Beer abuse consequences. Harm and benefits of beer products for the male body


The dangers of beer are talked about en masse, but the number of men who abuse it does not decrease. After all, health problems do not begin immediately, but only after a few years, and most often they are not associated with the effects of foam. Beer harms, first of all, the male reproductive system, because it contains female sex hormones. Why else is it not advisable for men to drink beer?

What does the drink consist of?

Has anyone thought about the composition of beer, because this drink is always associated with malt and hops. But are these components present in the modern drink or does it only contain chemical additives?

Modern foam is no longer the same as it was during the USSR. Manufacturers are trying to reduce the cost of production technology, reduce costs and increase the shelf life of the drink, which is why various additives are added to it. We can say that now the foamy drink consists largely of chemistry.

In addition to the fact that it contains water, hops and malt, it also contains organic acids, ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide, acetaldehyde, higher alcohols, diacetyl, phytoestrogens and fusel oils.

It is thanks to this composition that the harm of beer is great.

Some producers were even able to replace hops and malt with chemicals. Dry concentrates increase shelf life and taste very similar to the natural product. In order for the drink to have an amber color, dyes are added to it, saccharin is used instead of sugar, and chemical substitutes for malt and hops are also added.

What effect can this have on the body? alcoholic drink if consumed daily? There is definitely nothing useful for a man in it.

Despite the fact that foamy is considered a low-alcohol drink, in some varieties the alcohol content reaches 14%. Drinking such a strong drink leads to the development of beer alcoholism.

Important! One bottle of beer 3.5% is equivalent to 50 g of vodka.

Only live beer does not contain harmful components and is natural. But today there are fakes, so you need to choose a drink very carefully.

We have figured out why beer is harmful to humans; the rest of the article will contain material directly about the effects of the foamy drink on the male body.

Beer and potency

Many men drink beer not only to relax, but simply to quench their thirst. They don’t notice how they start drinking an alcoholic drink instead of water, and then they don’t understand why their belly suddenly began to grow or problems appeared in their intimate sphere.

Despite the fact that mostly men like to drink beer, it can rightfully be considered a woman’s drink, because it contains female hormones that have a negative effect on men.

The harm of beer for men is that it reduces potency and literally turns a man into a woman.

The man begins to regenerate externally and internally. Female hormones act in such a way that a man’s body hair stops growing, his stomach and chest enlarge, and his voice may even change. From a strong and stately man, a man turns into a fat one with a big belly.

Regular consumption of foam promotes the degeneration of adrenal tissue, testosterone production decreases, and as a result, a man’s sexual activity decreases.

In the video you can learn more about the effect of beer on potency

Due to the degeneration of testicular tissue, potency decreases and sperm quality deteriorates. Therefore, the harm of beer for men may also include the development of infertility.

Effects of beer on the brain and heart

Beer, even in a small dose, still contains ethanol, and this toxic substance can poison the body of any person. Feel negative impact It is possible only after consuming large doses of this alcoholic drink, when intoxication of the body occurs. If you drink regularly and little by little you can long time feel absolutely healthy, but this is an illusion. Beer harms many internal organs: the heart, kidneys, liver, brain and stomach.

How dangerous is beer for the cardiovascular system?

The most severe consequences are observed in beer alcoholics; their heart is sometimes called “bull”, and all due to the fact that the organ increases in size due to thickening of the walls and expansion of the cardiac planes. The heart begins to pump blood poorly.

Such violations make themselves felt: a person develops heart problems. Tachycardia and hypertension are the most harmless diseases that can appear.

It is an element such as cobalt, which is part of beer, that is a toxic substance and disrupts the functioning of the heart, and in addition affects the functioning of the stomach and the digestion process.

Regular consumption of foamy liters, as well as its saturation with carbon dioxide, negatively affects blood vessels, which is why a person develops varicose veins.

What harm does beer cause to the human brain?

It turns out that addiction to beer occurs 4 times faster than to vodka, which is why beer alcoholism is now so widespread.

For some reason, an opinion has formed in society that drinking vodka is bad, but beer is not. A man with a bottle of beer after work is a normal occurrence in our country. But each bottle of foamy drink contains a certain dose of ethanol, which poisons not only the human body, but also his brain.

The harm of beer to the brain is enormous. It instantly enters the human blood and promotes the adhesion of red blood cells, resulting in oxygen starvation brain and its cells die. This is what causes hangover headaches.

If a person drinks foam regularly and in large doses, then in this case not only certain health problems appear, mental disorders, deterioration of memory and thinking can also be observed.

We provide a video on the effect of beer on the human brain

When brain cells are destroyed, alcoholic encephalopathy can develop, which leads to disruption of the functioning of analyzers (auditory, visual), as well as to the development of dementia.

High blood pressure in a beer alcoholic is also a consequence of the abuse of this alcoholic drink; the relationship between the amount of beer drunk and an increase in blood pressure has been proven.

Beer worsens physical and moral well-being, but this does not stop many, and they continue to drink until they become alcoholic.

Massive consumption of a foamy drink can lead to the degradation of a nation, because it can alcohol intoxication many crimes are being committed. A drunk person cannot control his actions and think soberly. In addition, due to the enormous harm of beer, people’s health is deteriorating, children are born with low immunity and a high tendency to various diseases.

