of developmental and growth disorders in childhood. The peculiarity of such treatment is that it should be carried out as early as possible, and after reaching adolescence, the main course should be completed. Growth hormone is currently one of the best ways to treat pituitary dwarfism.

Previously, the prevention of senile diseases with the help of growth hormone was carried out, but at the moment this practice is not widespread. This is explained by the fact that the substance cannot be used as a nootropic, which is why it causes quite a lot of side effects in old age. Somatotropin is often used to treat nervous disorders, so it can be used under medical supervision in the treatment of depression.

The use of growth hormone is much wider in sports, although this drug was banned by the Olympic Committee back in 1989 as doping. At the moment, it is most often used in bodybuilding, since it has a good anabolic effect and helps reduce the percentage of body fat.

HGH Frag (176-191) is a fragment of growth hormone located in the amino acid segment from link 176 to link 191. It is used mainly in sports, as it accelerates lipolysis and thus promotes active fat burning. At the same time, it also has the following effect:

  • Slows down the aging process
  • Does not provoke organ hyperplasia
  • Does not affect insulin secretion and glucose levels
  • Strengthens bone tissue
  • Promotes energy production

The use of somatotropin should be approached wisely, because its long-term overdose can provoke undesirable consequences for the body. If you notice any side effects, you should stop injections immediately.

The name of the hormone is somatropin. Only in adolescence and childhood is it useful for growth. The hormone is very important for people. Throughout human life, it affects metabolism, blood sugar levels, muscle development and fat burning. It can also be synthesized artificially.

Where and how is it produced?

Growth hormone is produced by the anterior pituitary gland. The organ located between the cerebral hemispheres is called the Pituitary gland. The most important hormones for humans are synthesized there, affecting nerve endings and, to a lesser extent, other cells of the human body.

Genetic factors influence hormone production. Today, a complete human genetic map has been compiled. The synthesis of growth hormone is influenced by five genes on chromosome seventeen. Initially, there are two isoforms of this enzyme.

During growth and development, a person produces several additional manufactured forms of this substance. To date, more than five isoforms have been identified that have been found in human blood. Each isoform has a specific effect on the nerve endings of various tissues and organs.

The hormone is produced from time to time with a period of three to five hours during the day. Usually an hour or two after falling asleep at night, the brightest surge in its production of the entire day occurs. During night sleep, several more stages occur sequentially; in total, from two to five times, the hormone synthesized in the pituitary gland enters the blood.

It has been proven that its natural production decreases with age. It reaches a maximum in the second half of the child’s intrauterine development, and then gradually decreases. The maximum frequency of production is achieved in early childhood.

In adolescence, during puberty, the maximum intensity of its production at a time is observed, however, the frequency is significantly lower than in childhood. Its minimum amount is produced in old age. At this time, both the frequency of production periods and the maximum amount of hormone produced at one time are minimal.

Distribution of growth hormone in the human body

To move within the body, it, like other hormones, uses the circulatory system. To achieve the goal, the hormone binds to its transport protein, which is produced by the body.

Subsequently, it moves to the receptors of various organs, affecting their work depending on the isoform and the action of other hormones in parallel with somatropin. When it hits a nerve ending, somatropin causes an effect on the target protein. This protein is called Janus kinase. The target protein causes activation of glucose transport to target cells, their development and growth.

First type of impact

Growth hormone owes its name to the fact that it acts on bone tissue receptors located in unclosed bone growth zones. This causes strong growth in children and adolescents during puberty, caused by the growth hormone produced in sufficient quantities in the teenage body at this time. Most often this occurs due to an increase in the length of the tubular bones of the legs, shin bones, and arms. Other bones (such as the spine) also grow, but this is less pronounced.

In addition to the growth of open areas of bones at a young age, it causes strengthening of bones, ligaments, and teeth throughout life. A lack of synthesis of this substance in the human body can be associated with many diseases that affect older people - mainly diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Second type of impact

This is an increase in muscle growth and fat burning. This type of impact is widely used in sports and bodybuilding. Three types of techniques are used:

  • increasing natural hormone synthesis in the body;
  • improved absorption of somatropin associated with other hormones;
  • taking synthetic substitutes.

Today, somastatin preparations are prohibited doping. The International Olympic Committee recognized this in 1989.

Third type of impact

Increasing the amount of glucose in the blood due to its effect on liver cells. This mechanism is quite complex, and it allows you to track the connection with other human hormones.

Growth hormone is involved in many other types of activity - it acts on the brain, is involved in activating appetite, affects sexual activity, and both the influence of sex hormones on the synthesis of somatotropin and its influence on the synthesis of sex hormones are observed. It even takes part in the learning process - experiments on mice have shown that those individuals who were additionally injected with it learn better and develop conditioned reflexes.

There are conflicting studies regarding the effect on the aging body. Most experiments confirm that old people who were additionally injected with growth hormone felt much better. Their metabolism and general condition improved, and mental and physical activity increased. At the same time, animal experiments indicate that those individuals who received this drug artificially showed a shorter life expectancy than those who were not administered it.

How is growth hormone related to other hormones?

The production of growth hormone is influenced by two main substances. They are called somastatin and somalibertin. The hormone somastatin inhibits the synthesis of somatotropin, and somalibertin causes increased synthesis. These two hormones are produced there, in the pituitary gland. Interaction and joint effects on the body of somatotropin are observed with the following drugs:

  • IGF-1;
  • Thyroid hormones;
  • Estrogen;
  • Adrenal hormones;

This substance is the main intermediary in the absorption of sugar by the body. When a person is exposed to growth hormone, there is an increase in blood sugar. Insulin causes it to decrease. At first glance, the two hormones are antagonists. However, this is not entirely true.

Sugar in the blood under the influence of the enzyme is absorbed more efficiently during the work of tissue cells and organs awakened by it. This allows the synthesis of certain types of protein. Insulin helps this glucose be absorbed in order to work more efficiently. Therefore, these substances are allies, and the work of the growth hormone is impossible without insulin.

This is due to the fact that children who have type 1 diabetes grow much slower, and diabetic bodybuilders have difficulty building muscle mass if they lack insulin. However, if there is too much somatropin in the blood, the activity of the pancreas can be “broken” and type 1 diabetes mellitus will occur. Somatropin affects the functioning of the pancreas, which produces.


Factors influencing synthesis within the body

Factors that increase the synthesis of somatropin:

  • influence of other hormones;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • good sleep
  • physical activity;
  • exposure to the cold;
  • fresh air;
  • consumption of lysine, glutamine, and some other amino acids.

Reduce synthesis:

  • influence of other hormones;
  • high concentration of somatropin and IFP-1;
  • alcohol, drugs, tobacco, some other psychotropic substances;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • a large amount of fatty acids in the blood plasma.

Use of growth hormone in medicine

In medicine it is used for diseases of the nervous system, treatment of growth and development delays in childhood, treatment of diseases of the elderly.

Diseases of the nervous system associated with are effectively treated using synthetic somatropin substitutes.

It should be taken into account that the use of the drug in this case will in most cases cause a return to the original state, and a long course of its use can cause type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Diseases associated with pituitary dwarfism - some types of dementia, depressive disorders, behavioral disorders. In psychiatry, this drug is used occasionally, during psychotherapy and the recovery period.

During childhood, many children experience delays in growth and development. This is especially true for those whose mother took large doses of alcohol during pregnancy. The fetus may also be exposed to certain doses of alcohol, which cross the placental barrier and reduce the production of somatotropin. As a result, they initially have low levels of somatropin, and children need to take additional synthetic substitutes in order to catch up with their peers in their development.

In children with diabetes, there are periods when blood sugar is high and insulin is insufficient. As a result, their growth and development are delayed. They are prescribed somatropin drugs, which must work in one direction. This will avoid attacks of hyperglycemia. Provided that insulin and somatropin work together, the body tolerates the effects of the drugs more easily.

For older people, the effectiveness of somatropin has been confirmed in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It increases the hardness of bone tissue, its mineralization, strengthens ligaments and muscle tissue. For some, it helps burn fat tissue.

Unfortunately, taking drugs of this type is associated with an increase in blood sugar levels, which is unacceptable for most older people, and long-term treatment with them is excluded.

Use of growth hormone in sports

The IOC has banned this drug for use by competitive athletes since 1989. However, there is a group of “amateur” competitions in which the use and doping are not controlled - for example, some types of martial arts, some bodybuilding and powerlifting competitions.

It is quite difficult to control the intake of modern synthetic analogues of somatropin in doping tests, and most laboratories do not have suitable equipment.