Beer and the pancreas

Why do young men so often complain of abdominal pain or have gastritis? In many cases, this has nothing to do with their diet, but the beer is to blame. It contains carbon dioxide, which irritates the walls of the stomach and promotes the production of of hydrochloric acid. As a result, the acid-base balance is disrupted and increased acidity appears, and this leads to indigestion, gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Initially, gastritis appears with high acidity, but over time, due to the thinning of the stomach walls, it becomes atrophic. And with this type of disease, cancer can appear.

Among the male population, pancreatic cancer is a very common disease, and all because men do not pay attention to the fact that beer is harmful to their body.

How does the detrimental effect on the pancreas occur?

Alcohol enters the pancreas along with the blood and causes spasm of the ducts. Enzymes begin to accumulate in the ducts and compress the gland, as a result of which the organ increases in size and becomes inflamed. If a man continues to drink, then he develops fatal diseases, such as pancreatitis and pancreatic necrosis.

If pain or cramps appear in the abdominal area, you should immediately undergo an examination, because after some time it may already be too late.

Complications of beer abuse

As mentioned above, the main impact of drinking beer falls on the brain, heart, stomach and reproductive system men.

But, in addition to gastritis, pancreatitis and death of brain cells, other disorders may develop, such as:

  • dysfunction of the spinal cord;
  • renal failure;
  • neuropathy;

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • pulmonary diseases, including bronchitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • central lesion nervous system;
  • hypertension;
  • deterioration of vision and hearing.

Acidosis and hyponatremia are also considered quite severe complications of beer addiction. Since beer contains ethanol, which, when broken down, turns into acetaldehyde, intoxication of the body can occur as a result of large doses of alcohol. Such patients can end up in hospital in very serious condition.

Experienced beer alcoholics suffer from dementia and have low self-esteem; they become antisocial people.

But it’s also worth mentioning the effect of beer on the liver. What harm does beer cause to the liver?

Like any alcoholic drink, beer, when it enters the human body, becomes a toxic substance that, first of all, tries to overcome the liver.

A person who drinks beer uncontrollably will certainly have liver problems. Not to mention beer alcoholics who suffer from hepatitis and cirrhosis.

All liver diseases appear due to the large number of toxins that enter the body. The liver, as an organ acting as a filter, does not have time to neutralize them, and meanwhile harmful substances affect liver cells, kill its enzymes and reduce its protective function.

A person may have a lack of appetite and other digestive problems.

People who drink beer regularly age quickly. The life expectancy of a beer alcoholic is much less than the average human life expectancy.

Due to the fact that beer is a low-alcohol drink, it can be purchased by persons aged 18 years. But you need to remember that 4 liters of this drink is equivalent to a bottle of vodka. Drinking a lot of beer can cause even more harm to the body than drinking a stronger alcoholic drink. Before you drink, you need to think about the consequences for the body.

Beer is one of the most common alcoholic drinks today. It has become an indispensable attribute for many Everyday life. It is drunk at home and on the street, in company and alone, in hot and cold, young and old, men and women, and even boys and girls. Beer festivals and various exhibitions with tastings are regularly held. Generously paid advertising for beer, which turns even children into alcoholics, says that beer is drunk by real men, and the smartest people are sent for it. Under the influence of massive television advertising, an entire generation has grown up unable to resist it.

Beer makes you lazy, stupid and powerless.

They are silent about the emergence of such a phenomenon as “beer alcoholism,” especially among young people. Modern young people believe that beer does not cause harm, and some believe that it is beneficial. But is it?

Beer, like vodka, cognac, and wine, contains ethyl alcohol and is classified as an alcoholic beverage. One of the insidious properties of alcohol is the formation of pathological dependence, a painful craving for alcoholic beverages, that is, alcoholism. The transition from the habit of “drinking a little” to addiction usually happens unnoticed. Beer causes a faster development of alcoholism. It has been established that after drinking two glasses of beer, a person gives his body the same alcohol load as if he drank 100 grams of vodka. To make sure of this, let’s make a simple calculation. Let’s use the conventional unit “absolute alcohol”, thanks to which we can compare alcoholic drinks of any strength. Thus, it is known that 100 grams of 40-proof vodka contains 40 grams of absolute alcohol. The strength of the most common beers is 3.5-4.5%, which means that 100 grams of beer contains approximately 4 grams of absolute alcohol. They drink beer in mugs and bottles, each containing 300-500 grams. With the first dose, 20 grams of absolute alcohol enters the body, with two - already 40 grams, that is, the same amount as in half a glass of vodka. Consequently, those who regularly drink beer experience the same alcohol overload as when drinking strong alcoholic drinks. In addition to ethanol, beer contains methyl and isopropyl alcohols, esters, and ketones. All of them are potent poisons and have a toxic effect on internal organs, and they enhance each other’s damaging effects. IN Lately a new type of beer has appeared on the market with high content alcohol - up to 12 percent. Drinking such beer leads to more severe consequences.

Beer lovers claim that humanity has long known and consumed it. Indeed, beer is an ancient drink, and it is simply impossible to identify its creators. The brewing process in ancient times was significantly different from the modern one. The recipe was something like this: beer bread (bappir) was made from malt, which was then crushed, put into a barrel, filled with water and fermented. Then they filtered all this and drank through special straws so that undissolved chaff and grains did not fall into the drinker’s esophagus. At the same time, even then, excessive beer consumption was frowned upon. On one of the stone slabs there was an instruction carved: “Don’t ruin yourself when you sit in a pub, don’t lose your mind and don’t forget your vows.”

U various peoples attitudes towards beer were different. IN ancient Egypt and Babylon, the expression “beer is liquid bread” was popular. It was then brewed from malted bread, toasted or dried in the sun. Beer, onions and bread were the main food of the poor ancient Egyptians. And the daily norm of the pyramid builder consisted of three loaves of bread, three jugs of beer and several bunches of garlic and onions. IN ancient Greece beer was considered the drink of the plebeians. Self-respecting residents Ancient Rome They practically did not drink beer, which is largely characteristic of modern Romanesque peoples.

In Rus' they drank little. Only for some holidays did they brew mead, mash or beer, the strength of which did not exceed 5-10 degrees. The glass was passed around, and everyone took a few sips from it. On weekdays they did not drink any alcoholic beverages, and drunkenness was considered the greatest shame and sin.

Modern beer brewing technology has undergone significant changes, therefore, in taste, composition, color and characteristics of biological action, it differs from the beer consumed by the population of the ancient world.

Hops began to be used as a raw material in the production of beer. The question of when and where it was first used for brewing (perhaps wild at first) is unlikely to ever be resolved. Hops grow in the form of vines with dark green leaves and light green-silver cones, entwining trees. It belongs to the same plant family as hemp, is also poisonous and requires caution when used internal use. Hop cones contain biologically active substances - saponins (phytoestrogens), which are plant analogues of female sex hormones. The content of phytoestrogens in hops reaches significant values ​​- from 20 to 300 mg per 1 kg of plant mass. In beer their content reaches up to 36 mg/l. This amount is sufficient to provide a distinct hormonal effect on the human body and change endocrine status. Similar substances are found in some other plants, for example, red clover and alfalfa. Traditional medicine knows about this. When grazing livestock, shepherds make sure that the animals do not consume too many of these plants, as this threatens the development of infertility in the animals. What are sex hormones? They provide differences between male and female bodies. The male sex hormone - testosterone ensures the functioning of the genital organs and the formation of secondary sexual characteristics in men - a masculine figure with more developed muscles, facial hair, voice, character. Female sex hormones contribute to the development of femininity, making it possible to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. One of the features of hormones is high activity in low concentrations. In the body of a healthy woman, only 0.3-0.7 mg of estrogen is produced per day, which by weight corresponds to half a grain of sugar. If a person begins to take a hormone that is unusual for him, this leads to a change in his figure, secondary sexual characteristics, and character. This is used for conscious gender change. Before and after gender reassignment surgery, such people take male or female hormonal drugs constantly.

When drinking beer, hormonal changes begin in the body, which leads to changes in appearance. A man, consuming beer, replaces the male hormone in his body with a female one. His figure is gradually changing: fat deposition occurs according to female type on the stomach and hips, the pelvis expands, a “beer belly” appears, and the mammary glands. Attraction to a woman weakens, impotence develops, disappears masculine qualities- the desire to lead, the desire to win, more and more often there is a desire to lie on the couch and watch TV.

A woman drinking beer introduces an additional amount of hormone into her body, which negatively affects the reproductive system and leads to menstrual irregularities and then to infertility. The effect of hops on the female body has been known for a long time. When working on the plantations of this plant, most women soon began bleeding, regardless of the menstrual cycle, so they tried not to involve them in such work. Hormonal imbalances increase sexual desire for men so much that girls lose modesty and begin to play a dominant role. This brings disharmony into sexual relationships. In general, the beer-drinking community is gradually losing distinct sexual characteristics. This is the last step before the extinction of such a society, since in a sexless society the natural need for normal reproduction disappears.

Beer is drunk in large quantities. The mere intake of a significant volume of fluid into the body has an adverse effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. Drink drinkers develop a beer (so-called bull) heart, while the number of heartbeats increases, arrhythmias occur, and arterial pressure, heart failure develops. The examination reveals expansion of the borders of the heart, disturbances in heart sounds, and changes in the ECG.

The vascular system suffers. The face of a beer drinker gradually becomes flabby, puffy, with characteristic “bags” under the eyes.

An inevitable accompaniment of beer abuse is excess body weight, obesity, which occurs due to hormonal disorders. Excessive fat deposition in the subcutaneous tissue has given rise to naive ideas about the health benefits of beer. In fact, the body's metabolism is disrupted and the liver suffers. Working under constant overload, this vital organ eventually ceases to cope with its barrier functions. This leads to the fact that unrecovered alcohol enters the bloodstream and has a toxic effect on the kidneys. The composition of the blood changes. Its ability to coagulate decreases, and the permeability of small vessels increases. The activity of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. All organs suffer from the effects of poisons.

The substances contained in the extract of hop inflorescences give beer a bitter taste. They belong to the category of psychoactive compounds and have sedative, hypnotic and hallucinogenic effects. Thus, with beer a person accustoms himself not only to the usual intoxicating effect of alcohol, but also to the sedative effect. Gradually it becomes a necessary element of relaxation, calmness, beer becomes a habit and a part of biochemistry. In addition, the need to drink beer does not cause such anxiety in a person, in close relatives, as the need for vodka. This is how beer alcoholism develops, which is more insidious than vodka alcoholism. The bitter substances in beer have a stimulating effect on the secretion of gastric juice, which causes discomfort in the stomach and then the development of gastrointestinal diseases.