In bodybuilding, when people train for their own pleasure and not for performances, these substances are used in two types of training - during the “cutting” process and when building muscle mass. During the drying process, the intake is accompanied by a large amount of T4 thyroid hormone analogues. During periods of muscle building, it is taken together with insulin. When burning fat, doctors recommend injecting drugs locally - into the stomach, since men have the most fat in this area.

Pumping up the body's relief with the help of specialized substances allows you to quickly gain large muscle mass, little subcutaneous fat, however, the stomach is large. This is due to the large amount of glucose absorbed when building muscle mass. However, this practice is much more effective than the use of drugs such as methyltestosterone. Methyltestosterone can activate the process of obesity, in which a person will have to “dry” the body.

Female bodybuilding also did not ignore somatropin. Its analogues are used in conjunction with estrogen instead of insulin. This practice does not cause a strong increase in the abdomen. Many female bodybuilders prefer this one, because other doping drugs are associated with male hormones and cause the appearance of masculine features and masculinization.

In most cases, it will be more effective for a bodybuilder under the age of 30 not to take somatropin. The fact is that while taking this drug you will have to enhance its effect with the help of other hormones, the side symptoms of which (obesity) will need to be compensated for by additional efforts. A lifeline in this situation will be the use of other synthetic drugs, which also increase the endogenous production of growth hormone.

Hormones are unique bioactive compounds that ensure the coordinated functioning of all organs and systems in the body. They are synthesized in specialized cells of the endocrine glands. The pituitary gland is one of the most important internal secretion organs. Together with the hypothalamus, they form a single morphofunctional system that regulates all types of metabolic reactions. The pituitary gland synthesizes many vital substances. One of them is growth hormone (somatotropic hormone, growth hormone, somatotropin).

General information

Growth hormone is produced in the adenohypophysis (cranial part of the pituitary gland). It affects almost all types of metabolic reactions occurring in the body. During puberty, the maximum level of somatotropin in the blood plasma is observed. Further, as the body ages, hormone production decreases by 14% with each decade.

From a biochemical point of view, somatotropin is a protein consisting of 191 amino acids. Somatotropin is a hormone of assimilation action, that is, it activates metabolic processes, enhances the biosynthesis of proteins, as well as other nutrients.

Key functions of somatotropin protein

Somatotropin is a hormone produced throughout life. What is growth hormone used for? This question interests many readers. Let's consider the key functions of this bioactive substance:

  1. Skin. Growth hormone activates the biosynthesis of connective tissue proteins in the thickness of the skin. With a lack of this component, activation of the aging process is observed, the skin loses elasticity and becomes more flabby.
  2. Cardiovascular system. Somatotropin regulates the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. A deficiency of this hormone can lead to apoplexy, heart attack, atherosclerosis, as well as other pathologies associated with dysfunction of the circulatory system.

  1. Bone tissue. Growth hormone in adults ensures the strength of bone tissue, and in children and adolescents it ensures the lengthening of long bones. This is due to the fact that growth hormone causes activation of the biosynthesis of cholecalciferol, which is responsible for the stability and strength of bone tissue. STH also activates calcium absorption in the intestines.
  2. Weight. During sleep, the hormone takes part in the regulation of lipid metabolism. Violation of this mechanism provokes the development of gradual obesity.
  3. Muscles. Somatotropin is responsible for the strength and elasticity of muscle fibers, improves flexibility and mobility of articular joints. It is also worth noting that growth hormone is involved in the biotransformation of lipid tissue into muscle tissue, which is what bodybuilders, weightlifters, and those who watch their figure strive for. In general, this substance affects the functioning of the entire organism. It helps maintain sound sleep, energy and excellent mood.

Somatotropic hormone: normal in children and adults

The level of the hormone in the body changes with age. The norm for women is somewhat different from the physiological indicators for men. The content of GH in blood plasma is presented in table. 1 and 2.

Table 1. Concentration of somatotropin in blood plasma

Average physiological indicator













Table 2. Concentration of somatotropin in the blood plasma of children

The following factors contribute to an increase in the concentration of somatotropin in the human body:

  • physical activity;
  • prolonged fasting;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • excessive consumption of essential amino acids (arginine, leucine, phenylalanine);
  • renal failure;
  • digestive system dysfunction;
  • anorexia of a neurogenic nature;
  • stress factors;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cirrhosis;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • protein diet, etc.

Sultan Kesen, according to the Guinness Book of Records, is the tallest man on the planet. His height is 2.51 m.