Relatively recently, biogenic amines were discovered in beer. These include cadaverine (Latin cadaver-corpse belongs to the group of cadaveric poisons, formed during the rotting of meat, in humans it is formed during the life of the bacterial flora of the large intestine), histamine, and although the concentration of these substances in the drink is low, some of them are destroyed in the intestines, when drinking beer they cause headaches.

Food additives are widely used in the brewing industry; they are designed to speed up the production process, increase shelf life, improve taste and other properties. Various additives inhibit the growth of yeast and foreign microorganisms and inhibit enzyme activity. Without such additives, beer quickly becomes cloudy, loses its taste, and some of the components precipitate. Previously, formaldehyde was used as a preservative. However, after the discovery of its mutagenic and teratogenic effects, the use of formalin was prohibited. Currently, various colloidal stability stabilizers are widely used, which prevent beer separation and contribute to the long-term preservation of the “beer head” of foam. Until the end of 1960, surfactants that were harmful to the body were used for this purpose. The most notorious was cobalt chloride, which was the cause of death of a significant number of regular beer consumers. Cobalt chloride causes the development of specific damage to the heart muscle, reducing the level of calcium in the myocardium.

Mineral compounds enter beer from malt: calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine ions, with high amounts of potassium ions, which leads to a sharp increase in the amount of urine and increases the excretion of sodium and chlorine by the kidneys, leading to demineralization of the body. For this reason, many people add salt to their beer before drinking or eat salty snacks.

Until recently, science was not interested in the effect of beer on a living organism. But the annual increase in the number of people seen by narcologists for “beer alcoholism” has forced scientists to pay close attention to it. Today, based on the results of medical observation, we can say with confidence: “Drinking beer in any quantity leads to serious consequences.”

One of the most revered drinks among men today is, of course, beer. Few people go without beer when watching a football or hockey match, and even in the evening after work, men are willing to have a glass or two in a friendly circle. The beer market is replenished almost daily with new varieties and brands of this drink. It would seem like a low-calorie, low-alcohol drink, but is beer really harmful?

Important! Although beer is a low-alcohol product, it is still alcohol, which has a pathological effect on the liver.

The effect of beer on men

Experts have proven that beer can turn a man into a member of the fair sex. The fact is that the intoxicating drink contains a large amount of phytoestrogens - testosterone antagonists that reduce the production and effect of the main hormone that makes a man a man. In addition, the harm of beer is caused by pathological changes in the parenchyma of the testicles and spermatic cords. If representatives of the stronger sex drink beer in large quantities, this is fraught with a significant decrease in erectile function. Pathologically low testosterone secretion is the cause of poor sperm quality, which causes male infertility.

In a man, unbeknownst to him, the harm caused by beer causes a decrease in libido; situations arise when he can no longer carry out full sexual intercourse. Such embarrassments are becoming more frequent, and impotence is getting closer. Due to the action of phytoestrogens, men's appearance also changes: muscle mass and hairiness throughout the body decrease, but the hips, pelvis and pectoral muscles, on the contrary, increase. Gradually, the man gains weight and a “beer belly” appears. The reason for this is easily digestible carbohydrates contained in beer in quite significant quantities. Over time, a huge belly begins to put pressure on the blood vessels and provokes disruption of blood flow to the penis, causing erectile dysfunction.

Attention! A complex of pathological changes in the male body that develops against the background of beer abuse contributes to the development of cerebral hemorrhage, pulmonary edema and other irreversible complications.

Gradually, metabolic processes and liver function are disrupted in the body. The liver experiences constant overload and loses its ability to perform barrier functions. As a result, non-neutralized substances penetrate into the blood and poison the heart, kidneys and blood vessels. Along with this, in men, blood clotting decreases, the functioning of the pancreas is disrupted, pathological conditions such as diabetes develop, etc.

The harm of beer is manifested in the “bull” or “beer heart” syndrome, when, due to the abuse of a foamy drink, the connective tissue grows in the walls of the myocardium, and the heart muscle itself is overgrown with adipose tissue. As a result, the volume of pumped blood decreases, and organs do not receive enough oxygen and other nutrients. The man notices the appearance of rapid fatigue and causeless shortness of breath. All these changes lead to the development of coronary disease, unstable blood pressure, alcoholic cardiomyopathy, which manifests itself as painful syndromes in the abdomen, heart and chest, cough and shortness of breath, diarrhea and vomiting.

The male stomach also suffers from beer abuse. The fermentation products and carbon dioxide contained in the drink irritate the stomach walls, causing increased acidity, followed by gastritis, ulcers and cancer.

Some benefits of beer and the composition of the drink

Although this is a spoonful of honey in a barrel of tar, there are still benefits from beer. Researchers have proven that beer, thanks to the sedative effect of hops, helps with insomnia. In addition, a glass of beer contains the same amount of vitamins and microelements as a glass of orange juice. Chemical composition beer is diverse. The drink contains:

  • Water;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Ethanol;
  • Nitrogen-containing substances;
  • Mineral compounds such as calcium and sulfur, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and chlorine, iron, zinc, copper, etc.;
  • Vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, C, nicotinamide, folic acid, etc.);
  • Organic acids (citric, acetic, pyruvic, oxalic, gluconic, etc.);
  • Phenolic compounds.

Scientists have proven that the foamy drink, due to its rich potassium content, is beneficial for hypertensive patients. In limited quantities, beer is good for men. It contains B-group vitamin compounds that support cardiovascular activity, normalize digestion and nervous system processes, and ensure normal thyroid function.

The phenolic compounds present in beer prevent the development of stroke and heart attack, prevent blood clots, and normalize lipid metabolism. Lemon acid accelerates the processes of urine formation, thereby preventing kidney stone formation.

Such an effect of an intoxicating drink is ensured only in the case of its insignificant consumption in minimal doses. But if you abuse it, then the harm of beer becomes obvious.

What else is harmful about beer drinks?

Any drink containing even a small amount ethyl alcohol, provokes the body’s dependence, the result of which is beer alcoholism. In addition to the effect on potency, heart, liver, abuse of beer products leads to the destruction of brain cells that cannot be restored, which causes thirst and headaches the morning after beer abuse. A frequent consequence of such libations is memory impairment, even failure. Systematic abuse of beer causes a significant decrease in intelligence and learning ability. In advanced stages of beer alcoholism, patients experience excessively low self-esteem and symptoms of developing dementia.

No less dangerous is the harm of beer to the nervous system, on which the intoxicating drink has an intoxicating, stupefying effect. This effect is associated with the psychoactive substances that make up the drink. Over time, beer dosages begin to increase, which leads to alcoholic excesses. As a result of systematic abuse of beer, the content of essential microelements and energy components in the body decreases. This is indicated by weakness in the limbs, arrhythmic manifestations, too dry skin, and calf cramps.

Important! If 15-20 years ago the cause of couple infertility was predominantly the woman, today about half of such families are not able to have a child due to male infertility, not the least of which is the abuse of beer.

Under the influence of beer harm, a person’s emotional and psychological background changes: he begins to suffer from insomnia, becomes irritable, tearful, and nervous. The digestive organs also suffer when the foamy drink is abused; a small cobalt content leads to toxic effects, causing gastrointestinal inflammation. Long-term abuse of beer causes the development of intestinal cancer, in some cases leading to a fatal end.

Experts have proven that the harm of beer also affects the liver. When consuming large volumes of beer products, a gradual increase in the size of the organ occurs, then fatty steatosis develops, gradually turning into alcoholic hepatitis. If a man continues to drink an intoxicating drink in the same quantities, alcoholic fibrosis occurs when healthy liver tissue is replaced by connective tissue, which can cause irreversible consequences. The final stage is hepatic cirrhosis. If, after making such a diagnosis, a man continues to abuse alcohol again, then death occurs within a 5-year period.

Beer alcoholism

People started talking about such a disease not so long ago. But this form of alcoholism is characterized by rapid development. In this case, the harm of beer is obvious, because beer addiction develops four times faster than dependence on strong alcohol. Due to the “low alcohol content” of the foamy drink, craving for it does not cause much concern, so serious dependence is detected already in the later stages of the development of the pathology. Doctors are sounding the alarm: teenagers, often of both sexes, are already suffering from beer alcoholism.

In general, the following consequences of long-term abuse of foamy drinks for the male body have been scientifically proven:

  1. Development of infertility;
  2. Impotence, erectile dysfunction;
  3. Impaired cardiac function (myocardial dystrophy);
  4. Serious liver and kidney diseases (hepatitis, pancreatitis, cirrhosis);
  5. Pathologies of the digestive system, including gastric cancer;
  6. Brain cells are irreversibly destroyed.

In other words, the consequences of excessive beer drinking are much more dangerous than previously thought. The whole body suffers, and the heart muscle receives a double blow, because the intoxicating drink is consumed by men in large volumes, forcing the heart to pump blood with increased load. As a result, the pressure rises, pathological left ventricular enlargement occurs, the heart muscle thickens, becomes flabby and begins to partially die.

Frequent visits to the toilet after drinking a lot of beer are not a kidney cleansing procedure. Due to the addiction to beer products, the kidneys begin to function in overload mode, several times exceeding the usual amount of work. And this leads to sclerotic narrowing of the renal vessels, which is fraught with hemorrhage, and then renal infarction, leading to death.

Therefore, before opening a bottle of foamy drink, you should seriously think about the colossal harm that will be caused to the body. After all, you don’t have to drink a tank of beer to communicate with real friends or watch a sports match.

Beer is primarily alcohol, and those who say that it is healthy are deeply mistaken. And as you know, any alcoholic drink affects your health. According to statistics, every resident of Russia produces about 60 liters of beer per year. Although in Germany and the Czech Republic these figures are much higher than 145 and 161 liters, Russia is rapidly approaching this level. This is because there is a widespread belief about the benefits of beer. This is because barley, which is used in the production of this drink, includes many useful elements. There is also an opinion that since beer is a low-alcohol drink, it is not capable of causing addiction and dependence. But since this drink contains alcohol, it is harmful overuse beer is obvious. Abuse of this drink causes abdominal pain, heart and liver problems and impairs potency.

Is beer harmful to the stomach?