The concentration of GH in the blood increases slightly when taking certain medications:

  1. Clonidine.
  2. Bromocriptine.
  3. Glucagon.
  4. Insulin.
  5. Estrogens.
  6. Adrenocorticotropic hormone.
  7. Vasopressin.
  8. Nicotinic acid.
  9. Oral contraceptives.

The tallest girl in the world is Yao Defen. Her height is 236 cm.

A decrease in the level of somatotropin in the blood is observed with the use of medications (Probucol, Phenothiazide, Bromocriptine) and with certain diseases and conditions:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypercholesterolemia;
  • hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex;
  • radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

The shortest girl in the world is Jyoti Amge. Her height is 62.6 cm.


Hypo- and hyperfunction of the pituitary gland can provoke the development of serious abnormalities. If there is insufficient amount of growth hormone in the child’s body, pituitary dwarfism (nanism) develops. Doctors associate this pathology with unfavorable genetics.

Note. This anomaly is diagnosed in young children. Innovative technologies, modern medications and timely diagnosis make it possible to cure or reduce the manifestations of dwarfism.

In older age, GH deficiency is manifested by apathy, weakness and obesity. It is worth noting that this type of pathology is rarely diagnosed.

Excessive release of somatotropin is also fraught with health risks. Hyperfunction of the gland associated with this hormone manifests itself in the form of gigantism and acromegaly. The role of growth hormone in the development of the body is predetermining. Excessive amounts of growth hormone in a young body provokes active growth of bones in length (gigantism).

Zhang Juncai is one of the tallest on the planet. His height is more than 2.42 m.

Important! In adults, hypersecretion of growth hormone provokes the development of acromegaly, that is, disproportionate growth of individual organs (limbs, chin, nose). In the initial stages of development, this disease is usually not diagnosed. Most often it is detected 10-12 years after the onset of the disease, when the clinical picture clearly manifests itself. In this regard, the average age of patients with this anomaly is 35-45 years.

Acromegaly is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • hypertrophy of the cheekbones, lower jaw, brow ridges, lips and ears;
  • thickening and hyperpigmentation of the skin;
  • hirsutism;
  • emphysema;
  • acne;
  • pneumosclerosis;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • enlargement of internal organs;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • muscle atrophy and weakness;
  • hypertrophy of cartilage tissue;
  • severe pain and joint deformation;
  • hypercholesterolemia;
  • neurological pathologies.

Acromegaly is a pathology accompanied by disorders of lipid, carbohydrate, protein, water and mineral metabolism

Application of HGH in sports

Growth hormone and its analogues are widely used in sports. What does growth hormone do? Somatotropin is actively used in the following areas:

  • gaining muscle mass;
  • burning excess fat mass;
  • the fastest possible healing of joints;
  • correction of hyposecretion of growth hormone associated with age-related changes in the body.

The maximum therapeutic effect of growth hormone can be achieved only with the correct use of this hormone. Previously, doctors prescribed three injections per week. Now most scientists are of the opinion that GH should be administered to the patient every other day. In this way, the maximum concentration of the hormone in the human body is achieved. It is best to administer injections 1-2 hours before the start of training.

In sports, good results are achieved with the combined use of somatotropin with steroid hormones. The most commonly used testosterone derivatives are:

  • Stanozolol;
  • Omnadren-250;
  • Methandrostenolone;
  • Testenate;
  • Trenbolone.

Side effects

In addition to the fact that growth hormone has a positive effect on muscle growth, its action is characterized by a number of negative effects:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • hypertrophy of the kidneys and heart;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • sexual activity disorders;
  • development of diabetes mellitus;
  • hypoglycemia.

The possibility of developing these pathologies should be taken into account and monitored by sports doctors and coaches.

Application of GH in medicine

When diagnosing pituitary dwarfism, treatment is based on the introduction of growth hormone into the body. The dose of the medicine is calculated based on the content of the specified hormone in the patient’s blood. For better absorption of somatotropin, doctors recommend prescribing the main doses of the medicine in the morning. Steroids are prescribed to stimulate sexual development.

Important! To achieve maximum effectiveness in the treatment of dwarfism, along with anabolic steroids, you need to prescribe drugs containing macro-, microelements and vitamins. It is advisable to begin treatment of this pathology at 5-7 years of age. With properly selected therapy, the patient's growth rate is about ten centimeters per year.

When diagnosing acromegaly, the patient is prescribed growth hormone drugs (Dinatrope, Stilamine, Modustatin, Bluetops, Ansomon, Getropin, Sandostatin, Neotropin, Somatulin, Octreotide, Jintropin) as preparation for radical therapy.