The stomach is the first to take the hit from drinking too much beer. Beer, as a low-alcohol drink, contains a small amount of alcohol. Some particularly strong beers can contain up to 14% ethyl alcohol. It turns out that a 0.5 liter bottle of beer is comparable to 50-100 g of vodka. Many Russians drink beer every day after work, and this causes great harm to the body. After all, beer poisons the stomach lining.

As experts say, the glands located in the stomach, which form gastric juice, with regular consumption of alcoholic beverages, first produce a lot of mucus, and then completely atrophy. Because of this, the digestion process is disrupted, since food either stagnates or enters the intestines in a semi-processed form. The consequence of this may be the development of gastritis in men. Chronic alcoholic gastritis sometimes manifests itself along with general weakness, abdominal pain, and depressed mood.

Effect on the liver

Any alcoholic drink, even with a low alcohol content, is the main enemy of the liver, since it the main role- This is the cleansing of the body from incoming toxic substances. The influence of excessive beer consumption in this case is very great. The liver, instead of protecting the body from toxic substances, fights the toxicity of alcohol. And this can cause the development of hepatitis. Doctors say that beer hepatitis can also have hidden forms, which sometimes misleads doctors. In this case, everything depends only on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Beer is harmful to the kidneys

Kidneys maintain stability internal environment our body. They regulate electrolyte and acid-base balance. Excessive consumption of beer leads to a failure of these processes, which significantly increases the load on the kidneys, and therefore they begin to work in increased mode. This means that people who consume beer often go to the toilet. This concept in medicine is called increased urination. This process is associated with the action of ethyl alcohol, which causes the kidneys to work harder. Due to its strong diuretic effect, beer simply washes away beneficial elements and vitamins from the body. Magnesium deficiency leads to sleep disturbances, bad mood. With a lack of potassium, pain in the calves may occur, and heart rhythm disturbances may occur. Abuse of this drink can cause sclerosis of the kidney vessels, hemorrhages in the kidneys and other kidney diseases. With prolonged drinking of beer under the influence of alcohol, the kidney simply shrinks.

Effect of beer on the heart

Since beer has the property of rapid absorption, the blood vessels become congested. Excessive consumption of this drink can lead to varicose veins and enlarged heart. Doctors call this disease “bull heart” or “beer heart” syndrome or many other names. The increased stress caused by constant pumping of beer causes the heart to weaken and become covered with fat. The heart's function becomes erratic and its rhythm quickens. There is a high probability of coronary disease. All these problems can cause a stroke, and in the worst case, death.

Hormone failure

Doctors believe that many alcoholic drinks contain phytoestrogen. It is an analogue of progesterone (the female sex hormone). Hop cones, which are used to make beer, contain phytoestrogen. Therefore, excessive consumption of this drink impairs the functioning of the endocrine system.

Beer affects men by suppressing testosterone. In this case, female hormones come to the fore. There is a change in the appearance of a man, the number of hair on the body is reduced, the face and armpits may become bald, muscle mass is reduced, and a “beer belly” is formed and fat accumulation in the abdomen and thighs. It turns out to be a transformation into a woman, and this also affects the potency of men.

It is believed that alcoholism is a craving for drinking strong alcoholic beverages. Nevertheless, most alcoholics start with the simplest thing: with the usual weak beer. Beer is sold everywhere and is inexpensive, making it accessible to people of all ages.

Today, beer is drunk by “everyone and everywhere”, young and old, men and women, boys and girls, in the subway, at the station, on the street on the go, they drink beer and gin and tonic from bottles, cans and this does not surprise anyone, rather the opposite , - everyone treats this as a common phenomenon that characterizes our days.

About the composition of beer

Beer is a drink, usually made from malted barley. low content alcohol. To prepare it, special brewing malt, hops and water are used, most often with the addition of rice or sugar. Commercially available beers are divided into two groups: light (for example, Zhigulevskoe, Moskovskoe) and dark (for example, Velkhatnoe, Porter, etc.). Typically, the alcohol content of beer ranges from 2.2 to 3.5%, although there are also varieties with higher alcohol content. Indeed, many still consider beer to be a low-harm, harmless, and even healthy “refreshing” drink. This opinion is also facilitated by the rather insufficient awareness of the population about the “advantages” of beer that it actually has.

History of the discovery of beer

The history of the discovery of beer goes back thousands of years, although in some sources of information it is still quite common to find statements about the comparative youth of this drink. By the way, according to legend, one of the medieval rulers of Flanders, Gambrinus, is considered the inventor of beer. This, by the way, explains the fact that many beer bars in our country, and abroad, bear his name. However, we repeat, as history shows, beer was familiar to people many centuries before the birth of Gambrinus.

Causes of excessive beer consumption

“How pleasant and tasty after a tiring working day Returning home, drink a bottle of cold aromatic beer. Feel how the tension goes away, how relaxation and peace appear” - such thoughts are typical for many beer drinkers.

And this is actually true, the pharmacological effect of beer is such that it actually promotes calm and relaxation. As a result, with beer a person accustoms himself not only to the usual intoxicating effects of alcohol, but also to a sedative. After a certain time, it also becomes a necessary element of rest and calm. The doses of beer increase, alcoholic excesses occur, and memory lapses appear. The first beer intake is postponed for more and more early date- early evening, late afternoon, midday, and finally in the morning. Alcoholism forms, beer becomes a habit and penetrates the cells of the whole body.

Beer alcoholism creates a deceptive impression of well-being. Beer, according to most people, is almost not alcohol. Beer alcoholism for a long time is not characterized by fights with the sobering-up station, typical of alcoholic excesses. The desire to drink beer does not cause such anxiety in a person as the need for vodka. Beer alcoholism develops much more slowly and insinuatingly than vodka alcoholism. But when it develops, it leads to very severe forms of alcoholism.

Advertising plays a huge role in the development of beer alcoholism. Look at what we are taught: any life situation Can't do without drinking. People believe that it is safe, that beer is not vodka, otherwise it would not be advertised. But in our country, a significant part of the population already has a genetic predisposition to alcoholism, so beer plays the same role as vodka.

Drinking beer is the path to chronic alcoholism

Frequent drinking of beer is a short path to the formation of chronic alcoholism, known as gambrinism. At least thirty percent of lovers of “Bavarian”, “Czech”, “Zhiguli” and similar drinks will become alcoholics in the coming years, and almost the same number will become candidates for them. Addiction to beer develops much earlier than to vodka. And our scientists began to talk about this more and more often today, calling for bringing order to the “beer business.”

In general, a morbid addiction to low-alcohol alcoholic beverages, which turns into alcoholism, develops four times faster than to strong ones. At the same time, the disease is much more difficult to treat. At the same time, beer lovers also rapidly progress such diseases as hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, atherosclerosis, and various lesions of the central nervous system. These people age faster. This is understandable. After all, beer, unlike vodka or wine, is often consumed regularly and in large quantities.

Beer alcoholism develops from excessive consumption of beer. A person can easily become an alcoholic without even knowing it. Unfortunately, an alcoholic can also be considered someone who drinks neither wine nor vodka, but drinks several liters of beer every day. In terms of the concentration of ethyl alcohol, four liters of beer are equivalent to a bottle of vodka, and the depth of poisoning depends precisely on the content of ethyl alcohol in the body. A small volume of a drink with a high strength leads to rapid intoxication. If you drink a large volume with a lower strength, intoxication will occur more slowly, but the concentration of ethyl alcohol will remain the same.

And there is no longer much difference whether you drink a bottle of vodka (200 g of alcohol) or four liters of beer every day - in both cases this is alcoholism. This vision of events can be an unexpected discovery for people who do not understand what intoxication is or have never thought about it. Often such people do not recognize themselves as alcoholics, although in reality they have an openly expressed alcohol addiction. Not a single alcoholic started straight away with vodka or moonshine. He starts with beer or wine, or the notorious cocktails. But at the same time, the mechanisms of dependence are formed in the same way. Thus, the following chain can be traced: “beer drinking – beer alcoholism – ordinary alcoholism.”

Consequences of beer alcoholism

Nowadays, a lot of scientific data has accumulated showing that beer consumed more than 0.5 liters per day, contrary to the ingrained opinion of most people, is not at all a harmless, harmless drink, but quite the opposite. Regular consumption of this “soft” drink leads to the gradual development of many diseases. Contained in beer, even if not large quantities, alcoholic toxins (and they enter the body in quite dangerous quantities if a person drinks beer in large quantities during the day), as well as a number of other compounds foreign to the body, distort the course of metabolic processes, worsen the functions of vital organs and systems. In this case, the cardiovascular system, digestive organs and brain are primarily affected.

Unfortunately, many people are still quite poorly informed about the insidiousness of beer. And an example of this is the often occurring real beer feasts, moreover, with the use of a large number of pickles. And this is typical for many countries of the world, including ours. In Bavaria, for example, traditional beer festivals are held annually. The next one, which took place recently, brought sad records. On this day, more than 5 million liters of the “wonderful” Bavarian drink were drunk. 223 of his fans were even taken to hospitals in an unconscious state.

With frequent consumption of beer, the activity of the gastrointestinal system is in a state of chronic overstrain, especially the liver. Toxic substances in beer, like other stronger alcoholic drinks, as evidenced by recent neurochemical studies, stimulate the release of potent adrenaline hormones (or, as it is called, the anxiety hormone) in brain cells, which in some cases leads to outbreaks of aggressiveness. At the same time, the so-called sadness hormone is released into the blood, which contributes to the development of a depressed mood.

Beer no less dangerous product(if abused) for the central nervous system than other high-strength alcoholic beverages. American scientists, after conducting a series of studies, concluded: drivers drinking beer before a trip is potentially more dangerous than drinking wine.

Beer is quickly absorbed into the body, filling the bloodstream. When you drink a lot, varicose veins and expansion of the borders of the heart occur. Radiologists call this phenomenon “beer heart” syndrome or “nylon stocking” syndrome. If you abuse beer, the heart “sags”, becomes flabby, and its functions as a “living motor” are lost forever.

Also, in response to drinking beer, a pathological substance begins to be released in the male body (in particular, in the liver), which suppresses the production of the main male sex hormone methyltestosterone. As a result, female sex hormones begin to be produced: the pelvis becomes wider, the mammary glands grow.

Scientists have found that drinking beer leads to obesity, chronic diseases worsening, and new ailments appearing. By the way, for reference: even a seemingly harmless, in the opinion of many, glass of beer, drunk every day for a year, gives a weight gain of up to 15 kg. True, they knew about this before. No wonder Bismarck once said: “Beer makes you lazy, stupid and powerless.”