Next, radiation therapy or surgery is performed. During the rehabilitation period and after it, the patient must regularly undergo tests for growth hormone. If remission is incomplete, then hormone therapy is continued in the postoperative period.


Somatotropin is one of the most important hormones synthesized in the cranial part of the pituitary gland. This bioactive compound affects the metabolic reactions and functioning of most endocrine glands.

This hormone is called growth hormone because in adolescents and young adults it causes an acceleration of linear growth due to height tubular bones limbs. Growth hormone also has a strong anti-catabolic And anabolic impact, promotes burning and reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat, inhibits the breakdown squirrel and enhances its synthesis. In addition, this hormone is important for the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism by increasing the level glucose. Other effects of somatotropin have been described: increased absorption of calcium by bone tissue, immunostimulating effect, etc. Many effects are provided directly by the hormone itself, and some are due to insulin-like growth factor , which is produced in the liver under the influence of growth hormone. It is due to the growth factor that the growth of most internal organs is stimulated.

Secretion of somatotropin

The highest level of this hormone is observed during intrauterine development – ​​at 4–6 months of development. This figure is approximately 100 times higher than the level of the hormone in an adult. With age, secretion begins to gradually decrease. In older people, it is minimal, as is the amplitude and frequency of secretion peaks.

Throughout the day, the level of somatotropin also changes. Several peaks are observed within 24 hours, each of which occurs after 3-5 hours. A few hours after falling asleep, the maximum concentration was observed.

The concentration of the hormone in a healthy person is about 1-5 ng/ml, and during peaks it can rise to 20 and even 45 units. Most of the growth hormone circulating in the blood is bound growth transport proteins .

Regulation of secretion

Peptide hormones, namely somatoliberin And are the main regulators of somatotropin production. They are synthesized by neurosecretory cells into the portal veins of the pituitary gland, having a direct effect on somatotropes. The production of growth hormone, somatoliberin and somatostatin is influenced by many factors. Factors that increase synthesis:

  • Exercise
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Eating a lot of protein
  • arginine
  • Increased secretion of androgen hormones during adolescence
  • Somatoliberin

The secretion of growth hormone is suppressed due to:

  • Hyperglycemia
  • High in free fatty acids
  • Glucocorticoids
  • Somatostatin
  • High concentrations of insulin-like growth factor and somatotropin (based on the principle of negative feedback)

Growth hormone has a modulating effect on some functions CNS, it is not only an endocrine hormone, but also a mediator protein that takes part in the work of the central nervous system. It has been shown that this hormone, in addition to the pituitary gland, is also produced in, that is, inside the brain. Increased content estrogen in the blood of women leads to an increase in the production of this hormone in the hippocampus.


Excess growth hormone in adults, equal to the level of the hormone in a growing organism, can lead to serious negative consequences: acromegaly(increase in the size of the tongue), coarsening of facial features, severe thickening of the bones. As concomitant complications, compression of the nerves, that is, tunnel syndrome, may occur, insulin resistance of tissues increases, and muscle strength decreases.

In cases where flaw growth hormone is observed in childhood, it is usually associated with genetic abnormalities. Somatotropin deficiency can cause pituitary dwarfism , delayed puberty. Polyhormone deficiency, caused by insufficient development of the pituitary gland, which includes growth hormone deficiency, leads to mental retardation.

Therapeutic uses of somatotropin

Somatotropin is used for various therapeutic purposes:

  • For treatment nervous disorders. Studies have shown that growth hormone can improve cognitive function and memory, especially in patients with pituitary gland deficiency. However, scientists are still debating whether the hormone actually has a positive effect on the cognitive functions of the brain. Using this hormone can elevate your mood, but its elevated level is not recommended: it can lead to the opposite effect.
  • Accelerating children's growth with various diseases is possible with the introduction of this hormone. In its pure form, this drug was introduced only 40 years ago; it was derived first from the pituitary gland of a bull, then a horse and, finally, a human. This hormone affects the entire body, not just one gland. Today, the use of somatotropin is the most common method of combating the so-called.
  • IN sports Growth hormone has also become widespread due to its ability to reduce fat mass and build muscle during active training. Its use was officially banned in 1989 by the Olympic Committee. Even despite its illegality, sales of the drug have increased several times recently. For the most part, it is used by athletes and bodybuilders; they combine it with other drugs of similar action.