Why beer is dangerous for teenagers

Beer is especially dangerous for younger generation, hallmark which has accelerated in the last three decades. This means rapid improvement. physical development boys and girls are noticeably ahead of the mental. The increasing lability of the neuroendocrine system, accompanied by active puberty, makes the body of young people more vulnerable to many harmful environmental factors, including, and primarily, alcohol and tobacco. The so-called normal dose of alcohol for adults, and this naturally applies to beer, will be above the threshold for the younger generation, and therefore much more toxic. And the peculiarities of the function of the hypothalamus play a large role in the development of predisposition and addiction to low-alcohol drinks, because some of its specific formations are actively involved, as already noted, in the formation of alcoholism.

Nowadays beer is easily accessible and relatively inexpensive. That is why even schoolchildren and students can afford to drink beer. Various kinds of cocktails, in which there is practically nothing of those components that are indicated in the composition: no rum, no real gin, no natural juices, are also not toys. Many teenagers think that beer and cocktails are not dangerous, that they simply change their mood better side, do not interfere too much with thinking, allowing you to control your body quite tolerably, and therefore do not cause you to take yourself seriously. But, as it often turns out, after a couple of years after systematically consuming these low-alcohol drinks, it is no longer possible to live without alcohol.

As medical observations show, when a teenager drinks beer in the coming months, rarely years (and the countdown, naturally, is from the first glass of beer or wine), a fairly rapid addiction to them occurs, and by the end of the year, which most often happens, a an already defined stereotype of alcoholic behavior, which increases the body’s need for more frequent drinking of beer, and in an ever-increasing dose. In the second year of the “beer life,” mental dependence is already formed, i.e., the craving not only for beer, but also for stronger drinks increases sharply. After some time, physical dependence on alcohol also develops. There are all the signs of teenage alcoholism.

Beer and pregnancy are incompatible

It has long been known that beer has a toxic effect on organs and their cells responsible for procreation. Beer in some cases leads to the development of infertility. And if pregnancy occurs, then the poisonous compounds of beer, as well as other alcoholic drinks, can lead to the development of anatomical and mental defects, with which children are born (if, of course, they survive until birth). The toxic properties of beer increase sharply if it is consumed together with vodka or wine.

In this case, beer noticeably lengthens the duration of action of other alcohol-containing products, at the same time increasing their harmful effect on the body of both the parents and the embryo and fetus. An indisputable conclusion follows from this: since someone drinks beer, then at the same time it is categorically not recommended to drink other wine and vodka products. The toxic properties of beer increase even more sharply if a person also smokes, because tobacco and alcohol toxins (of course, beer ones too) are synergists. They are strong catalysts for each other. That is why the harm caused by the simultaneous use of these products is much greater than from their simple arithmetic sum.

There is a lot of evidence suggesting that beer is more common cause complications of pregnancy and its outcomes. And this is evidenced not only by animal experiments, but also by clinical observations. In addition, drinking beer during the months when the mother is breastfeeding leads to serious health problems for children.

German researcher I. Leibzon, having traced the fate of 300 children aged one to five years, whose mothers drank Bavarian beer, traditional for their places of residence, during the period of breastfeeding homemade, concluded that 87% of their offspring were retarded in intellectual development and 67% suffered from some form of digestive disease. But what turned out to be completely unexpected was that the mortality rate among newborns in the first year of life was 15.6%. And in nursing mothers themselves, as shown by the work of the Australian surgeon Yu. Rosenthal, in 59% of cases difficult-to-treat conditions were diagnosed. inflammatory processes mammary glands (mastitis).

Beer stimulates growth cancer cells

Beer, as evidenced by the work of oncologists, also promotes the development of malignant tumors by stimulating the growth of cancer cells. It has now become known that in healthy human body in varying quantities there are oncogenic cells, which, with reliably functioning adaptation mechanisms, are destroyed by special killer cells, or T-lymphocytes (blood cells).

They do their job perfectly if human biological systems function normally, that is, they are not exposed to harmful environmental factors, including alcohol and tobacco. But in smokers and drinkers, this defense system always suffers, which explains their increased susceptibility to the development of cancer.

Features of treatment of beer alcoholism

Beer alcoholism invariably leads to ordinary alcoholism if it is not detected in time and treated.

But it should be taken into account that when treating beer alcoholism and refusing to drink beer, it will never be possible to resume “cultural drinking”. This happens because brain metabolism is disrupted and the normal reaction to alcohol and beer will never be restored. Any consumption of alcohol will inevitably lead to a breakdown; metabolic disorders will occur immediately or some time later. Even many years of abstinence do not allow you to count on the fact that “the body has been cleansed” and you will be able to drink again.

Another difficulty is that it is much more difficult to fight the craving for beer than the craving for vodka. Beer alcoholism is an extremely dangerous disease that persists and is difficult to treat. After a long time, a person will want to inhale this aroma once again, feel this taste, feel this deep relaxing effect, this self-confidence and this peace. You need to be prepared for this, and if you decide to quit drinking, then go all the way!

So, our advice is this: “Get joy from life, including from beer - but don’t fall into a trap!” And if problems arise, stop immediately, on your own or with the help of a doctor.